Mei maand het begin en die tweede kwartaal is in volle swang. Die sport hou ons besig en die eksamens is op die horison.
This term has been filled with long weekends and short weeks. Even though the weeks are short they are filled with activities.
We had the ACTS Easter performance last week that was made possible by our wonderful sponsor, Vryheid Meatmasters. Thank you for your devotion to our ACTS club.
The players used Tuesday to prepare for the matches against Landbou, Wednesday. The rugby, hockey, netball and chess had a chance to compete against Landbou. Our netball u/14 A won 21-0; u/15A won 21-7; 2nd team lost 12-14 and the first team lost 17-28. The hockey girls gave their all on the field. The u/14’s won 3-0 and the first team had an impressive score of 6-0. The rugby boys are showing that hard work and preserverence will pay off. The u/14’s lost 0-14; the u/15’s won 19-0; u/16’s won 12-5; the second team won 22-5 and the first team won 10-5. The chess made us proud with their 9-1 win.
Die hokkiemiesies was nie net Woensdag besig nie, maar hulle moes voorberei vir die spar toernooi wat op Saterdag 6 Mei plaasgevind het. Die spartoernooi is altyd ‘n lekker voorbereiding vir ander wedstryde, want die spelers kry die geleentheid om meer as een wedstryd te speel. Die meisies het gegaan om hulle harte uit te speel en dit is presies wat hulle gedoen het. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Dundee 1-0 gewen; Hoërskool Amajuba 1-0 gewen; Hoërskool Utrecht 2-0 gewen: St. Domonic’s 0-2 verloor, maar het ongelukkig in die semi-finaal vasgeval teen Hoërskool Ferrum en 0-3 verloor.