Hoërskool Vryheid het ‘n opwindende week gehad. Ons Matriekklasse het hulle laaste Gasvryheid Prakties gehad en vir oulaas gebak en gebrou in die kombuis waar hulle al so gemaklik is. Ons het Vrydag, 19 Mei, ‘n  “Trek aan soos jou Ouma en Oupa”- dag gehad, waar beide die leerders en onderwysers  soos ‘n ouma of

Friday the 5th of May was a very positive day where the ACTS group [Association for Christian Teacher and Students] held a Bible Quiz. We had number of students join in and eleven teams of four students participated. The groups were required to list as many books of the Bible as they could in the

Mei maand het begin en die tweede kwartaal is in volle swang. Die sport hou ons besig en die eksamens is op die horison. This term has been filled with long weekends and short weeks. Even though the weeks are short they are filled with activities. We had the ACTS Easter performance last week that

Dit is slegs die 2de week van die kwartaal, maar reeds is die dae gevul met verskeie aktiwiteite. On Wednesday the 19th of April some of the teams played against St Dominics. The second team netball won 14-5 and the first team won 24-12. The hockey boys played hard but unfortunately lost 8-0. The chess

Na `n kort besige vakansie is almal terug op dreef en besig met akademie. Ons was bevoorreg genoeg om ons sport spanne op toer af te sien tydens die laaste week van skool en in die week van die vakansie. Ons eerstespan hokkiemeisies het tydens die laaste week aan die Amajuba sportweek deelgeneem wat deur

 VHS rugby kraai koning!

After a restful long weekend, there was an eventful week ahead of us at Vryheid High School. On Wednesday the 22nd of March we continued with our spirit week. The learners had to wear anything green and gold. The u/16 and u/19 rugby boys traveled to Ferrum High School to play trials for the Northern

Die gees loop hoog by VHS

What a busy week it has been at Vryheid High School! The Interact club has been eagerly selling Easter Hamper raffle tickets to raise money for child welfare. Tickets can be purchased at the Children’s Welfare offices, located at 166 Landdrost Street. On Wednesday, March 15th, the new members of the School Governing Body were

Vryheid High School Golf

Ons golf spelers het hierdie week hulle eerste wedstryd van die jaar gehad . Ons is trots om te sien hoe ons golf span van krag tot krag groei. VHS rugby kraai konings. Vryheid High School participated in the Eshowe Winter Sports Tournament on the 11th of March held at Eshowe High School.   The sun

Hoërskool Vryheid het Saterdag, die 4de Maart, ons eerste sportbyeenkoms gehad waar ons kragte gemeet het teen Hoërskool Empangeni. Die 1ste skaakspan het 5-5 gelykop gespeel. Die o/14 en o/15 netbalspanne het albei hul wedstryde gewen. Die o/16 en 2de span het ongelukkig verloor maar met goeie sportmanskap. Die 1ste netbalspan het `n moeilike wedstryd

VHS keer terug na tradisies

Saalbyeenkomste is nie meer iets van die verlede nie. Die skool het teruggekeer na tradisionele saalbyeenkomstes soos dit altyd gedoen is. Die graad 10-12`s kom op Maandae byeen en die graad 8 en 9`s kom op `n Vrydag in die saal byeen. Die week is die skool se verskeie sportsoorte se eerstespanne aan die skool

Die kwartaaal is in volle swang, die graad agts raak gewoond aan die skool en die sportspanne het begin oefen. Die leerders oefen vir atletiek of hul gunsteling wintersport. Akademie het ten volle begin en die leerders het reeds baie werk om te doen. We have also started with our cultural events for the year.

2023 kicks off with a bang!

Die begin van enige iets nuuts is altyd angswekkend en dit is hoe amper elke graad 8 leerling voel die aand voordat hulle by die nuwe Hoërskool begin. Die kwartaal het afgeskop met die onderwysers wat teruggekeer het na die vakansie en reg gemaak het om die leerders terug te verwelkom en die nuwe leerders

Prestigious Prizegiving at VHS

This week was filled with emotional days. The grade 12’s last day of their high school career came to an end and they also said goodbye to many things during the week. On Wednesday the 19th of October our Sport and Culture evening was held. The learners are praised for their prestigious accomplishments on the

Die matrieks is amper klaar, die graad elwe is in beheer en die skool is die week net so besig soos altyd. Dinsdag het die skaakspan, `n junior en `n senior netbalspan reggemaak om teen Inkamana kragte te meet. Die meisies het dit geniet om op `n ander tyd as die gewone netbal te speel.

The month of May was quite a busy month at Vryheid High. We had sports, charity month, and cultural competitions. Our last sports fixture against Newcastle High School was one to remember. The kids have been so happy to just have a normal sports season for the first time in three years and to end

Die laaste kort week vir die kwartaal is verby en die toetse is byna hier. Die onderwysers spartel om alles klaar te kry en die sport hou almal uit die moeilikheid in die middae. The University of Pretoria was here to visit the matric learners on Wednesday the 4th of May. When the universities visit

Hierdie week was die netbal behoorlik in die lig by Hoërskool Vryheid. Die Zululand netbal proewe is te Hoërskool Vryheid gehou om Woensdag die 18de April. Die o/12 en 13 meisies het reeds om 10:00  hul staal begin wys. Die 0/14 en 15 meisies was om 12:00 aan die beurt en die 0/16’s, 0/17’s en


Ons het die kwartaal op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit. Die eerstespan meisieshokkie het deelgeneem aan die Amajuba Sportweek wat deur Hoërskool Volksrust aangebied is. In die oggende was daar hokkie-klinieke aangebied deur oud-springbok spelers en -afrigters. Die meisies het die geleentheid gekry om in die middae wedstryde te speel waar hulle twee wedstryde gewen het


Verlede naweek het die skool se hokkie, rugby en netbal eerste spanne deelgeneem aan die Eshowe toernooi in Eshowe. Die verskillende skole het uitspeelrondes teen mekaar gespeel en het uiteindelik semi finale en finale gespeel. Die netbalspan het algeheel 6de geeïndig. Die rugby het in die finale kragte gemeet teeh Vryheid Landbou, maar het ongelukkig

Die week was `n rustiger week by Hoërskool Vryheid. Daar is gefokus op akademie en die leerders het herstel van verlede naweek se kragmeting teen Empangeni Hoër. Die dag het begin met mistigheid op die bus en die leerders het geweet dat hulle alles sal moet gee as hulle die dag op    n suksesvolle

Glitz and glam at Vryheid High David Minlah; Tyra Hughes

Verlede naweek was ‘n prettige naweek vir die hokkie bokkies. Hulle het deelgeneem aan die Spar toernooi by Hoërskool Ferrum in Newcastle. Die meisies het uitgesien om meer as een wedstryd te speel en om die kans te kry om op `n astro baan te speel. Die meisies het wedstryde teen Newcastle Hoër en Sarel

Sport is in volle swang by Vryheid Hoër hierdie week. Ons rugby seuns het die vorige Saterdag, 19 Februarie 2022 aan die Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag deelgeneem. Ons kan nie meer trots wees op ons seuns se prestasies nie. Hulle het hulle harte op die rugbyveld uitgespeel. Our chess players also had a busy week. They

Aktiwiteite by VHS is in volle swang.’n Klompie entoesiastiese swemmers het gesorg vir groot kompetisie in die swembad en het die volgende prestasies by die interhuis behaal. Junior Victor Ludorum: William Lang; Junior Victrix Ludorum: Rebecca Mattison; Senior Victor Ludorum: Duncan De Villiers en Senior Victrix Ludorum: Carmen Barsdorf. The week of love was an

Bianca Hellberg is nie net as Hoërskool Vryheid se Dux leerling aangewys nie, maar sy is ook verlede week as een van Zululand se top 10 studente aangewys. Sy gaan in die komende week Vryheid Hoër verteenwoordig, in Ulundi, by die distrik se prysuitdeling. Ons wil haar graag geluk wens met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie. Graad

Grey King het koning gekraai

En … Die uitslae is in. Grey King het koning gekraai by verlede week se interhuis atletiek byeenkoms. Die leerders het vêr gegooi en blitsvinnig gehardloop. Die volgende atlete is aangewys as die beste baan- en veld atlete: Beste seuns veldatleet, A Masondo, met ‘n afstand van 10.57m in gewigstoot. Die beste seunsbaanatleet is S.

What a week at VHS!

The perfect balance of academics, sport and fun was had this week. We started off with first team netball trials on Saturday, 22 January. The girls were eager and excited to get on the court again. They played their hearts out and persevered on the court. Die jaarlikse atletiekbyeenkoms is op Dinsdag, 25 Januarie 2022


The class of 2021 had two years of Covid-19 restricted education, constant interruptions, rotational timetables, and extra classes. They have shown resilience and grit. They have taken the pass rate of 87 % from the previous year and improved it to 95,1 %. Vryheid High school had a total of 144 candidates that wrote their

The learners are putting their year’s efforts into paper in the current exams.  We had the honour of hosting our academic prize giving, where we could acknowledge the hard work the learners have invested in their academics this year.   The following learners received exceptional achievements: Top Grade 8 achiever: Sbobongakonke Hadebe Top Grade 9 achiever:


A twelve-year journey has come to an end for the class 2021.   We celebrated their school career in style. The event was at the mercy of the Covid regulations, but we were fortunate enough to host a glamourous Arabian Night.   The matrics all looked exceptional and the night was a great success.   Nothing tells a

BEEI Application

BEEI Applications


We have a jam-packed week ahead of us.  The matrics will finish their prelim exams and blow off all the pent-up steam this Friday at their matric farewell, an event that promises to be glamorous.  The rest of the school will end the term with a colour festival.   We were truly blessed the past week

Governing Body Posts Available

Fun Times at VHS

We all have become accustomed to the fact that the restrictions rob us of fun times. The past two weeks we have refused to accept that.  We hosted an internal soccer and netball tournament.   It was good to see learners on the sports field again, having fun.  Congratulations to our gr 9 soccer team that

Vryheid High School Prefects 2021

VHS Staying Active

We have concluded an eventful week at Vryheid High School. We have appointed our leader corps for the next year and wish them all of the best for their tenure as the leaders of our school.  Our Marimba band has been hard at work despite the continued forced Covid-19 breaks and were eventually allowed to

It is encouraging to see that our learners are still excelling despite the uncertain times we are facing. We would like to congratulate the following choristers that have been selected to represent NKZN Youth Choir: Amahle Dlamini, Khutso Selowa, Bonga Xaba, Andiswa Dlamini, Simphiwe Xaba, Owami Zulu. Jano Strydom has also been awarded the Drummond

A long-overdue NSC awards ceremony was hosted the past week. The pandemic halted the annual awards ceremony.  Both 2019 and 2020 awards were handed out and as per usual VHS excelled. The following subjects had a 100% pass rate: Life Orientation Mr Booyens, Ms Venter, Ms van Tonder Afrikaans First Addtional Ms Stapelberg, Mr van

Hoerskool Vryheid High

The school sporting world has been rocked this week with news that all winter sport has to cease, just as we were starting to get into the swing of things again.  Fortunately, our school has many activities apart from sport, where the learners can express themselves. The ACTS Christian organisation hosted a Bible quiz. Congratulations


We were blessed with yet another busy week.  Not a single day was wasted.  We would like to congratulate the following learners that have made it to the final rounds of trials: Netball U/14 Zululand team Keara Robson, Senamile Khanyile, Bongimfundo Cele. u/15 Zululand team Amahle Dladla, Aphile Zulu, Thembelihle Ntsangase, Buhle Madonsela. U/17 Zululand


The first week of the term is behind us and not a moment was wasted.  We returned on Monday and were welcomed back with our first winter sport fixture against Piet Retief High School.  The learners were thrilled to step into the competitive arena again after such a long layoff from the sports fields.   On


VHS Learners giving back

It is said that you have not lived today if you have not done something for someone who can not repay you.  VHS Interact took on a collection project to tend to the needs of dogs in our rural areas.  They have been hard at work collecting food, blankets and medication.  The collection drive was

Pamela Chukwu. South-African-Black-Netball-Player

We are very proud to see how one of our past scholars is excelling on the netball courts, Pamela Chukwu. Pamela was selected to represent the President’s XII. They recently played against the Baby Proteas, where Pamela was selected as player of the match. We hope you all have a blessed Easter weekend, be safe.


Covid-19 has taken so much from us, but it has surely taught all of us a valuable lesson in that we cannot take anything for granted.  One of these things we took for granted was celebrating our achievers at our annual prize-giving.  We had to make do with what we had at our disposal. We


Fresh Start at VHS

The year 2021 has started and we already been faced with a handful of challenges.  If 2020 has taught us anything, is that we should not take anything for granted.  Any chance we get to spend with our fellow VHS family this year, whether on the sport fields or in the classroom, will be seen

South African freshwater angling champion - Zander van Greuning

Zander van Greuning most certainly could not have been more delighted with the relaxing of the restrictions, as he has recently been crowned the South African freshwater angling champion.  Results We all feel restricted in our movements and feel caged in during the pandemic. As the restrictions have relaxed, it has allowed us to do

Academic Olympiad success at Vryheid High School

The matrics are finishing off the last of their year’s work as they ready themselves for the trial exams, that will kick off this Wednesday.  We wish them the best of luck.  Congratulations to the following learners who have made it through to the next round of the Old Mutual maths Academic Olympiad: B. Nehohwe,

Hoërskool Vryheid High School - Covid-19

We have been given a curveball this year. Life as we know it has been thrown upside down. Vryheid High has been hard at work to try and restore normality at our school. We have recently launched a talent show with a twist. All entries are online and our audience will also be behind a

Vryheid High School working for a better future

When faced with tough times one can only look to the future.  Our marketing team has been hard at work visiting all our neighbouring primary schools, selling our wonderful school.  Our team has visited both Nardini Convent and NRS the past week.  Vryheid High had to be abruptly shut down on Wednesday as a precaution.

Keeping social distance isn’t easy - Vryheid High School

All ‘’masked’’ smiles at Vryheid High Even though we have to hide our smiles at Vryheid High, we are not letting it dampen our spirits.  Keeping social distance isn’t easy, especially at a high school, but we are coping with the ‘’new normal.’’ Thank you to Spar for making this task easier for the learners

Monday saw a number of anxious grade 12 faces entering the gate.  Friday a clear change in the mood was evident.  Grade 12’s quickly realised that all safety measures are in place and the academics could be prioritised. Our educators and learners adapted really well to the change and can not wait too welcome back