Friday the 5th of May was a very positive day where the ACTS group [Association for Christian Teacher and Students] held a Bible Quiz. We had number of students join in and eleven teams of four students participated. The groups were required to list as many books of the Bible as they could in the given time. The results were: Third place, with a score of 49/66, went to grade 10 learners: Senamile Kunene, Aphelele Masondo, Sanele Sibiya and Senzelwe Mbhamali. In second place, with a score of 52/66, were grade 11 leaners: Smukelo Nkosi, Alwande Ntombela, Kyle Brasdorf and Lesile Westermeyer. First place went to grade 12 leaners: Phambili Xulu, Silindile Mabuza, Siphuxolo Mngomezulu and Sibabili Nxumalo. They listed 57 of the 66 books of the Bible. Well done grade 12’s!
Die week was gevul met sport, nie net het ons teen Hoërskool Ferrum kragte gemeet nie, maar die netbal het selfs Donderdag teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel. Die wetstryde teen Hoërskool Ferrum is in twee dae op gedeel. Die seniors het Dinsdag, 9 Mei gespeel en die juniors Woensdag 1 Mei. Die weer het byna ‘n speek in ons wiele gesteek, maar die reën het vinnig weer verdwyn. Die uitslae is as volg gewees: Die skaak het 2-8 verloor. Die rugby: o/14‘s verloor 7-10; o/15‘s wen 10-0; o/16’s verloor 0-22; 2des speel 26-26 gelyk op en die 1ste span verloor ongelukkig 8-31. Die netbal: o14A verloor 9-17; o/14B verloor 4-8; o/15’s verloor 15-19; o/16A wen 12-10; o/16B verloor 6-10; 2des verloor 9-18 en die 1ste span verloor 7-38. Die hokkie:0/14’s verloor 0-2; o/16’s verloor 0-8; die 1ste seuns span verloor 0-4, maar die hokkimeisies los al hulle krag op die veld en speel 1-1 gelyk op.
Slegs die o/15 en 1ste span het teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel en die resultate is: o/15’s wen 29-6 en die 1ste span wen 42-5.
Excitement filled the air as students gathered for their sports day on the 13th of May playing against Sarel Cilliers High. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect for a day filled with friendly competition and fun. The day began with an opening ceremony at the Netball courts and at the Hockey field. As the games began, the atmosphere was electric. The event was not just about winning or losing, it was also about team sportsmanship, and having fun. The students showed great camaraderie, cheering for each other, and congratulating their opponents after every event.
The results were: rugby: u/14 24-5 won; u/15 27-0 won ; u/16 10-26 lost ; 2nd 7-5 won ; 1st team lost 0-7. Netball: u/14A won 19-3; u/14B won 19-0 ; u/15’s won 25-7; u/16’s won 31-17; 2nd team lost 12-14 and the 1st team lost 17-39. Hockey: u/14’s lost 0-2; u/16 lost 0-2 ;the 1st team boys lost 0-3 and the 1st team girls won 2-0. The chess won 7-3 As the day came to a close. The students left the field with smiles on their faces feeling proud of their achievements and looking forward to the next fixtures.
Not only did learners take part in school sport but in extra murals like karate. The learners achieved amazing results. Miancke Erasmus, Gr 8, won two silver medals. Clarissa James, gr 9, won two gold medals. Joyce Lubaki, Gr 11, won two gold medals.
Saalbyeenkomste is nie meer iets van die verlede nie. Die skool het teruggekeer na tradisionele saalbyeenkomstes soos dit altyd gedoen is.
Die graad 10-12`s kom op Maandae byeen en die graad 8 en 9`s kom op `n Vrydag in die saal byeen. Die week is die skool se verskeie sportsoorte se eerstespanne aan die skool voorgestel.
The grade 11 learners had the opportunity to attend the armed forces career day in Richards Bay on the 17th of February. Learners could learn about the different types of careers that are available in the armed forces. This was a wonderful opportunity for learners to learn about career opportunities that they do not get exposed to on a regular basis.
Die jaarlikse swemgala het in die week plaasgevind. Die leerders het die geleentheid gehad om hul staal in die water te wys. Sulé-ka du Toit en William Lang is aangewys as Junior Victor en Victrix Ludorum. Rebecca Mattison en Kyle Barsdorf is angewys as Senior Victrix en Victor Ludorum. Die leerders het weer soos oudergewoonte die nuwe onderwysers ingehuldig deur hulle in die swembad in te gooi.
The ACTS club held a praise and worship session for learners that were interested on Friday the 24th of February. The learners enjoy being part of something bigger.
Die kwartaaal is in volle swang, die graad agts raak gewoond aan die skool en die sportspanne het begin oefen. Die leerders oefen vir atletiek of hul gunsteling wintersport.
Akademie het ten volle begin en die leerders het reeds baie werk om te doen.
We have also started with our cultural events for the year. The choir has had auditions. The school play has started to rehearse, and the learners are excited to partake in all of the events that the school has to offer.
On the 27th of January, our athletes partook in Hoërskool Piet Retief`s athletics day. The athletes have the opportunity to showcase their talents and show the rest of us what they are made of. The most important part of athletics is self-discipline. You have to know what your abilities are and work on your own achievements. The following athletes placed in the first three positions: D de Beer, 2nd place in boys u/16 Long jump; T Dlamini 2nd place in boys u/17 800m; R Grobler 3rd place in boys u/17 800m; A Mbatha 2nd place in boys u/17 200m; A Nyandeni 2nd place boys u/17 400m. M Chetuku 1st place in girls u/14 400m; A Mbentse 3rd place in girls u/14 100m; U Ndlovu 3rd place in girls u/14 discuss; Z Wagner 1st place in girls u/ 14 Javelin and shotput. We are proud of the work these athletes put into their own achievements.
We are busy with our annual grade 11 Valentine’s Day sale. The grade 11’s are tasked with raising funds for the matric farewell and one of the biggest fundraisers is the Valentine`s Day sale. The rest of the school can buy a special gift for their Valentine, which will be handed out to the Valentine on Valentine’s Day.
Die begin van enige iets nuuts is altyd angswekkend en dit is hoe amper elke graad 8 leerling voel die aand voordat hulle by die nuwe Hoërskool begin. Die kwartaal het afgeskop met die onderwysers wat teruggekeer het na die vakansie en reg gemaak het om die leerders terug te verwelkom en die nuwe leerders welkom te heet.
Dinsdag, 17 Januarie het ons jaarlikse graad 8 braai plaasgevind. Dit gee die nuwe graad agt leerders die geleentheid om hulle nuwe onderwysers te ontmoet, nuwe maats te ontmoet sodat alles nie heeltemal vreemd is wanneer hulle die eerste dag by die skool instap nie.
The learners get the opportunity to get to know one another and the other learners in the school. They are taught new dances and songs that build camaraderie and school spirit in the younger grades.
The 2022 NSC results were published on Friday 20 January, and we are proud to share our results:
Awande Mtshali is our Dux learner for 2022. We are so proud of her achievement, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Her results were as follows:
ENGHL – B,75%
AFRFA – A,83%
ZULFA – A,95%
MATH – A,87%
LIFE – A,90%
ACCN – A,87%
LFSC – A,88%
PHSC – A,83%
She achieved an average of 86%. Her 7 best subjects result in an average of 87,57%.
The following learners have achieved the top 10 results of the 2022 academic year:
2. Minenhle Xulu: 6A, 1B – 86%
3. Anja Eckhardt: 5A, 1B, 1C – 82,86%
4. Mukeliwe Mazibuko: 6A, 1B – 82,71%
5. Tahira Sheik: 4A, 3B – 82%
6. Nomusa Kunene:4A, 3B – 81,86%
7. Robyn Conibear: 3A, 4B – 80,43
8. Lusanda Buthelezi: 2A, 4B, 2C – 77,88
9. Mandisa Dlongolo: 3A, 2B, 1C 1D – 77,43
10. Lihle Qwabe: 2A, 3B, 2C – 75,71
We have received an overall pass percentage of 94,2% with a 64,7% bachelor pass rate, a 24,46% diploma pass rate, and a 5% certificate pass rate. We want to wish our matric class of 2022 all the success in their future endeavors.
The first two weeks were filled with fun. The annual Interhouse was held on Friday, 20 January. Learners were eager to partake in a day that is not only filled with sport but also filled with school spirit. The learners dressed in different colors to represent their different houses. In the end, the team with the best spirit and participation will take home the trophy.
The following learners were the stars of the day. The junior Victrix Ludorum: Zani Wagner broke the Javelin record in 1999. She has improved the record to an impressive 33,19m. The Junior Victor Ludorum was Zane Hughes. Both our senior Victor- and Victrix Ludorum did well in track items. Our Victrix Ludorum was Amahle Ndima. Aphiwe Mbatha not only holds the prestige of Victor Ludorum but is also the best athlete of the day.
We are looking forward to the results these athletes will deliver during the athletic season.
Die laaste kort week vir die kwartaal is verby en die toetse is byna hier. Die onderwysers spartel om alles klaar te kry en die sport hou almal uit die moeilikheid in die middae.
The University of Pretoria was here to visit the matric learners on Wednesday the 4th of May. When the universities visit the learners, they aid in the decisions that they must make for the years ahead. The university representative informed the learners about what they can expect and opened the learner’s eyes to the endless opportunities that their future holds.
Die belangrikste ding van opvoedkunde is dat `n persoon nooit moet ophou leer nie. Die oomblik wat `n persoon ophou leer is die oomblik wat `n persoon stagneer. En Hoërskool Vryheid maak seker dat hulle onderwysers nie stagneer nie. Op Donderdag 5 Mei het die onderwysers van die skool saamgekom en `n werkswinkel gehad oor “ Laterality“. Dit verwys na die kant van `n persoon se brein wat dominant is. Daar is ook geleer van hoe ons, as onderwysers, dit kan gebruik in ons klasse.
The Interact club presents its charity drive for the month of May. The aim of this drive is to collect toys, food, and clothes for charity. The learners must donate an item of either clothes, toys or food and then they can participate in the charity day held each Friday. This past Friday the learners had the opportunity to wear “anything but school shoes” and the educators had to dress as any alternative career. The day went off with a few laughs, some learners even wore a pair of flippers. The educators were up for the challenge – there were educators that dressed as housewives, mine workers, astronauts and professional golfers.
We are looking forward to the upcoming charity days: 13 May – Funky hat day; 20 May – Sunglasses Day and the 28 May the learners can dress as superheroes or cartoon characters
Aktiwiteite by VHS is in volle swang.’n Klompie entoesiastiese swemmers het gesorg vir groot kompetisie in die swembad en het die volgende prestasies by die interhuis behaal.
Junior Victor Ludorum: William Lang; Junior Victrix Ludorum: Rebecca Mattison; Senior Victor Ludorum: Duncan De Villiers en Senior Victrix Ludorum: Carmen Barsdorf.
The week of love was an eventful one at Vryheid High. We started the week off with Valentine’s Day and the learners had the opportunity to dress in the colours of love. The learners also had the opportunity to take part in the matric farewell fundraiser where they could buy several gifts for their valentine.
Wednesday’s Golden athletics at Hoërskool Pionier was one for the books. Athletes from various schools in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal came together for this prestigious event. They came to run, jump and compete against the best of the best of Northern Natal.
Thursday started off with the first blood drive for the year. Our one and only Blood Drops facilitated the blood drive. They educated their peers on the importance of donating blood and encouraged peers, that are allowed, to go and donate blood. Learners and teachers alike came together and donated blood for this good cause.
Die Valentynsdans was die hoogtepunt van die week. Die leerders kon piekniekmandjies met ‘n verskeidenheid lekkernye vooraf bestel. Saam met die dans-manewales het dit die geleentheid baie genotvol gemaak.
Ons is gelukkig om 2022 so te kan begin. Na ‘n lang sportdroogte lê daar baie besige weke, waarna almal baie uitsien, voor.
Bianca Hellberg is nie net as Hoërskool Vryheid se Dux leerling aangewys nie, maar sy is ook verlede week as een van Zululand se top 10 studente aangewys.
Sy gaan in die komende week Vryheid Hoër verteenwoordig, in Ulundi, by die distrik se prysuitdeling.
Ons wil haar graag geluk wens met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie. Graad 11 is sy onkant gevang deur Covid-19 wat die hele jaar omver gegooi het. Matriek was vir hulle moeiliker, want sy moes seker maak dat hulle al die graad 11 en 12 werk afgehandel kry.
Sy het deur haar moeilike laaste twee jaar vir ons gewys dat enige iets moontlik is , solank jy hard werk en deursettingsvermoë het.
Marks, Set, Dive! Vryheid High School’s swimming Gala was on Tuesday, 8 February 2022, an event that is enjoyed by the learners year after year. From u/14 girls to u/19 boys were like fish in the water. And as always, the new teachers were welcomed by being thrown in the water by the grade 12 learners. It was enjoyable seeing the teachers running for their lives.
As for new teachers we would like to welcome Ms ZP Ndwandwe to the VHS family. She will be teaching isiZulu. We hope her time at Vryheid High will be filled with joy and special memories.
We have a jam-packed week ahead of us. The matrics will finish their prelim exams and blow off all the pent-up steam this Friday at their matric farewell, an event that promises to be glamorous. The rest of the school will end the term with a colour festival.
We were truly blessed the past week to have had the Men of the Word at our school. Their testimonies changed and inspired many lives. We finished our short week with Heritage Day festivities. Learners and teachers alike dressed according to the festivities.
Carmen Barsdorf has been included in the KZN netball squad. Her commitment has been duly rewarded. Carmen has been a star on the netball court and plays with so much passion. We wish her all the best on the upcoming provincial tour.
We all have become accustomed to the fact that the restrictions rob us of fun times.
The past two weeks we have refused to accept that. We hosted an internal soccer and netball tournament. It was good to see learners on the sports field again, having fun. Congratulations to our gr 9 soccer team that was crowned champions.
The educators’ netball team was the victors in that tournament. The gr 8 top ten academic achievers were also announced. Congratulations to the following learners: Daniella Martin, Sbongakonke Hadebe, Aphiwe Khumalo, Kwanele Mtimkhulu, Banzi Khoza, Aphelele Masondo, Sanele Sibiya, Senamile Kunene, Nokuphiwa Khanyile, Shahnawaz Patel.
VHS is also very proud to announce that we have unveiled our sports mural wall and are very proud of the result.
We have concluded an eventful week at Vryheid High School.
We have appointed our leader corps for the next year and wish them all of the best for their tenure as the leaders of our school. Our Marimba band has been hard at work despite the continued forced Covid-19 breaks and were eventually allowed to demonstrate their skills.
They entertained our Gr 12’s with an entertaining exhibition, hoping to inspire them for their upcoming trial exams. We wish our Gr 12’s a successful trial. Our learners ended the week with a civvies day, raising funds for charity in the process.
2022 Leaders:
Girls: A Arends, M Barnard, C Barsdorf, R Conibear, L Dlamini, M Hadebe, T Hughes, A Khumalo, P Matlala, A Mhlophe, L Molio, S Ndawo, A Ndlovu, A Ntuli, L Qwabe, T Sheik, N Terblanche, S Zulu.
Boys: M Behabethu, J Coetzee, T Danisa, N Hlatshwayo, A Khumalo, S Mafambane, M Mdlalose, T Mdlalose, N Mnguni, T Mthabela, S Mthethwa, S Ndlela, D Nodolo, M Sahib, T Smith, Z van Greuning, K Zondo, A Aphiwe.
It is encouraging to see that our learners are still excelling despite the uncertain times we are facing. We would like to congratulate the following choristers that have been selected to represent NKZN Youth Choir: Amahle Dlamini, Khutso Selowa, Bonga Xaba, Andiswa Dlamini, Simphiwe Xaba, Owami Zulu. Jano Strydom has also been awarded the Drummond Densham Junior Honorary officer of the year. Congratulations to you all.
‘Oom’ Chris soos hy aan ons bekend was het in 1951 by Hoërskool Vryheid gematrikuleer. In 1957 word hy as onderwyser by Hoërskool Vryheid aangestel waar hy onder andere Tikskrif, Snelskrif en ander handelsvakke aangebied het. Hy was vir 31 jaar betrokke by VHS. Hy het vele rolle by VHS vervul, onder andere het hy die VHS-Busdiens tot stand gebring. Hy was lank die redakteur van die skool se jaarblad en ook die skoolkoerant wat kwartaalliks uitgebring is. Die twee dokumente het hy self op ‘n drukpers by die skool gedruk. Een van sy trotse funksies was om die skoolrooster, toe nog met die hand geskryf, saam te stel. Oom Chris was ook beheer van die skoolprefekte die Junior Stadsraad, fotografie asook vele ander kultuuraktiwiteite. Oom Chris gaan nie net ‘n leemte laat in sy gesin nie, maar by almal wat hom geken het.
Rus sag oom Chris en dankie vir die voorbeeld wat jy vir ons gestel het.
A long-overdue NSC awards ceremony was hosted the past week. The pandemic halted the annual awards ceremony. Both 2019 and 2020 awards were handed out and as per usual VHS excelled. The following subjects had a 100% pass rate:
Life Orientation Mr Booyens, Ms Venter, Ms van Tonder Afrikaans First Addtional Ms Stapelberg, Mr van den Heever English First Additional Ms Mentz Geography Ms Jansen van Rensburg, Ms Venter, Mr Moolman, Mr van der Bergh Toerism Ms Mentz Math Literacy Ms van Niekerk, Ms Lourens, Ms Friend | Accounting Ms Shangase, Ms Lourens, Ms Bradshaw Physical Science Ms Khonjelwayo, Ms Mattison Mathematics Ms Kohlmeyer, Ms van den Heever German Ms Tschirpig Life sciences Ms Nel, Ms Sadie English Home Language Ms Verster Isizulu First Additional Mr Mhlungu, Ms Magwaza |
VHS also received shields for best performing school in the Filidi district. VHS was the best performing school in Physical Science and English Home Language. Congratulations to both students and educators alike.
It is said that you have not lived today if you have not done something for someone who can not repay you. VHS Interact took on a collection project to tend to the needs of dogs in our rural areas.
They have been hard at work collecting food, blankets and medication. The collection drive was a great success and we would like to thank all that had a hand in the project. Jano Strydom, a Gr 12 learner of VHS, has recently received an honorary certificate of recognition from Ezemvelo Wildlife.
Jano had to travel to St Lucia to receive his reward at a prestigious regional AJV event, where he was honoured for being a devoted game ranger since 2016. Jano helps out at Ithala over weekends, removes illegal fishing nets in our area and has rehabilitated countless animals back to the wild.
What makes his story even more remarkable is how he defied the odds. Jano was diagnosed with Gulliun Barre in Gr 1 and lost his ability to walk. Jano’s story can serve as inspiration to all. VHS is very proud of all our philanthropic students. We hope you all enjoy the holiday and return safely.
We are very proud to see how one of our past scholars is excelling on the netball courts, Pamela Chukwu. Pamela was selected to represent the President’s XII. They recently played against the Baby Proteas, where Pamela was selected as player of the match. We hope you all have a blessed Easter weekend, be safe.
We are hard at work with trying to catch up on lost academic time but excited with the prospect of sports matches returning soon. One can not help, but sense the positivity in the school, as things are getting back to how they used to be. We would like to congratulate Ms M Le Roux that has been appointed as acting Deputy Principal, we wish her all the best and we believe she will take the school forward.
Covid-19 has taken so much from us, but it has surely taught all of us a valuable lesson in that we cannot take anything for granted. One of these things we took for granted was celebrating our achievers at our annual prize-giving. We had to make do with what we had at our disposal. We held the first of two prize giving’s this past Friday, where we honoured our junior academic achievers with a scaled-down event. Congratulations to Samantha-Dawn Lewarne (top achiever for grade 8) and Faria Paruk (top achiever grade 9). Congratulations to the following learners who made the top 10 for their respective grades:
Grade 8 top ten:
Samantha-Dawn Lewarne, Rehnuma Patel, Muhammad Khan, Yvette De Swart, Rebecca Mattison, Blessing Nenohwe, Luthfiya Manjoo, Mndeni Zwane, Asande Seyama, Kyle Barsdorf.
Grade 9 top ten:
Faria Paruk, Laveeza Khan, Amahle Zulu, Muhammed Kajee, Phambili Xulu, Silindile Mabuza, Lindy Els, Amahle Dnima, Abdul Ghaffar, Jewairiyya Lunat.
The senior prize giving will take place this coming Friday.
It is comforting to see everything going back to normal. Most of the winter sports teams are training and our marimba band has also started. Enjoy the long weekend and be safe.
The year 2021 has started and we already been faced with a handful of challenges.
If 2020 has taught us anything, is that we should not take anything for granted. Any chance we get to spend with our fellow VHS family this year, whether on the sport fields or in the classroom, will be seen as a blessing. We have already had our first social event, as far as regulations permitted.
VHS hosted a successful virtual quiz, that was enjoyed by both VHS parent and scholars alike. As the new year comes, so does the old fade and new opportunities come forth. We say goodbye to Ms Marais and wish her all the best in her new endeavour. We would like to welcome our new educators to our VHS family, Ms Potgieter, Ms Adendorf and Ms L Mentz. May all your expectations and dreams come true with us.
We kick off the week with our GR12’s and Gr 8’s and will welcome back our GR 9, 10 and 11’s on Thursday. WE cannot wait to welcome you all back.
The matrics are finishing off the last of their year’s work as they ready themselves for the trial exams, that will kick off this Wednesday. We wish them the best of luck. Congratulations to the following learners who have made it through to the next round of the Old Mutual maths Academic Olympiad: B. Nehohwe, M. Mehtar, S. Bhayla, M. Khan, M. Karrim and L. Manjoo. Our Gr11’s and 12’s also took part in the Computer Olympiad, in which the following results were obtained:
Gold medallist: M . Makubo
Silver medallists: JD Hatting and Z. Nel
Bronze medallists: B. Maseko, B. Maziya and C. Sibisi
The Vryheid High School learners also blew off some steam this week by taking part in the Jerusalema challenge. Be sure to check it out on our multimedia pages.
We have been given a curveball this year. Life as we know it has been thrown upside down. Vryheid High has been hard at work to try and restore normality at our school. We have recently launched a talent show with a twist.
All entries are online and our audience will also be behind a screen. We encourage all our learners to take part, those at school as well as those that are still at home. We have also brought in themed Fridays, where our Gr 12’s dress up on Fridays. The marketing team has also been hard at work and had the pleasure of visiting Paulpietersburg Primary the past week. We were looking forward to welcoming back our Gr 10’s, but received the sad news that their return will once again be delayed. Stay negative, but with a positive attitude – be safe.
When faced with tough times one can only look to the future. Our marketing team has been hard at work visiting all our neighbouring primary schools, selling our wonderful school. Our team has visited both Nardini Convent and NRS the past week. Vryheid High had to be abruptly shut down on Wednesday as a precaution. Due to a possible Covid-19 threat, our school has been deep cleaned and will resume as normal on Monday. We will also be welcoming our Gr 11’s back to school. The Gr 11’s will have an A and B group to ensure fewer numbers, so we can stick to the social distancing guidelines. Vryheid High wellness program’s message in these troubling times: ‘’Hope is the feather that reminds us we have wings.’’ VHS learners: be safe – be strong.
All ‘’masked’’ smiles at Vryheid High
Even though we have to hide our smiles at Vryheid High, we are not letting it dampen our spirits. Keeping social distance isn’t easy, especially at a high school, but we are coping with the ‘’new normal.’’ Thank you to Spar for making this task easier for the learners with the generous donation of VHS branded social distancing stickers.
We are currently making up for lost time with running extra classes on Saturdays, as educators are selflessly offering up their weekends to make sure the curriculum can be completed. Either you run the day or the day runs you.
We would like to remind all parents that Grade 8 applications are open and application forms can be collected at the office.
Monday saw a number of anxious grade 12 faces entering the gate. Friday a clear change in the mood was evident. Grade 12’s quickly realised that all safety measures are in place and the academics could be prioritised. Our educators and learners adapted really well to the change and can not wait too welcome back the rest of the school.
Daar word gesê dat dit ‘n gemeenskap vat om ‘n kind groot te maak, die gesegde kon nie meer waar gewees het dié week met die vrygewige donasie van Afriforum nie. Baie dankie aan Mnr. Van der Walt en Mnr. Van Aswegen vir die skenking van die Covid-19 hulppakket.
The pandemic has thrown this year into disarray, more so the academic year.
Vryheid High has been hard at work the past two weeks ensuring that when our learners return, they will return to a safe learning space. Our educators have returned and have been briefed with all the safety precautions which will be followed ensuring the safety of our learners. Educators can not wait to welcome back their learners and to get back to teaching, even if it means in uncanny conditions.
The school as well as our two hostels have been deep cleaned and are Covid -19 ready. When faced with tough times one has always the prospect of a better future and with that in mind, we are already focusing our attention towards next year. Our Gr 8 admissions for 2021 will open on the 1st of June and close on the 7th of August. Parents are allowed to collect the admissions forms from the office. The school wellness program would like to leave you with the following thought: “Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.”
The learners literally and figuratively went the extra mile this week.
Our learners travelled far and wide to compete in different codes. The first boys and girls hockey sides took to the road to compete in the annual Eshowe winter sport festival.
The boys first team played five matches winning three of the five, the one loss was in the final where they played against Sarel Cillers and unfortunately lost 1-0. The girls took third place, only losing one match in a penalty shootout. Our rugby boys also hit the road on Saturday to take on Kingsway High School on Kingsmead stadium; our first team played the curtain raiser for the Sharks. The first team boys took full advantage of this once in a life time experience and played out of their skins, beating Kingsway convincingly. All rugby sides left with the win.
Arushka Singh en Carmen Barsdorf het albei na Durban vertek om aan die EG Jansen redenaars deel te neem. Albei leerders het goeie bydrae gelewer en baie uit die geleentheid saam hulle terug gevat.
We wish all our learners a blessed holiday and pray for a safe return to all.
Bumper week at Vryheid High School
We had an eventful week at Vryheid High. We had both our swimming Gala as well as our Interhouse athletics the past week. We would like to thank all our officials at these events. A clear surge in learner participation was evident this year. We would like to commend the learners and our trophy winners. Congratulations to Van Riebeeck for winning the day.
Ons trofeëwenners by die swemgala was: C . Henstock (Girls open breaststroke), Leo Mattison (Boys freestyle), B. Hellberg (Girls open freestyle, Senior Victrix Ludorum), JD. Hatting (Senior Victor Ludorum), Z. Richards (Boys open freestyle), D. de Villiers (Junior Victrix Ludorum), S. Steyn (Junior Victor Ludorum).
Ons trofeëwenners by die Interhuisatletiek: O. Simelane (beste seuns veldatleet), M Hibbert (beste meisie veldatleet), M. Sibisi (beste seuns baanatleet), S. Mbatha (beste meisie baanatleet), U. Ndlovu (Jnr Victrix Ludorum), W. Mathe (Jnr Victor Ludorum), M. Hibbert (Victrix Ludorum), J. Eckhardt(Victor Ludorum), M. Hibbert (atleet van die dag).
Week’s program:
- 5th of February : Relay evening
- 8th of February: Piet Retief athletics day
Bullying is a huge problem in schools with more than 3.2 million learners bullied every year in South Africa.
160 000 high school learners bunk school every day, to avoid being bullied, and 1 in 10 learners drop out of school to avoid being bullied.
On 23 and 26 August, about 40 members of the ACTS group (Association for Christian Students and Teachers) and Kwazi, youth pastor from Freedom Life Church, visited NRS to talk to the learners about the impact of bullying and how to address it. The message was delivered through drama, dancing, singing, videos and testimonies of high school learners who were bullied and how they overcame it. The message was well received by NRS learners and is hopefully a step in the right direction to combatting bullying, which is a problem in all schools, nation-wide.
On the sporting field, VHS had a busy two weeks. On Thursday, 29 August the girls’ soccer team drew 1-1 against Piet Retief. The match was a tight match and the improvement within the squad was clearly visible. Asanda Buthelezi was awarded Woman of the Match. The girls are very excited about the rest of the season and we really see a great future for girls’ soccer in VHS. The soccer boys showed a lot of valour but, unfortunately lost 4-2 against Piet Retief in a friendly match.
Baie geluk aan Kayla High en Chloé Henstock wat verkies is tot o/19 Natal Binneland Krieketspan. Hierdie twee meisies wys dat harde werk vrugte werp.
Die krieketseuns het ‘n volle week gehad met die eerste wedstryd teen Pionier op Woensdag, 21 Augustus. Die 1ste-span verloor met 5 paaltjies en die o/15’s wen met 8 paaltjies. Die o/15-krieketseuns speel 23 Augustus weg teen Ladysmith en verloor met 8 paaltjies. Oor die naweek van 23 en 24 Augustus neem VHS se 7’s deel aan die Twizza 7’s te Hoërskool Pionier. Die rugbyseuns het fenomenaal gespeel met die o/17A-span wat die Shield-trofee wen, o/17B-span wen die Bowl-trofee en ons o/15-span wen die Shield-trofee. Dit was merkwaardig om die vasberadenheid en genot te beleef terwyl hierdie seuns gespeel het.
5 Sep 1ste Krieket vs Ferrum (Tuis
6 Sep Soccer vs St Dominics (Tuis)
Part of the Interact’s vision is to give back to the community. As part of this vision, some of the members decided that they could help by picking up trash on the school grounds and the surrounding streets.
Between the giggles and heavy filled trash bags, the children helped to create a cleaner school and environment. These youngsters hope other community members will follow their example and clean up around their environments. We salute these children for creating a cleaner and better environment.
Amkele Nkambule (gr 11Ng) has been selected to visit Kenya as part of The Yale Young African Scholars program. She will be visiting Kenya from 7 – 14 August 2019. This is an exceptional achievement as Amkele had to compete against all the African countries. The school wishes her our best and that every moment be a memory of amazement.
On Tuesday, 30 July, the girls cricket team played against Newcastle High School and scored 110 runs thanks to contributions from all of the top order batsmen. NHS put the bowlers under pressure but couldn’t get the last 10 runs before their overs were up.
Saterdag, 3 Augustus het VHS tennisspanne gespeel. Die meisies wen hulle enkelwedstryde 4 – 0 teen Dundee maar verloor teen Ferrum. Arno Ferreia en Salmaan Dhooma wen hulle enkelwedstryde teen Dundee. VHS wen hulle gemengde dubbels teen Dundee maar verloor teen Ferrum.
9 Aug National Woman’s Day
15 Aug Information Evening Grade 9
The NKZN Super 8 tournament was held at VHS on Saturday and our cricket girls team put on a great display for the home crowd. In their first two matches they beat NHS by 21 runs and an invitational team by 31 runs.
This set up a title deciding match against defending champions Ferrum. VHS batted first and put 56 runs on the board and followed this up with a tight bowling performance as Ferrum ended 3 runs short. Well done on a superb team effort.
Woensdag, 24 Julie het die o/15 krieketseuns tuis teen Sarel Cilliers gespeel en met 5 paaltjies verloor. Zander van Greunen was die beste kolwer met 69 lopies van 59 balle terwyl Jayden van Eck die beste bouler was met 3 paaltjies vir 17 lopies. Die 1ste span het eerste geboul teen Sarel Cilliers waarop Sarel 102 lopies aangeteken het. Die beste bouler was Kyle Meier met JD Hatting die beste kolwer. VHS teken 92 lopies aan en verloor met 10 lopies. Donderdag, het die 2de span teen Dundee gespeel en met 6 paaltjies verloor. Leo Mattison het ‘n goeie 51 lopies gemaak met al die boulers wat hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt het.
On Saturday, 27 July the Sevens rugby team competed in the Clifton‘s Tournament and were a force to be reckoned with and carry the VHS banner high. Well done, boys!
3 Aug Cricket u/15 vs Ladysmith (Away)
Cricket 2nd vs Sarel Cilliers (Home)
Cricket 1st vs Ferrum 2nd
5-7 Aug School House Rock (Concert)
Na die Junie-vakansie is ons weer volstoom aan die gang. Hierdie kwartaal het begin met die aankondiging van die nuwe adjunkhoof, Me Alta Nel. Me Nel is betrokke by VHS vanaf 1984 en dit is ‘n voorreg om haar aan die stuur te hê.
Ons wens haar alles van die beste toe met hierdie nuwe hoofstuk.
Just before the schools closed, VHS received the results from two different Olympiads some of our learners participated in. The Proverto Accounting Olympiad was written by 9 learners of which 2 are going through to the second round to be written on 31 July 2019. Congratulations to K Madi and X Ngobese (both in grade 11) for achieving above 70% during round 1.
It was the first year that the English Olympiad was written by VHS learners. This exam paper tests the learner’s ability to think critically and to incorporate what they learn at school when answering the questions. Five of our learners participated with 2 learners achieving more than 70%. Congratulations to Kwandi Nkosi (grade 12) and Alessia Pillay (grade 10) with this amazing achievement.
Ndumiso Nyawo, Siya Sibiya and Khaya Khuzwayo participated in the Academy week in Bloemfontein during the holidays. Ndumiso’s performance has won him the attention of Rugby Travel who help rising stars play for clubs overseas. Well done, Ndumiso.
Chloé Henstock represented the u18 KZN Country Districts team at the regional festival in Newcastle where they finished 4th. Nikita Hughes was pulled up to the KZN u14A team which finished 3rd at the North Regional tournament.
18 July Parent Evening
20 July Cricket u/15 vs St Dominics (Home)
Tennis (Ladysmith)
VHS het hulle jaarlikse Wiskunde Olimpiade op 12 Maart geskryf. Die volgende kinders het bo 50% behaal en skryf die tweede rondte op 15 Mei.
Baie geluk aan elkeen van hierdie leerders. Die juniors: Silke Hinze, Faria Paruk, Muhammed Kajee, Lindy Els, Tahira Sheik en Marriam Mehtar. Die seniors is: Antoinette Colloty, Kirsten Hellberg, Sigacinokuhle Sibeko, Andile Ximba, Uzair Cassim, Leo Mattison, Khuzaima Sheik en Elvin Varghese.
The u/16 and 1st rugby teams travelled to Durban North College during the March holidays for a tour. Both teams played 3 matches each with both teams winning two and losing one. The following first team players are selected for the touring side that will go to Georgia: Kyle Gomel, Yenzeka Mkwanazi, Zipho Sikakhane, Mpilonhle Mbambo, Khaya Khuzwayo, Amahle Dlamini, Siya Sibiya and Andi Niebuhr. It is an amazing achievement and we wish the boys all the best.
On Saturday, 6 April VHS played winter sport against Pongola on our home grounds. The u/14 rugby boys won 27-12 with the 1st rugby team winning with an impressive 35-15. On the netball courts the 1st and 2nd teams proved to be too strong and won both their matches. The 1st team 34-10 and the 2nd team 25-6. The 1st team hockey girls looked stunning in their new kit and subsequently won their match with 6-0. The team would like to thank Ashila Building and Civics for sponsoring their new hockey match uniforms.
VHS het 148 kandidate gehad wat die NSE eksamens geskryf het met ‘n slaagsyfer van 91.22%. ‘n Totaal van 139 A vaksimbole was behaal met die volgende vakke wat oorhoofs ‘n gemiddeld van 60% of hoër bereik het: Afrikaans EAT, Engels EAT, Duits SAL, Zulu EAT, Toerisme en Lewensoriëntering.
Our Dux student for 2018 is Nicole Muhl who achieved 7 A’s: EngHL 82%, AfrFAL 92%, Geog 81%, LO 88%, PHSC 80%, German 92% and Life Science 88%. Nicole had an average of 86%.
The following learners obtained the more than 2 A’s:
6 A’s – Cara Klingenberg
5 A’s – Chané Lombard
4 A’s – Megan Connibear, Yaseera Sujee and Samia Ebraim
3 A’s – Alberdene Jacobs, Peter Gevers, Marion Filter, Siphesihle Khoza, Anke Slump, Sabera Khan and Carsten Meyer.
Educators with a 100% pass rate in one or more of their subjects were: Ms Hayward, Ms Nel,
Mrs Klynsmith, Mrs Nieuwenhuizen, Mrs Mentz, Mr A van den Heever, Mrs Janse van Rensburg, Ms Venter, Mrs Tschirpig, Mrs Coetzee, Mrs Smit, Ms van Tonder, Mr Mhlungu, Mr Booyens,
Mrs E van den Heever, Mr van den Berg and Mrs Magwaza.
17 Jan Fruit Festival & Sokkie
23 Jan VHS Huisgala
25 Jan Inter House Athletics
VHS wil graag elke leerder, ouer en opvoeder welkom terug heet. Ons is dankbaar julle is veilig en vertrou dat julle lekker uitgerus het en reg is vir die uitdagings van 2019.
As with all things in life, VHS had to say goodbye to some staff members last year as change is unavoidable. We are, however, very excited to welcome the new staff members to our dynamic team. We believe that you will soon find your feet and feel right at home. Mrs Anke Herbst (Math), Ms Anadie Sadie (LFSC), Ms Anél Myburgh (MLIT), Ms Minette Nel (LIFE), Ms Leza Labuschagne (AFRFA), Ms Sharon Shangase (ACCO) and Mr Jurie Mentz (CATN).
Die skool wil ook vir Mnr Duncan Purchase, aangestel as sportorganiseerder, welkom heet.
Ons versoek ouers om te verseker dat hulle kinders die nodige skryfbehoeftes en regte skoolklere het. Elke leerder is ‘n ambassadeur van VHS.
Please download the D6 communicator as this will ensure that you can stay abreast of the happenings at school. It is also vital that the school has the correct contact details for parents as crucial information is also sent via sms.
Mag 2019 die jaar wees waarin elkeen van julle julle drome verwesenlik.
25 Jan Inter House Athletics
5 Feb Blood donating
6 Feb VHS Athletics Relay Meeting
Seeking tranquil hostel accommodation with a touch of exclusivity? Specious 3 bed bedrooms are available for R29 150 per learner per year.
We are under Vryheid High administration and offer accommodation to learners from grade 7 – 12 irrespective of which school you attend.
Limited to 18 boys and 18 girls.
Enquiries: The principal at 034 982 2239
Another weekend to remember. ACTS GROUP
Die 1e span krieketmeisies spee teen Ferrum en verloor hul wedstyd met 20 lopies. Die 2e span meisies en hul wedstyd teen Newastle Hoër. Die meisies se wedstryd op Pongola teen die Zululnd Hub span word na 10 boulbeurte agv die reën afgelas.
Baie dankie aan al die meisies wat so getrou die oefeninge bywoon en beskikbaar is vir al die wedstryde.
Despite the rainy weather, the ACTS group made their way to the Jubileum Old Age Home on Friday 7 September. The object of the visit was to encourage the old people of our community and to cheer them up. The gospel choir sang songs of worship, the dance group praised God through dance, while Phumelele Mncube, a grade 11 learner, gave a lovely message of hope. Encouraging little cards with bible verses and chocolate were handed out to these present.
On Saturday, the 7s rugby teams played matches in Richardsbay. Baie geluk aan die seuns se sportmanskap en vasberadenheid. The u/18’s won the tournament with the u/15’s losing in the final.
Connor High, ‘n oudskolier, word gekies om in die Dolphins Premiers Liga krieket te speel. Baie geluk Connor.
- 15 SEPT Cricket 1st Play offs
- Cricket 2nd vs Play offs
- Cricket u/15 vs Newcastle
- Soccer vs Sarel Cilliers (Home)
VHS high-flying oldies
Miguel Machado (matriculated 2015) began his professional cricket career at the GKC High Performance Academy in November 2017 with the motivation to deepen the understanding of his game and explore his potential as a cricketer. Fast forward to July 2018 and the Frinton-on-sea Cricketer not only has made his debut for the club 1st XI but now sits 4th on the leading run scorers list in the East Anglian Premier League after 16 games having scored 724 runs at an average of 80. It is really an amazing achievement.
Anton Immelman (martikuleer 1989) is aangestel as hoof van Hoërskool Voortrekker in Pietermaritzburg. Dit is wonderlik om te sien hoe een van ons oudskoliere weer die waardes van VHS terugploeg in die jeug.
Pamela Chukwu (matriculated 2015) has excelled in netball. Pamela is currently part of the Tswana Provincial team and three weeks ago was chosen as Player of the Tournament.
VHS wil ook graag Zurika Marais gelukwens met haar deelname aan die SA Skolenetbaluitdunne vir die u/17 KZN-netbalspan.
2 Aug
- NRS Koorfees
- Restaurant evening Gr 10
4 Aug
- Cricket 1st vs Pionier
- Cricket 2nd vs Sarel Cilliers
- Cricket u/15 vs Dundee
- Cricket Girls Super 8 Tournament
- Soccer vs Landbou (Away)
- Tennis (LHS & NHS)
On Friday, 27 April a selected few learners were invited by the EAA Young Eagles program to be part of an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. These 31 learners had the opportunity to get a front row experience in a light aeroplane, some even getting the chance to handle the controls and fly themselves.
The learners were: Khulani Nyawo, Tyron Bure, Elné le Roux, Nosipho Senze, Tebogo Sedise, Mandisa Mabuza, Tamiya Khan, Nonsikelelo Khumalo, Phumelele Mncube, S’thembokuhle Mapanga, Sigcinokuhle Sedise, Xolile Zulu, Nonsikelel Nyawo, Akua Fofie, Andile Shezi, Anele Nkosi, Manu Minlah, Antoinette Colloty, Sinamahalse Sibisi, Owami, Buthelezi, Medinah Khan, Sabeeha Bhayla, Naailah Kajee, Kyle Crous, Chané Lombard, Uzair Cassim, Muhammed Manjoo, Ali Abdulla, Humaid Ebrahim, Salmaan Dhooma and Andile Nkonyane.
VHS versus Dundee High
On Saturday, VHS competed against Dundee in a home fixture. The chill in the air couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm. Die hokkie bokkies het baie hard verdedig maar kon net nie die oorhand kry nie. The hockey boys won their game. The netball teams played their hearts out winning most of their games.
The u/15 girls played an amazing game, winning 30 – 2. Die rugby seuns wen hulle wedstryde met die 1st span wat wen met 38 – 17.
19 Mei Sport vs St Dominics (weg)
24 Mei Restaurantaand Gr 12
26 Mei Sport vs Pionier (weg)
Our gratitude to the generosity of the community. Yet another week has passed and although all is quiet on the sport front, academics is still going full steam ahead.
As you might have noticed, the front garden is being given a facelift. After a lot of the old plants were removed and replanted elsewhere in the school, the real work has began. New plants and grass has been planted. The area around the old bell has also received a facelift. We would love to thank Afrimat for donating the gravel.
The first hockey teams would like to thank Afrimat for sponsoring the new score board. This will ensure that all will be able to stay abreast of the scores during matches.
Five of our learners, Jens Hellberg, Vaun Hellberg, Mieke van der Walt and Liam Comins attended a Snake Awareness, First Aid for Snakebite and Venomous Snake Handling Course at PheZulu Safari Park hosted by the Snakebite Institute on Saturday, 17 February 2018.
The course was hosted by Johan Marais, one of Africa’s leading herpetologists with over 40 years’ experience. After spending the morning learning the theory, the exciting bit came in the afternoon: handling venomous snakes. This course was very informative and helped the learners to understand their longstanding fascination of snakes. Thank you to Johan and his team for their efforts in passing on knowledge to the next generation.
Our shining stars
The weekend of 2 to 4 March, one of our learners, Michelle Meier, along with her other team mates represented the Northern KZN Tennis team at the Natal trials held in Durban. It was a tough 3 days filled with games against learners from all over Natal. A total of 64 learners were present from which 4 teams: 2 girls’ and 2 boys’ teams had to be chosen. Unfortunately, Michelle did not qualify for the u/19 Natal team, but we are still proud of her accomplishments thus far. Our district received compliments for our learners’ behaviour on and off the court. We thank all parties involved for making it possible for us to have been a part of such a journey.
The past weekend, our winter sport teams competed against Newcastle. We had the home advantage and our learners were a force to be reckoned with. Our netball, rugby, girls’ and boys’ hockey teams won their matches. Thank you to all the coaches and organisers for a very exciting day.
17 Mrt Rugby vs KZN Development (Home)
20 Mrt SGB Elections
Netball Trials Circuit
21 Mrt Human Right’s Day
22 – 24 Mrt Athletics Province (Durban)
24 Mrt Sport vs Ferrum (Away)
28 Mrt Skool sluit
A Value-driven school
In 2016 Vryheid High School embarked on a new approach to addressing the holistic development of learners: to ensure not only their academic readiness for “life in the real world”, but also their moral and emotional development and readiness. In a collaborative exercise involving the learners, teachers, school management and SGB, five key values were chosen to represent the core values of VHS:
Compassion (caring for one another), Responsibility (being accountable for your actions), Excellence (doing your best at all times in everything), Integrity (being honest and upstanding at all times) and Respect (being courteous and polite and treating all fellow humans with consideration).
There are five classes per grade and each class is assigned one key value, which the learners must “live out and strive for” during the year. By the end of grade 12, each learner will have “lived” all five core values of VHS.
Grade 8 Mt’s value for this year is EXCELLENCE. To get into the spirit of learning and living their value, all the learners in this class were asked to make a poster with a picture of themselves, a quote on excellence and ways in which they can be excellent learners of VHS, excellent family members and excellent members of the Vryheid community. The learners also made a slogan for the classroom wall: “Gr. 8 Mt, Pursuing Excellence 2018”, so that each day they will be motivated to strive for excellence. Well done grade 8 Mt!
Exciting sport challenges
Wednesday, we travelled to Piet Retief to compete against them. Our teams played very well.
The children travelled to Empangeni on Saturday to show their skills on the various sport terrains. The rugby proved themselves victorious winning most of their matches with the 1st team winning 25 to 5. The girls’ hockey had mixed results as the competition was very tough. The u14A team won with 3 goals to 1. On the netball court our 1st team won with 16 to 13 and the other teams also had mixed results. The enthusiasm was felt and our learners really enjoyed the trip even though it was a long day.
The following Zululand team learners participated in the NKZN swimming trials: Catia Marques, Mieke van der Walt, Bianca Hellberg, Kirsten Hellberg, JD Hatting, Ivan Tschirpig, Liam Commins, Xander Richards and Lisa Steffensen. Well done and just keep swimming!
Saturday, the boys’ and girls’ 1st hockey teams participated in the Spar Challenge. The boys lost 3 games and won one to finish 6th overall. The girls lost 2, won one and drew 2.
3 Mrt Sport vs Richardsbaai (Tuis)
5 Mrt SGB Elections
10 Mrt Sport vs Newcastle (Tuis)
ACTS Community outreach
On Friday, 15 September, twenty learners from the VHS ACTS group (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) visited the children at the Inkululeko Children’s Home. The purpose of the visit was to spend some time playing with and getting to know the children. It was also to encourage them to always put their trust in Jesus and to believe that God has a special plan and purpose for their lives. The ACTS group collected food and second-hand toys for the children, whilst VHS sponsored party packs. A good time was had by all with lots of dancing, playing and cake-eating! Thanks to Mrs. Mattison and the learners for taking some time to give back to the community.
Saterdag het die 2de span krieket gereis na Newcastle om teen Ferrum kragte te meet in die semi-finaal van die Noord-Natal krieket liga. Vryheid het eerste gekolf en het ‘n goeie totaal van 175 aangeteken. Kolwers wat uitgestaan het was N. Filter en P. Keeve wat albei 50-talle aangeteken het. Ongelukkig was dit nie genoeg nie en het Ferrum die totaal gehaal binne 17 beurte. Nietemin speel Ferrum hierdie komende week teen Vryheid se 1ste span in die finaal van die liga. Die o/15 speel teen Dundee in die finaal van hul liga. Ons gelukwense aan R. Beneke, C. High, S. Thabethe en J. Stoltenkamp wat aan die finale rondtes van die Natal Binneland span se proewe gaan deelneem.
In the week ahead we are preparing ourselves for even more fun in the sun as we celebrate Heritage Day in a flurry of colour with our Colour Festival. We look forward to see the obstacle courses and food stalls that each register class will present and believe that we will report on a successful event next week. We are also going to have fun in our cultural attire at the school dance on Thursday. Come dressed to impress.
Saterdag 23 September, hou VHS se 1ste krieketspan hulle golfdag om fondse in te samel vir volgende week se Weston-kriekettoernooi, waarin hulle sal deelneem. Kom speel saam ons en geniet die dag op die golfbaan met lekker pryse en goeie golf om jou naweek op die regte toon af te sluit.
Our Matric students are also in the thick of their preliminary exams and we would like to let them know that we are rooting for their success. Believe you can and you are halfway there.
In ‘n warm week in die Vryheid gemeenskap was dit nie net die weer wat warm was nie, maar ook die harte van ons leerders. Ons lewer met trots terugvoering oor ons ACTS groep wat teruggee aan die gemeenskap asook die warm krieket wat deur Vryheid Hoërskool gespeel was. Ons sien ook uit na ‘n week van kleurvolle kulturele vieringe en die groenigheid van die golfbaan op Saterdag vir ons jaarlikse golfdag.
On Tuesday, 14 March, the girls first team hockey had a very successful, and fun filled shadow evening at the local Spur. They would like to thank all those that supported the team, as well as Christopher and his team of waiters who helped the girls along.
The first team hockey girls are currently fundraising for their Camp Discovery tour that will take place during the Easter Holidays. They have been selling hamburgers on Friday afternoons and would like to thank the community for all their support; every cent is valuable and appreciated. The girls would like to thank Chantelle, and her family from Romans Pizza, who sponsored their shirts for the upcoming tour.
Thank you to the community, parents and learners for supporting our school and helping us to create opportunities and an environment for our learners to strive for greatness in all aspects of life.
This week we have much to be thankful for and we would like to thank the community and learners for their continued support of the school. There were not many activities in the week that passed as the school and staff are busy preparing marks and reports for the end of term. We did, however, celebrate our learners’ creativity with the Art and Poetry evening and the 1st team girls hockey also had a busy Tuesday evening as shadow waiters at Spur.
On Wednesday, 15 March, we hosted our annual Art and Poetry evening, where learners had the opportunity to show case their hand-drawn art and read some of their poetry. The learners’ poetry was heartfelt and sincere, with some learners showing immense talent. Please keep an eye on the school’s website for videos of two of our learners’ most entertaining pieces. Thank you to all the participants, teachers, parents and learners who came to support the evening.