The pandemic has thrown this year into disarray, more so the academic year.
Vryheid High has been hard at work the past two weeks ensuring that when our learners return, they will return to a safe learning space. Our educators have returned and have been briefed with all the safety precautions which will be followed ensuring the safety of our learners. Educators can not wait to welcome back their learners and to get back to teaching, even if it means in uncanny conditions.
The school as well as our two hostels have been deep cleaned and are Covid -19 ready. When faced with tough times one has always the prospect of a better future and with that in mind, we are already focusing our attention towards next year. Our Gr 8 admissions for 2021 will open on the 1st of June and close on the 7th of August. Parents are allowed to collect the admissions forms from the office. The school wellness program would like to leave you with the following thought: “Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.”