Hoërskool Vryheid het ‘n trotse tradisie waaraan baie toegewyde ouers, personeel en leerders deur die jare gebou het. Dit is ‘n eer en voorreg om aan die skool verbonde te wees en daarom moet ons ten alle tye daarna streef om in ons gemeenskaplike doel van opvoeding te slaag. Die skool se leuse, Tenax Propositi Vinco, (deur volharding word sukses behaal) moet altyd met trots bejeën word. Ons doel is om lojaal te wees teenoor almal wat saam met ons deel is van Hoërskool Vryheid. In nakoming van die daargestelde skoolreëls vind opvoeding in ‘n gedissiplineerde milieu plaas en eers dan word die leerders gelei tot verantwoordelikheid, om uiteindelik hul plek in die samelewing te beklee.
Vryheid High School has a proud tradition built by dedicated parents, staff and pupils over many years. It is an honour and privilege to be connected with this school, and therefore in our common aim of education, the school’s motto ‘Tenax Propositi Vinco’ (victory through perseverance) shall serve as our basis and as an incentive. Our aim is to be loyal towards everybody who forms part of Vryheid High School. When learners obey the rules, education takes place in a disciplined environment, and only then are learners led to responsibility and eventually, they will take their place in society as responsible, moral adults.