Ons is amper klaar. Die skool is in rep en roer met voorbereiding vir die merksentrum, so wel as voorbereiding vir volgende jaar. Verlede week was die einde in sig toe ons graad 11 leerders hul eksamen afgesluit het met lewenswetenskap prakties.
Last week Tuesday, we ended our school exams with grade 11 LFSC practicals where the learners were identifying, dissecting and analysing all manners of biological entities. We would like to wish all our learners a restful and safe break and we hope that they will return next year willing, able and eager to learn new and fantastic things about life and the world around them.
Our leaders were also very busy in the week that has passed. They had a positive session with Mrs Inmari Carstens and got to work, getting ready for the grade 8 learners of 2018 by making booklets, nametags and planning a variety of fun and welcoming activities. We, here at Vryheid High School, are all very excited about your arrival next year, grade 7s and we hope that you are as enthusiastic and excited to be part of our family as we are to have you here.
As can be seen in our photo, this week the leaders of 2018 also got to work doing their part in continuing tradition and preserving history when they got stuck into scrubbing, scraping, painting and polishing the historical school bell. We are already very proud of this group of young leaders and the enthusiasm with which they have approached their role and their responsibilities in the school. They are truly embodying the school’s five values.
We would like to remind parents to keep an eye out for notifications as to when the report cards will be ready for collection from the school. We will communicate this information via email and sms.
Lastly, this will be my last report for the school as I am leaving. I would like to thank every anonymous reader: thank you for your time, patience and feedback about the articles. Writing for the school has been an excellent growth opportunity for me as a person, teacher and life-long learner. Thank you.