Sport is in volle swang by Vryheid Hoër hierdie week. Ons rugby seuns het die vorige Saterdag, 19 Februarie 2022 aan die Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag deelgeneem.
Ons kan nie meer trots wees op ons seuns se prestasies nie. Hulle het hulle harte op die rugbyveld uitgespeel.
Our chess players also had a busy week. They had a friendly match against Vryheid Comprehensive and Vryheid Landbou. Our chess players have had to practice to make sure that each move they make is a very strategic one.
Wednesday,23 February called for a lot of fun. The spirit of the learners could be seen and heard even before school. Not only did we have Chess against Vryheid Landbou but we also had a sports fixture at Landbou. For some of the teams, this would be our very first sports fixture and the players could not wait for the bell to ring at 14:00.
What made the day even more exciting and built on our school spirit was that we had an “everything but a school bag challenge”. The learners were able to bring anything except their school bags. We saw some creative schoolbags coming out. Learners brought anything from a plastic bag to a mini-fridge, we even saw fishing nets and got a chance to meet a bird called Bluey.
Die klok het gelui en die leerders het sou gou as moontlik by die busse uitgekom. Die opgewondenheid om sport te gaan speel het deur die gange weergalm. Die netbal meisies het verdedig, die hokkie meisies het gehardloop en die rugby seuns het drieë gedruk. Hoërskool Vryheid het beïndruk en die volgende uitslae is behaal: Die 1ste span hokkie meisies het 2 – 0 gewen. Die netbal uitslae: O/14‘s wen 16 – 5; O/15’s wen 9 0; 2de span wen 11 -10 en die eerste span meisies wen 15 -11. Die rugby seuns: O/14’s wen 24 – 10; 0/15’s wen 31 – 5; O/16’s wen 21 – 7; 2de span wen 24- 5 en die 1ste span seuns het gelykop gespeel 12 elk.
On Friday the 15th of February we closed off the week in a special way. ACTS (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) had a very successful praise and worship meeting on Friday during the second break. The meeting both started and ended with praise and worship. The learners were very enthusiastic and raised the roof with both songs. Kwazi Dlamini from Freedom Life Church delivered a message titled “Feels and Reals” where he encouraged learners to seek the truth and base their decisions on what the book of truth, the Bible, says.
Ons het ook die voorreg gehad om `n nuwe personneellid te verwelkom. Baie welkom aan mnr Juandre Coetzee. Ons hoop jy het ‘n ongelooflike reis by VHS en dat jou tyd hier net geluk en vreugde sal bring.