It is with sadness that we wish two of our young staff members farewell and good luck on the new and exciting ventures that they are taking their careers in. We are also excited to report on one of our new staff member’s initiatives to help her grade 11 learners revise.
Mrs. Kirsten Feather and Ms. Leandri Cronjé are both leaving us at the end of this term to start new adventures in their lives elsewhere. Ms. Cronjé started at VHS three years ago and has been here for most of her teaching career. She started the Scimath club in 2015 and has nurtured our learners not just in the classroom but also here. Two of her Scimath learners were invited to participate in the Science Olympiad last year, based on their achievements. We wish her all the best of luck with her new adventures in the Western Cape.
Mrs. Kirsten Feather is an old learner at VHS and we were so lucky that she chose to return here as an educator as well. She started here in 2013 and has been a force to be reckoned with not only doing her due diligence in the classroom, but also dabbling in a variety of other areas in the school; next to the netball court and swimming pool as well as serving on the SGB and taking charge of our school’s leaders and shaping them into the leaders of tomorrow with integrity and other important values. We wish her and her family courage and luck with their new adventures abroad.
We would like to thank both these teachers for their dedication and hard work in and outside of the classroom, you have made a difference and your time with us mattered.
It is also with great pride that we add this little section from one of our new educators, Ms. Oberholzer, on her initiative to help her grade 11 learners revise. She had the following to say: On Thursday, 8 June, a few Grade 11 Life Sciences learners took part in the ‘BIO-LYMPICS’. Incorporating revision with fun and physical activity, creating positive associations with learning. Questions ranged from micro-organisms to the biodiversity of plants and cellular respiration. According to one of the learners it was, “The most fun class I’ve ever had.” By mixing fun and theory, more senses can be engaged, paving the way towards academic excellence.
Thank you Ms. Oberholzer for going the extra mile to make learning fun and relevant to the learners.
We continue to wish all our learners the best of luck with their exams and their studies, and patients and energy to our teachers with their late night marking.
Exam quote: There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. – General Colin Powell