We had a busy sporting weekend at Vryheid High School: our winter sport teams had away games, while our netball girls hosted a netball clinic.
The first Boy’s hockey team played at the Spur pre-season tournament at St Dominics and finished fourth overall, taking away valuable lessons to apply during their season. The boys would like to thank Afrimat for sponsoring their playing kit.
Our rugby teams played against Sarel Cilliers High School and the results were as follow:
- u/14 vs Pionier Hoërskool 43-5 VHS wen
- u/15 vs Dundee High School 50-12 VHS wins
- u/16 vs Sarel Cilliers High School 25-3 VHS verloor
- 2nd vs Ferrum High School 50-0 VHS lost
- 1st vs Greytown High School 22-17 VHS wen
Hoërskool Vryheid het die afgelope naweek ‘n suksesvolle netbalkliniek gehad. The clinic was presented by Anso Kemp, an international umpire, and Erin Burger, the center of the Protea netball team. The players and all the coaches learnt many of new skills and techniques.
Baie geluk aan al ons se afrigters wat die skeidsregterskursus geslaag het. Ons sien uit na die seisoen wat voorlê.
25 Feb Wintersport vs Empangeni (Tuis)
25 Feb Spar Girls Hockey Tournament 1st Team (Pongola)
28 Feb HPM Information Evening (School Hall)
4 Mrt Wintersport vs Richardbaai (Weg)