Verlede naweek was ‘n prettige naweek vir die hokkie bokkies. Hulle het deelgeneem aan die Spar toernooi by Hoërskool Ferrum in Newcastle.
Die meisies het uitgesien om meer as een wedstryd te speel en om die kans te kry om op `n astro baan te speel. Die meisies het wedstryde teen Newcastle Hoër en Sarel Cilliers gewen, maar het vasgeval teen Hoërskool Pionier en Hoërskool Dundee. Die opwindenheid was groot en die meisies het die wedstryde terdee geniet. Hulle het algeheel 5de uit 8 skole geiïndig.
Vryheid High’s very own Mr and Miss Vryheid high was on everyone’s lips this week. After a lot of preparation and practice the top ten boys had the chance to participate on Monday night and the girls had their evening filled with glitz and glam on Tuesday. The participants had to model three items: school wear, theme wear, and finally formal wear.
The boys did not shy away from the opportunity to show us how handsome they can look in a tuxedo and a tie. And the girls could not have looked any prettier. With the completion of the night, the winners were announced. David Minlah is our new Mr Vryheid High and Tyra Hughes our new Miss Vryheid High. These learners have the privilege to wear their crowns for the next year.