Ons kan met trots hierdie week ons skool se top presteerders op beide die atletiekveld en die akademiese arena meld. Baie geluk aan ons uitblinkers.
It is with pride that we can announce our top achievers on both the athletics field and in the academic arena. Congratulations to these bright stars.
Athletics 28 January 2017
Girls under 15
M. Hibbert 2nd in shot put and discuss.
D. Swart 1st in discuss and 3rd in shot put
Girls under 17
M. Filter 2nd in shot put and discuss
Girls under 19
S. Henning 1st shot put and discuss
C. Janse van Vuuren 2nd shot put discuss
By die vriendskaplike interskole byeenkoms, te Pionier, op 2 Februarie 2017, behaal Hoërskool Vryheid: 7 eerste plekke, 16 tweede plekke en 5 derde plekke.
Welgedaan julle.
Our top ten learners were also announced and below are the top achievers for each grade.
- Grade 12 Stefanie Lilje
- Grade 11 Nicole Muhl
- Grade 10 Aliya Paruk
- Grade 9 Kyle Crous
Once again we would like to congratulate these learners on their excellent achievement and once again helping us showcase that we are a school of diversity in all aspects.
- 11 Feb Athletics meeting (Piet Retief)
- 14 Feb Valentines Dance