The NKZN Super 8 tournament was held at VHS on Saturday and our cricket girls team put on a great display for the home crowd. In their first two matches they beat NHS by 21 runs and an invitational team by 31 runs.
This set up a title deciding match against defending champions Ferrum. VHS batted first and put 56 runs on the board and followed this up with a tight bowling performance as Ferrum ended 3 runs short. Well done on a superb team effort.
Woensdag, 24 Julie het die o/15 krieketseuns tuis teen Sarel Cilliers gespeel en met 5 paaltjies verloor. Zander van Greunen was die beste kolwer met 69 lopies van 59 balle terwyl Jayden van Eck die beste bouler was met 3 paaltjies vir 17 lopies. Die 1ste span het eerste geboul teen Sarel Cilliers waarop Sarel 102 lopies aangeteken het. Die beste bouler was Kyle Meier met JD Hatting die beste kolwer. VHS teken 92 lopies aan en verloor met 10 lopies. Donderdag, het die 2de span teen Dundee gespeel en met 6 paaltjies verloor. Leo Mattison het ‘n goeie 51 lopies gemaak met al die boulers wat hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt het.
On Saturday, 27 July the Sevens rugby team competed in the Clifton‘s Tournament and were a force to be reckoned with and carry the VHS banner high. Well done, boys!
3 Aug Cricket u/15 vs Ladysmith (Away)
Cricket 2nd vs Sarel Cilliers (Home)
Cricket 1st vs Ferrum 2nd
5-7 Aug School House Rock (Concert)