Friday the 5th of May was a very positive day where the ACTS group [Association for Christian Teacher and Students] held a Bible Quiz. We had number of students join in and eleven teams of four students participated. The groups were required to list as many books of the Bible as they could in the given time. The results were: Third place, with a score of 49/66, went to grade 10 learners: Senamile Kunene, Aphelele Masondo, Sanele Sibiya and Senzelwe Mbhamali. In second place, with a score of 52/66, were grade 11 leaners: Smukelo Nkosi, Alwande Ntombela, Kyle Brasdorf and Lesile Westermeyer. First place went to grade 12 leaners: Phambili Xulu, Silindile Mabuza, Siphuxolo Mngomezulu and Sibabili Nxumalo. They listed 57 of the 66 books of the Bible. Well done grade 12’s!
Die week was gevul met sport, nie net het ons teen Hoërskool Ferrum kragte gemeet nie, maar die netbal het selfs Donderdag teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel. Die wetstryde teen Hoërskool Ferrum is in twee dae op gedeel. Die seniors het Dinsdag, 9 Mei gespeel en die juniors Woensdag 1 Mei. Die weer het byna ‘n speek in ons wiele gesteek, maar die reën het vinnig weer verdwyn. Die uitslae is as volg gewees: Die skaak het 2-8 verloor. Die rugby: o/14‘s verloor 7-10; o/15‘s wen 10-0; o/16’s verloor 0-22; 2des speel 26-26 gelyk op en die 1ste span verloor ongelukkig 8-31. Die netbal: o14A verloor 9-17; o/14B verloor 4-8; o/15’s verloor 15-19; o/16A wen 12-10; o/16B verloor 6-10; 2des verloor 9-18 en die 1ste span verloor 7-38. Die hokkie:0/14’s verloor 0-2; o/16’s verloor 0-8; die 1ste seuns span verloor 0-4, maar die hokkimeisies los al hulle krag op die veld en speel 1-1 gelyk op.
Slegs die o/15 en 1ste span het teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel en die resultate is: o/15’s wen 29-6 en die 1ste span wen 42-5.
Excitement filled the air as students gathered for their sports day on the 13th of May playing against Sarel Cilliers High. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect for a day filled with friendly competition and fun. The day began with an opening ceremony at the Netball courts and at the Hockey field. As the games began, the atmosphere was electric. The event was not just about winning or losing, it was also about team sportsmanship, and having fun. The students showed great camaraderie, cheering for each other, and congratulating their opponents after every event.
The results were: rugby: u/14 24-5 won; u/15 27-0 won ; u/16 10-26 lost ; 2nd 7-5 won ; 1st team lost 0-7. Netball: u/14A won 19-3; u/14B won 19-0 ; u/15’s won 25-7; u/16’s won 31-17; 2nd team lost 12-14 and the 1st team lost 17-39. Hockey: u/14’s lost 0-2; u/16 lost 0-2 ;the 1st team boys lost 0-3 and the 1st team girls won 2-0. The chess won 7-3 As the day came to a close. The students left the field with smiles on their faces feeling proud of their achievements and looking forward to the next fixtures.
Not only did learners take part in school sport but in extra murals like karate. The learners achieved amazing results. Miancke Erasmus, Gr 8, won two silver medals. Clarissa James, gr 9, won two gold medals. Joyce Lubaki, Gr 11, won two gold medals.