The head leaders for 2019 are:
- Hostel head boy: Sipho Ndebele together with Owami Buthelezi as the hostel head girl.
- The deputy head boys at school are: Sipho Ndebele and Abdulla Jasat
- The deputy head girls are: Tebogo Sedise and Kwandi Nkosi
- The head boy is Andi Niebuhr and head girl is Rebekka Barnard.
Amazing Awards
Na ‘n jaar se harde werk het VHS erkenning gegee aan elke leerder se prestasies tydens die jaarlikse prysuitdelings.
Met die Sport en Kultuur prysuitdeling is altesame 99 balkies, 34 kleure en 10 erekleure toegeken aan leerders vir kultuur. 109 balkies, 61 kleure en 8 erekleure is toegeken vir sport.
Die volgende trofees is toegeken aan toppresteerders:
- Kultuurraad van Vryheid: Skild vir die Kultuurpersoonlikheid van die Jaar – Marion Filter
- VHS-trofee: Sportvrou van die Jaar (buite skoolverband) – Nicole Wessels vir Karate
- ABSA bank-trofee: Sportman van die Jaar (buite skoolverband) – Zander van Greuning vir Hengel
- PJ Fourie-trofee: Most Versatile Sportswoman – Chloé Henstock
- PJ Fourie-trofee: Most Versatile Sportsman – Lethu Mthethwa
- VHS-trofee: Sportvrou van die jaar – Cara Klingenberg
- VHS-trofee: Sportman van die jaar – Linamandla Mngomezulu
With the Academic Prize Giving Ceremony 40 scrolls, 35 colours and 16 honours were awarded to various learners.
Top achievers per grade: Tahira Sheik (gr. 8), Bianka Hellberg (gr. 9), Amkele Nkambule (gr. 10) and Aliya Paruk (gr. 11). The following trophies were awarded to the grade 12 learners:
- Durban College Trophy for CAT – Tyron Bure
- Prima Deutsch Pokal Trophy for German Second Additional Language (non-German) – Katelyne Rorke
- Thomas Volker Family Trophy for German Second Additional Language (German) – Claudia Niebuhr
- Vryheid Districts Director’s Trophy for Zulu First Additional Language – Sanelisiwe Zulu
- Van Wyk Trophy for Life Orientation – Siphesihle Khoza
- Len Gibbons Trofee vir Verbruikerstudies – Anke Slump
- Absa Trofee vir Bedryfstudies – Anke Slump
- Afrikanerbond Vryheid Trofee vir Afrikaans Huistaal asook Gordon Lemmon-Warde Trophy for English First Additional Language – Elné le Roux
- Mascor Volkswagen Trofee vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal – Marion Filter
- NTT Toyota Trophy for Accounting – Alberdene Jacobs
- Sanlam Trophy for Mathematics – Yaseerah Sujee
- Bevon Motors Trofee vir Wiskunde Geletterdheid asook Bevon Motors Trofee vir Toerisme – Cara Klingenberg
- Allday Woodworks Trofee vir IGO asook De Wet Trofee vir Fisiese Wetenskap – Chané Lombard
Top Achiever for grade 12 was Nicole Muhl. She was awarded the following trophies:
- NTT Toyota Trophy for English Home Language, Mascor John Deere Trophy for Geography and Nicole Stroebel Trophy for Life Sciences.
- 29 OKT Gr 8 – 11 Eksamen