Having Fun at the Fruit Festival 2020 and caring at VHS
The time table is in full swing and the learners are getting used to the challenges their new grades have to offer. We work hard at VHS, but we sure do know how to have fun. We had our Fruit festival on Thursday, followed by our Gr 8 sokkie. Everybody that attended had a blast. We also had our first Blood drive for the year were all the seniors donated blood. We are proud of all of you for your selfless act. Vryheid High donated a total of 70 units. We hope we can build on this for the remaining blood drives. ‘n Besige week is agter die rug en die opkomende week is net so bedrywig met die interhuis swem en atletiek wat die week plaasvind. Ons wens almal ‘n geseënde week toe.
Week’s program:
27th January, Wednesday – Inter house gala
31st January, Friday – Inter house athletics
31st January, Friday -Teacher team building weekend