Hoërskool Vryheid het ‘n opwindende week gehad.
Ons Matriekklasse het hulle laaste Gasvryheid Prakties gehad en vir oulaas gebak en gebrou in die kombuis waar hulle al so gemaklik is.
Ons het Vrydag, 19 Mei, ‘n “Trek aan soos jou Ouma en Oupa”- dag gehad, waar beide die leerders en onderwysers soos ‘n ouma of oupa kon aantrek en items soos blikkieskos, ou speelgoed of ou klere kon skenk. Die skenkings gaan aan die Welsyn in die maand van liefdadigheid. Ons moedig die gemeenskap aan om ook deel te neem aan hierdie skenkings.
Wednesday, the 17th of May, our Head boy, Wandile Xaba, went to participate at the Sharks final CD trails.
We had a blood drive on Thursday the 18th of May. The learners ages 16 and above had the chance to donate blood to the national blood service. It is always a good thing when you are able to help save a life.
On Saturday, 20 May, we traveled to Dundee High School for a fixture. Our U/14 Rugby won 5-0. The u/15 lost 0-8 8-0 and u/16’s lost 5-10. The second team Rugby won 24-5 and our first team won 24-13.
The netball: U/14 won 15-4, the U/15 won 18-9 and the U/16 team won 22-6. The 2nd team netball girls lost 4-15 and our 1st team had a very tough game but showed excellent sportsmanship and didn’t stop fighting until the last whistle blew. Our chess lost 4-6.
Friday the 5th of May was a very positive day where the ACTS group [Association for Christian Teacher and Students] held a Bible Quiz. We had number of students join in and eleven teams of four students participated. The groups were required to list as many books of the Bible as they could in the given time. The results were: Third place, with a score of 49/66, went to grade 10 learners: Senamile Kunene, Aphelele Masondo, Sanele Sibiya and Senzelwe Mbhamali. In second place, with a score of 52/66, were grade 11 leaners: Smukelo Nkosi, Alwande Ntombela, Kyle Brasdorf and Lesile Westermeyer. First place went to grade 12 leaners: Phambili Xulu, Silindile Mabuza, Siphuxolo Mngomezulu and Sibabili Nxumalo. They listed 57 of the 66 books of the Bible. Well done grade 12’s!
Die week was gevul met sport, nie net het ons teen Hoërskool Ferrum kragte gemeet nie, maar die netbal het selfs Donderdag teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel. Die wetstryde teen Hoërskool Ferrum is in twee dae op gedeel. Die seniors het Dinsdag, 9 Mei gespeel en die juniors Woensdag 1 Mei. Die weer het byna ‘n speek in ons wiele gesteek, maar die reën het vinnig weer verdwyn. Die uitslae is as volg gewees: Die skaak het 2-8 verloor. Die rugby: o/14‘s verloor 7-10; o/15‘s wen 10-0; o/16’s verloor 0-22; 2des speel 26-26 gelyk op en die 1ste span verloor ongelukkig 8-31. Die netbal: o14A verloor 9-17; o/14B verloor 4-8; o/15’s verloor 15-19; o/16A wen 12-10; o/16B verloor 6-10; 2des verloor 9-18 en die 1ste span verloor 7-38. Die hokkie:0/14’s verloor 0-2; o/16’s verloor 0-8; die 1ste seuns span verloor 0-4, maar die hokkimeisies los al hulle krag op die veld en speel 1-1 gelyk op.
Slegs die o/15 en 1ste span het teen Inkamana Abbey gespeel en die resultate is: o/15’s wen 29-6 en die 1ste span wen 42-5.
Excitement filled the air as students gathered for their sports day on the 13th of May playing against Sarel Cilliers High. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect for a day filled with friendly competition and fun. The day began with an opening ceremony at the Netball courts and at the Hockey field. As the games began, the atmosphere was electric. The event was not just about winning or losing, it was also about team sportsmanship, and having fun. The students showed great camaraderie, cheering for each other, and congratulating their opponents after every event.
The results were: rugby: u/14 24-5 won; u/15 27-0 won ; u/16 10-26 lost ; 2nd 7-5 won ; 1st team lost 0-7. Netball: u/14A won 19-3; u/14B won 19-0 ; u/15’s won 25-7; u/16’s won 31-17; 2nd team lost 12-14 and the 1st team lost 17-39. Hockey: u/14’s lost 0-2; u/16 lost 0-2 ;the 1st team boys lost 0-3 and the 1st team girls won 2-0. The chess won 7-3 As the day came to a close. The students left the field with smiles on their faces feeling proud of their achievements and looking forward to the next fixtures.
Not only did learners take part in school sport but in extra murals like karate. The learners achieved amazing results. Miancke Erasmus, Gr 8, won two silver medals. Clarissa James, gr 9, won two gold medals. Joyce Lubaki, Gr 11, won two gold medals.
Mei maand het begin en die tweede kwartaal is in volle swang. Die sport hou ons besig en die eksamens is op die horison.
This term has been filled with long weekends and short weeks. Even though the weeks are short they are filled with activities.
We had the ACTS Easter performance last week that was made possible by our wonderful sponsor, Vryheid Meatmasters. Thank you for your devotion to our ACTS club.
The players used Tuesday to prepare for the matches against Landbou, Wednesday. The rugby, hockey, netball and chess had a chance to compete against Landbou. Our netball u/14 A won 21-0; u/15A won 21-7; 2nd team lost 12-14 and the first team lost 17-28. The hockey girls gave their all on the field. The u/14’s won 3-0 and the first team had an impressive score of 6-0. The rugby boys are showing that hard work and preserverence will pay off. The u/14’s lost 0-14; the u/15’s won 19-0; u/16’s won 12-5; the second team won 22-5 and the first team won 10-5. The chess made us proud with their 9-1 win.
Die hokkiemiesies was nie net Woensdag besig nie, maar hulle moes voorberei vir die spar toernooi wat op Saterdag 6 Mei plaasgevind het. Die spartoernooi is altyd ‘n lekker voorbereiding vir ander wedstryde, want die spelers kry die geleentheid om meer as een wedstryd te speel. Die meisies het gegaan om hulle harte uit te speel en dit is presies wat hulle gedoen het. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Dundee 1-0 gewen; Hoërskool Amajuba 1-0 gewen; Hoërskool Utrecht 2-0 gewen: St. Domonic’s 0-2 verloor, maar het ongelukkig in die semi-finaal vasgeval teen Hoërskool Ferrum en 0-3 verloor.
Dit is slegs die 2de week van die kwartaal, maar reeds is die dae gevul met verskeie aktiwiteite.
On Wednesday the 19th of April some of the teams played against St Dominics. The second team netball won 14-5 and the first team won 24-12. The hockey boys played hard but unfortunately lost 8-0. The chess won 7-3.
Die rugby seuns het Woensdag Noord-Natal proewe gespeel en 6 van die seuns het deurgedring na die volgende rondte. Ons wens die seuns sterkte toe in hulle volgende rondte proewe.
The ACTS group performed their yearly Easter performance from Friday to Thursday. They had the opportunity to perform for the school and various other primary schools in the vicinity. They gave their Easter message by singing and dancing to the glory of God.
Saterdag het VHS teen Hoërskool Amajuba gespeel. Die netball o/14 B het 10-12 verloor. Die 0/14 A span het 18-1 gewen. Die 2de span het 14-12 gewen en die eerstes het 20-15 gewen. Die 0/16 hokkiemeisies het 0-1 verloor en die eerste span het stof in hulle opponente se oë ingestof deur 5-2 te wen. Die seunshokkie het ook gewen met 2-0. Die skaak, wat ons altyd trots maak, het met `n uitstekende telling van 9-1 gewen.
Die eerste rugby seuns het 62-0 met Amajuba afgereken. Die seuns het hulle bloed, sweet en tokmerke op die veld gelos.
Na `n kort besige vakansie is almal terug op dreef en besig met akademie. Ons was bevoorreg genoeg om ons sport spanne op toer af te sien tydens die laaste week van skool en in die week van die vakansie.
Ons eerstespan hokkiemeisies het tydens die laaste week aan die Amajuba sportweek deelgeneem wat deur Hoërskool Volksrust aangebied is. Die meisies het baie geleer en het tydens die toer vaardighede aangeleer wat hulle die hele seisoen kan gebruik. Die meisies het 5 wedstryde gespeel. Uit die 5 wedstryde het hulle 2 wedstryde gewen en 3 gelykop gespeel. Die volgende meisies is ook as spelers van die wedstryde aangekondig: Suné de Swardt; Sphesihle Kunene en Lesedi Mongale.
The first rugby team attended their rugby tour at Camp Discovery in Pretoria during the last week of the first term. The boys were taught new skills by professional coaches, and they had the opportunity to use these new skills in games that were played on tour.
The junior rugby boys also had the opportunity to take part in the Pionier rugby week where they played games against the participating teams.
As the hockey girls left the Amajuba sport week the junior netball girls joined the week held for the juniors. The Netball girls had an eventful week. All of the girls were given advise by the co-ordinator and the teams had the chance to use this advice to better their games. The u/14 and u/15 girls did very well in all the games that they played. The u/14 girls played 5 games and won 4 of the 5 games. The u/15 girls played 6 games and won 5 out of their 6 games. We are extremely proud of these girls and their achievements.
The choir also held their very first choir camp. They collaborated with Vryheid Landbou school to form a mass choir. The choir members used Monday and Tuesday to perfect their singing voices and prepare their new mass choir project. We look forward to hear what whimsical sounds will come from this wonderous project.
After a restful long weekend, there was an eventful week ahead of us at Vryheid High School. On Wednesday the 22nd of March we continued with our spirit week. The learners had to wear anything green and gold.
The u/16 and u/19 rugby boys traveled to Ferrum High School to play trials for the Northern Natal rugby squad. The boys were excited to have a week filled with rugby.
Donderdag het die gees hoog geloop by Hoërskool Vryheid, maar hoekom nie? Dis derby dag! VHS sien al so lank uit na die wedstryde. Dit is waarvoor ons almal oefen. Die hokkiemeisies se tellings was 0/14’s 0-8; o/16A 0-10; o/16B 0-8; 1ste span hokkiemeisies 1-6. Die 1ste seunshokkiespen het 1-0 gewen.
Die netbal meisies het hulle sweet en nerwe op die baan gelos en hulle tellings was: 0/14B 17-6; o/14A 10-12; o/15 13-23; o/16 17-15; 2des 10-23 en 1ste span 10-26.
The rugby has been the pride of VHS this week. For the first time in over 20 years, the rugby boys gave PHS a run for their money. The results were: u/14 won 32-24; u/15 won 21-3; u/16 27-15; 2nd won 8-7 and the 1st team drew 17-17. The boys gave everything on the field and they definitely are busy plucking the fruits of their hard work.
The ACTS club held a praise and worship session on Friday during the second break. This gives the learners the freedom to praise and worship with their peers. The Acts will also host a movie night on Wednesday the 29th of March at 17:45.
On Sunday the 26th of March the hockey and rugby teams are going on tour. The u/16 and 1st team rugby will be touring to Camp Discovery in Pretoria and the 1st team hockey girls will see their way to Volksrust. We wish them all the best.
What a busy week it has been at Vryheid High School! The Interact club has been eagerly selling Easter Hamper raffle tickets to raise money for child welfare. Tickets can be purchased at the Children’s Welfare offices, located at 166 Landdrost Street.
On Wednesday, March 15th, the new members of the School Governing Body were elected. We would like to congratulate the following parents who were elected: Ms. E Wagner, Mr. F Stoltenkamp, Mr. V Nxumalo, Mr. L Breytenbach. A special congratulations to our new Chairman, Mr. A James.
The Bhekuzulu Netball trials were held at Vryheid High School and Hoërskool Pionier. Congratulations to the following girls on their achievements: U/14 – N Mhlongo, A Mahlaba, K van Roos, E Jiyana, P Odekpe, L Nkosi; U/15 – A Mpanza, S Khulu, S Ndaba, O Ntuli; U/16 – K Xaba, M Phaswana, N Khanyile; U/17 – T Ntshangase.
Die verwagte geesweek het ook begin. Met die twee vakansiedae wat volg, het ons besluit om die gees al vroeg in die week op te wek. Ons het Donderdag afgeskop met graad 12’s wat soos onderwysers moes aantrek, terwyl die onderwysers weer hulle skooljare herleef het deur die dag in skooluniforme te dra.
The annual Sports Dance took place on Thursday night. This is a prestigious dance where the school’s winter sports teams are introduced in a formal manner. The teams wear formal black dresses and suits and perform a dance for the school. It’s a chance for the teams to be celebrated.
Vrydag was enigiets behalwe ‘n gewone skooldag. Die leerders het met die kreatiefste “skoene” skool toe gekom – van rolskaatse en veiligheidsskoene tot 2-liter plastiekbottels as skoene. Almal het deelgeneem aan hierdie aktiwiteit.
Friday was also “Pie-a-teacher” day, where students could pay to pie their favorite teacher. This activity promotes a positive spirit between the students and the teachers.
Ons golf spelers het hierdie week hulle eerste wedstryd van die jaar gehad .
Ons is trots om te sien hoe ons golf span van krag tot krag groei.
VHS rugby kraai konings.
Vryheid High School participated in the Eshowe Winter Sports Tournament on the 11th of March held at Eshowe High School. The sun was shining in all its glory. After an extremely hot and exhausting day, the rugby boys were the ones to come out on top. The hockey boys had a difficult day, where they lost against Hoërskool Richardsbay, Empangeni High, and Sarel Cilliers. The Hockey girls won 2-0 against Waterford High, drew against Empangeni High School, and lost 0-1 against Hoërskool Richardsbay.
Netball is played in pool matches. Vryheid High played a total of 6 games and won against St Catherines but unfortunately lost the remaining 5 matches.
The rugby came out victorious with a gold medal on the day. Their games were Esikhaleni Development 28-0, John Ross 32-3, Eshowe 17-0, and drew against Sarel Cilliers 0-0. The boys went through to the final where they played against Empangeni High School and won 21-5.
Die Acts het ook hierdie week hulle tweede deel van ‘The Armour of God’ gewys waar hulle praat van hoe Hy, die Here, ons sal beskerm van die bose.Dit kyk ook na die uitdagings wat ons in ons daaglikse lewens ervaar en help die leerders om met die uitdagings tewerk te gaan.
The Interact club will also be selling raffle tickets for R30 to win an Easter hamper. All the money will go the Child Welfare. The winner of the raffle will be announced at the Paddadam market on the 1st of April.
The Interact club will also be selling raffle tickets for R30 to win an Easter hamper. All the money will go the Child Welfare. The winner of the raffle will be announced at the Paddadam market on the 1st of April.
Hoërskool Vryheid het Saterdag, die 4de Maart, ons eerste sportbyeenkoms gehad waar ons kragte gemeet het teen Hoërskool Empangeni.
Die 1ste skaakspan het 5-5 gelykop gespeel. Die o/14 en o/15 netbalspanne het albei hul wedstryde gewen. Die o/16 en 2de span het ongelukkig verloor maar met goeie sportmanskap. Die 1ste netbalspan het `n moeilike wedstryd gehad en het ongelukkig 3-32 verloor
The hockey teams’ persistence and determination are admirable. The u/14 hockey girls lost 1-2 and the u/16 had a draw of 1-1. The 1st team hockey girls lost 2-1 after a tough game. Our 1st team hockey boys had a good game but sadly lost 0-1.
Die rugby spanne het hierdie naweek floreer. Albei die u/14 en u/15 spanne het gewen. Ons u/16 span het 5-14 verloor. Die 2de span het 28-14 gewen. Die 1ste span Rugby seuns het `n harde wedstryd gehad en in die laaste 20 sekondes `n uitstekende wen drie gedruk.
This week our Interact club accompanied by the Marimba band and ACTS dance group visited the SAVF old age home on Wednesday the 1st of March. It was a nice day filled with fun and laughter. The older generation gave them valuable advice and shared life lessons. This was a good opportunity for the learners to breach the generation gap.
Saalbyeenkomste is nie meer iets van die verlede nie. Die skool het teruggekeer na tradisionele saalbyeenkomstes soos dit altyd gedoen is.
Die graad 10-12`s kom op Maandae byeen en die graad 8 en 9`s kom op `n Vrydag in die saal byeen. Die week is die skool se verskeie sportsoorte se eerstespanne aan die skool voorgestel.
The grade 11 learners had the opportunity to attend the armed forces career day in Richards Bay on the 17th of February. Learners could learn about the different types of careers that are available in the armed forces. This was a wonderful opportunity for learners to learn about career opportunities that they do not get exposed to on a regular basis.
Die jaarlikse swemgala het in die week plaasgevind. Die leerders het die geleentheid gehad om hul staal in die water te wys. Sulé-ka du Toit en William Lang is aangewys as Junior Victor en Victrix Ludorum. Rebecca Mattison en Kyle Barsdorf is angewys as Senior Victrix en Victor Ludorum. Die leerders het weer soos oudergewoonte die nuwe onderwysers ingehuldig deur hulle in die swembad in te gooi.
The ACTS club held a praise and worship session for learners that were interested on Friday the 24th of February. The learners enjoy being part of something bigger.
Die kwartaaal is in volle swang, die graad agts raak gewoond aan die skool en die sportspanne het begin oefen. Die leerders oefen vir atletiek of hul gunsteling wintersport.
Akademie het ten volle begin en die leerders het reeds baie werk om te doen.
We have also started with our cultural events for the year. The choir has had auditions. The school play has started to rehearse, and the learners are excited to partake in all of the events that the school has to offer.
On the 27th of January, our athletes partook in Hoërskool Piet Retief`s athletics day. The athletes have the opportunity to showcase their talents and show the rest of us what they are made of. The most important part of athletics is self-discipline. You have to know what your abilities are and work on your own achievements. The following athletes placed in the first three positions: D de Beer, 2nd place in boys u/16 Long jump; T Dlamini 2nd place in boys u/17 800m; R Grobler 3rd place in boys u/17 800m; A Mbatha 2nd place in boys u/17 200m; A Nyandeni 2nd place boys u/17 400m. M Chetuku 1st place in girls u/14 400m; A Mbentse 3rd place in girls u/14 100m; U Ndlovu 3rd place in girls u/14 discuss; Z Wagner 1st place in girls u/ 14 Javelin and shotput. We are proud of the work these athletes put into their own achievements.
We are busy with our annual grade 11 Valentine’s Day sale. The grade 11’s are tasked with raising funds for the matric farewell and one of the biggest fundraisers is the Valentine`s Day sale. The rest of the school can buy a special gift for their Valentine, which will be handed out to the Valentine on Valentine’s Day.
Die begin van enige iets nuuts is altyd angswekkend en dit is hoe amper elke graad 8 leerling voel die aand voordat hulle by die nuwe Hoërskool begin. Die kwartaal het afgeskop met die onderwysers wat teruggekeer het na die vakansie en reg gemaak het om die leerders terug te verwelkom en die nuwe leerders welkom te heet.
Dinsdag, 17 Januarie het ons jaarlikse graad 8 braai plaasgevind. Dit gee die nuwe graad agt leerders die geleentheid om hulle nuwe onderwysers te ontmoet, nuwe maats te ontmoet sodat alles nie heeltemal vreemd is wanneer hulle die eerste dag by die skool instap nie.
The learners get the opportunity to get to know one another and the other learners in the school. They are taught new dances and songs that build camaraderie and school spirit in the younger grades.
The 2022 NSC results were published on Friday 20 January, and we are proud to share our results:
Awande Mtshali is our Dux learner for 2022. We are so proud of her achievement, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Her results were as follows:
ENGHL – B,75%
AFRFA – A,83%
ZULFA – A,95%
MATH – A,87%
LIFE – A,90%
ACCN – A,87%
LFSC – A,88%
PHSC – A,83%
She achieved an average of 86%. Her 7 best subjects result in an average of 87,57%.
The following learners have achieved the top 10 results of the 2022 academic year:
2. Minenhle Xulu: 6A, 1B – 86%
3. Anja Eckhardt: 5A, 1B, 1C – 82,86%
4. Mukeliwe Mazibuko: 6A, 1B – 82,71%
5. Tahira Sheik: 4A, 3B – 82%
6. Nomusa Kunene:4A, 3B – 81,86%
7. Robyn Conibear: 3A, 4B – 80,43
8. Lusanda Buthelezi: 2A, 4B, 2C – 77,88
9. Mandisa Dlongolo: 3A, 2B, 1C 1D – 77,43
10. Lihle Qwabe: 2A, 3B, 2C – 75,71
We have received an overall pass percentage of 94,2% with a 64,7% bachelor pass rate, a 24,46% diploma pass rate, and a 5% certificate pass rate. We want to wish our matric class of 2022 all the success in their future endeavors.
The first two weeks were filled with fun. The annual Interhouse was held on Friday, 20 January. Learners were eager to partake in a day that is not only filled with sport but also filled with school spirit. The learners dressed in different colors to represent their different houses. In the end, the team with the best spirit and participation will take home the trophy.
The following learners were the stars of the day. The junior Victrix Ludorum: Zani Wagner broke the Javelin record in 1999. She has improved the record to an impressive 33,19m. The Junior Victor Ludorum was Zane Hughes. Both our senior Victor- and Victrix Ludorum did well in track items. Our Victrix Ludorum was Amahle Ndima. Aphiwe Mbatha not only holds the prestige of Victor Ludorum but is also the best athlete of the day.
We are looking forward to the results these athletes will deliver during the athletic season.
This week was filled with emotional days.
The grade 12’s last day of their high school career came to an end and they also said goodbye to many things during the week. On Wednesday the 19th of October our Sport and Culture evening was held. The learners are praised for their prestigious accomplishments on the sports field or on stage at this prizegiving. We are privileged to be able to have learners who are blessed with such amazing talents. Our guest speaker for the night was Mr. Tom London, the Founder of Soweto’s finest, a well-known choreographer. He reminded the learners that it doesn’t matter where you come from or how much you have, success is possible with hard work.
Woensdag aand, 20 Oktober was ons jaarlikse akademiese prysuitdeling. `n Aand van `n ander kaliber. Die leerders word vereer vir hulle akademiese prestasies in die week. Indien `n leerdeer 70% of hoër behaal, as `n gemiddeld, is die leerder uitgenooi na die akademiese prysuitdeling. Die graad 12’s het ook elkeen `n prys gekry vir die leerder wat die beste gedoen het in hul vakgebied. Ons gasspreker was Mev Samantha Johannes. Sy het `n kragtige boodskap aan die leerders oorgedra. Sy het hulle herinner dat jy tot enige iets in staat is mits jy hardwerkend is.
At the annual academic prizegiving, the head leaders of 2023 were announced. We would like to congratulate the following learners:
M Mbatha as Hostel Head Boy; N Mpungose as Hostel Head Girl; S Mkhwanazi and J Clothier as Deputy Head Girls; A Snyman and S Nxumalo as Deputy Head Boys; F Paruk as Head Girl and W Xaba as Head Boy. Ons wil hulle sterkte toewens vir die jaar wat voorlê. Dit is nie altyd `n maklike avontuur nie, maar dit is definitief die moeite werd. Ons weet julle gaan ons ongelooflik trots maak.
Die matrieks is amper klaar, die graad elwe is in beheer en die skool is die week net so besig soos altyd. Dinsdag het die skaakspan, `n junior en `n senior netbalspan reggemaak om teen Inkamana kragte te meet. Die meisies het dit geniet om op `n ander tyd as die gewone netbal te speel. Die skaakspan het 7-3 gewen. Die netbal het een gemengde o/14 en o/15 span en `n o/16 en o/17 span bymekaargemaak. Die junior span het 28-3 gewen en die senior span het 25 -15 gewen.
On Wednesday the 1st cricket team prepared to play against St Dominic’s after school. The boys played hard: caught a few difficult catches, bowled some precision balls, and faced the ball with utter confidence. Unfortunately, after a long day of playing the boys ended up drawing with St Domonic’s.
Die meisieskrieket span het donderdag teen Hoërskool Pionier krieket gespeel, die meisies het soos die seuns met alles binne hulle gespeel maar het ongelukkig vasgeval met 89 lopies.
The soccer teams had a busy day on Thursday, they played against Dundee High School. The players have been preparing for the games and have been playing so well. They are running faster, blocking better, and kicking harder. The first team boys lost 3-2, the second team boys drew 2-2 and the first team girls drew 1-1.
The soccer teams and girls’ cricket teams’ days did not end there, they came off the bus and went straight to the spring sokkie, where the rest of the school was celebrating the start of spring. The learners danced the night away.
The 7`s rugby boys got onto the bus early Friday morning to play at the High School Trio 7’s tournament in Kroonstad. The boys were so excited to be playing a tournament of this magnitude. The results were: lost 22-14 against Hoërskool Voortrekker Bethlehem, won 36-5 against Hoërskool Henneman, won 38 – 0 against Hoërskool Marquad. They went through to the cup quarter-final where they won 7-5 against Hoërskool Landboudal. They then played the cup semi-final against Horskool Goudveld where they drew 14-14 but went through to the finals on the first try-scored rule. They met Welkom Gymnasium in the final where they lost 38-0. Well done to these boys for their prestigious achievement.
Die o/15 seuns se uitslae: verloor 38-5 teen Hoërskool Trio, wen 22-5 teen Hts Welkom, verloor 17-0 teen Hoërskool Lanboudal. Hulle behaal die plaat finaal waar hulle 22-12 verloor.
The month of May was quite a busy month at Vryheid High. We had sports, charity month, and cultural competitions.
Our last sports fixture against Newcastle High School was one to remember. The kids have been so happy to just have a normal sports season for the first time in three years and to end it on such a high note was special for the learners and for some it was their very last game. The Netball results: u/14’s won 21-4; the u/15’s won 33-4. The boys Hockey: The 2nd team lost 0-2 and the first team lost 6-0. The girls Hockey: 2nd team won 5-1 and the first team won 2-0. The rugby u/15 and 16 combined team won 19-0. The chess lost 0-6.
The ACTS group held a Friend Feud competition which was run throughout the month of May. Similar to Family Feud, the contestants were split into teams of five, and questions related to the Bible were asked. Fourteen teams braved the competition, but only one team can be victorious… Kentucky Fried Chicken. The kids were excited to partake in the competition during breaks. They worked up their friends and made sure that there was enough spirit to compete against.
Mei maand was ook die maand vir liefdadigheid. Die Interact groep het regdeur die maand ou klere, speelgoed, kos en verskeie ander goedere ingesamel sodat hulle dit kan skenk aan die mense wat minder bevoorreg is. Ons is so trots op ons kinders se bereidwilligheid om ander mense te help.
Die laaste kort week vir die kwartaal is verby en die toetse is byna hier. Die onderwysers spartel om alles klaar te kry en die sport hou almal uit die moeilikheid in die middae.
The University of Pretoria was here to visit the matric learners on Wednesday the 4th of May. When the universities visit the learners, they aid in the decisions that they must make for the years ahead. The university representative informed the learners about what they can expect and opened the learner’s eyes to the endless opportunities that their future holds.
Die belangrikste ding van opvoedkunde is dat `n persoon nooit moet ophou leer nie. Die oomblik wat `n persoon ophou leer is die oomblik wat `n persoon stagneer. En Hoërskool Vryheid maak seker dat hulle onderwysers nie stagneer nie. Op Donderdag 5 Mei het die onderwysers van die skool saamgekom en `n werkswinkel gehad oor “ Laterality“. Dit verwys na die kant van `n persoon se brein wat dominant is. Daar is ook geleer van hoe ons, as onderwysers, dit kan gebruik in ons klasse.
The Interact club presents its charity drive for the month of May. The aim of this drive is to collect toys, food, and clothes for charity. The learners must donate an item of either clothes, toys or food and then they can participate in the charity day held each Friday. This past Friday the learners had the opportunity to wear “anything but school shoes” and the educators had to dress as any alternative career. The day went off with a few laughs, some learners even wore a pair of flippers. The educators were up for the challenge – there were educators that dressed as housewives, mine workers, astronauts and professional golfers.
We are looking forward to the upcoming charity days: 13 May – Funky hat day; 20 May – Sunglasses Day and the 28 May the learners can dress as superheroes or cartoon characters
Hierdie week was die netbal behoorlik in die lig by Hoërskool Vryheid.
Die Zululand netbal proewe is te Hoërskool Vryheid gehou om Woensdag die 18de April. Die o/12 en 13 meisies het reeds om 10:00 hul staal begin wys.
Die 0/14 en 15 meisies was om 12:00 aan die beurt en die 0/16’s, 0/17’s en 18’s was om 14:00 aan die beurt. Die meisies het hulle alles gegee en hulle harte tussen die 4 lyne gelos. Die volgende meisies het die 0/14 span behaal: Charlotte Mlotshwa; Olwethu Ntuli; Simphiwe Ndaba en Asibonge Mpanza.
Die o/15 dogters is: Keara Robson; Thando Mdlalose; Murendeni Phaswana en Senamile Khanyile. Die o/16 dogters: Amahle Dladla, Thembelihle Ntshangase; Buhle Madonsela en Aphile Zulu. Die o/17 dogters: SK Mkhwanazi; Amore Grobler en Mandisa Jele .
By die o/18 dogters het Mukelwe Sibiya die span gemaak. Ons is ongelooflik trots op ons mesisies wat die Zululand span gemaak het en ons wens hulle sterkte toe vir die volgende rondte in Durban.
The other sports codes used the time they had to prepare for the upcoming fixtures. It has been difficult to get into the correct rhythm with rain disrupting practices and long weekends shortening the practice time within the week.
The learners are busy attending extra classes on a weekly basis. Each day of the week the senior learners have extra lessons that are given by their subject teachers. These extra classes are to make sure that the senior learners are properly prepared for their exams and that they have the necessary subject knowledge to ensure that their academics are kept up to standard.
Ons het die kwartaal op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit. Die eerstespan meisieshokkie het deelgeneem aan die Amajuba Sportweek wat deur Hoërskool Volksrust aangebied is.
In die oggende was daar hokkie-klinieke aangebied deur oud-springbok spelers en -afrigters. Die meisies het die geleentheid gekry om in die middae wedstryde te speel waar hulle twee wedstryde gewen het en twee verloor het.
There was a prizegiving on Wednesday the 23rd of March where Siphokazi Zulu, the team’s goalie, was awarded the most promising goalkeeper for the tournament. The team was awarded the most improved team of the tournament. It was a fun-filled week for the girls and they had to be back at school for their last few days.
The traffic department visited the school on Friday 25 March where they educated the learners about road safety and proper road use. The traffic officers are on a mission to visit all the Vryheid schools and educate the children on proper road use and safety.
Die netbal het Sondag, 27 Maart op die bus geklim na Camp Discovery, net buite Pretoria. Die meisies het bekendes soos Bok van Blerk gewaar terwyl hulle nog slapend vir hulle kos gewag het. Die paar dae was propvol leergeleenthede en wedstryde. Jenny van Dyk, Tuks Netbal se Afrigter, het die toernooi behartig en haar kennis gedeel met die spelers en die afrigters. Die spelers en die afrigters het ongelooflik baie geleer en dit het die meisies die geleentheid gebied om as ;n span saam te groei.
The girls played matches throughout the tournament from which they won two matches and lost two. On the last day, they also had the opportunity to share the court with the Tuks players.
Die o/14 en o/15 rugbyspanne het aan die Pionier- rugbyweek deelgeneem. Daar het die seuns kragte gemeet teen skole soos Hoërskool Dundee, Hoërskool Richardsbaai, Hoërskool Pionier en Hoërskool Wilgerivier.Die o/15 seuns het twee wedstryde gewen en een verloor en die o/14 seuns het een wedstryd gewen en twee verloor.
The following players were awarded as players of their respective matches: Zander Steenkamp, Kwanele Shangase, and Ntsika Ntanzi.
Congratulations to all the teams with their excellent results on tour and good luck for the upcoming season.
Verlede naweek het die skool se hokkie, rugby en netbal eerste spanne deelgeneem aan die Eshowe toernooi in Eshowe.
Die verskillende skole het uitspeelrondes teen mekaar gespeel en het uiteindelik semi finale en finale gespeel. Die netbalspan het algeheel 6de geeïndig. Die rugby het in die finale kragte gemeet teeh Vryheid Landbou, maar het ongelukkig net-net die goud gemis. Die seunshokkie het algeheel 4de geeïndig, maar die hokkiemeisies se uitslae was op almal se tonge. Hulle het in die uitspeel rondtes al die wedstryde gewen en kragte gemeet teen Empangeni Hoër in die finaal. Die finaal het meer as een naelbyt oomblik gehad. Die wedstryd het in `n strafdoel uitskiet geeiïndig waar albei die spanne 5 kanse gekry het om die bal in die doelhok in te slaan. Na die uitskiet was die spanne steeds gelyk op, daarna het die wedtryd beweeg na `n finale uitskiet waar die meisies van Vryheid Hoër koning gekraai het.
On Monday, 14 March the rugby second teams got the opportunity to play some friendly practice games against Vryheid Landbou. This was an opportunity for children to play a game who do not always get the chance to play.
The Department of Health held a vaccination drive on Friday where they came to the school to vaccinate the children whose parents gave permission for their children to get vaccinated. They set up quickly in the hall and started calling the learners. The day was extremely efficient and well planned.
Die week was `n rustiger week by Hoërskool Vryheid.
Daar is gefokus op akademie en die leerders het herstel van verlede naweek se kragmeting teen Empangeni Hoër. Die dag het begin met mistigheid op die bus en die leerders het geweet dat hulle alles sal moet gee as hulle die dag op n suksesvolle noot wil eindig. Die sport resultate was as volg: Die hokkie se eerste span seuns verloor 2-1; die eerste span meisies wen 2-0; o/16 hokkie meisies wen 3-2 en die o/14 hokkie meisies verloor 2-1. Netbal: Eerste span verloor 13-16; 2de span verloor 8-8; o/16A verloor 10-9; 0/16B speel gelykop, 7 elk; o/15 A wen11-6; o/15 B wen15-8 en die o/14A span verloor 6-5. Die rugby: Eerste span verloor 12-3; tweede span wen 10-5 ; o/16 wen 32-0; o/15 verloor 12 -0 en die o/14 span wen 24-12.
Our Eco-Club does not only want to save the planet, but they want to ensure that the school has enough benches for the ever-growing number of learners. On Friday afternoon the Eco-Club collaborated with the Interact club to build eco bricks. These “eco-bricks” are strong enough to use as bricks to build houses with. How does one build an “eco-brick”? With a 2-litre bottle and recyclable materials. You use the recyclable material to stuff the 2-litre bottle. It can take up to 2 weeks to gather enough plastic and other materials to make sure that you have your brick stuffed tight enough. We are so proud of these learners that take the time out of their weekend to make sure that they do their part for the planet. We are waiting in anticipation to see what they are creating with the new set of “eco-bricks”.
Verlede naweek was ‘n prettige naweek vir die hokkie bokkies. Hulle het deelgeneem aan die Spar toernooi by Hoërskool Ferrum in Newcastle.
Die meisies het uitgesien om meer as een wedstryd te speel en om die kans te kry om op `n astro baan te speel. Die meisies het wedstryde teen Newcastle Hoër en Sarel Cilliers gewen, maar het vasgeval teen Hoërskool Pionier en Hoërskool Dundee. Die opwindenheid was groot en die meisies het die wedstryde terdee geniet. Hulle het algeheel 5de uit 8 skole geiïndig.
Vryheid High’s very own Mr and Miss Vryheid high was on everyone’s lips this week. After a lot of preparation and practice the top ten boys had the chance to participate on Monday night and the girls had their evening filled with glitz and glam on Tuesday. The participants had to model three items: school wear, theme wear, and finally formal wear.
The boys did not shy away from the opportunity to show us how handsome they can look in a tuxedo and a tie. And the girls could not have looked any prettier. With the completion of the night, the winners were announced. David Minlah is our new Mr Vryheid High and Tyra Hughes our new Miss Vryheid High. These learners have the privilege to wear their crowns for the next year.
Sport is in volle swang by Vryheid Hoër hierdie week. Ons rugby seuns het die vorige Saterdag, 19 Februarie 2022 aan die Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag deelgeneem.
Ons kan nie meer trots wees op ons seuns se prestasies nie. Hulle het hulle harte op die rugbyveld uitgespeel.
Our chess players also had a busy week. They had a friendly match against Vryheid Comprehensive and Vryheid Landbou. Our chess players have had to practice to make sure that each move they make is a very strategic one.
Wednesday,23 February called for a lot of fun. The spirit of the learners could be seen and heard even before school. Not only did we have Chess against Vryheid Landbou but we also had a sports fixture at Landbou. For some of the teams, this would be our very first sports fixture and the players could not wait for the bell to ring at 14:00.
What made the day even more exciting and built on our school spirit was that we had an “everything but a school bag challenge”. The learners were able to bring anything except their school bags. We saw some creative schoolbags coming out. Learners brought anything from a plastic bag to a mini-fridge, we even saw fishing nets and got a chance to meet a bird called Bluey.
Die klok het gelui en die leerders het sou gou as moontlik by die busse uitgekom. Die opgewondenheid om sport te gaan speel het deur die gange weergalm. Die netbal meisies het verdedig, die hokkie meisies het gehardloop en die rugby seuns het drieë gedruk. Hoërskool Vryheid het beïndruk en die volgende uitslae is behaal: Die 1ste span hokkie meisies het 2 – 0 gewen. Die netbal uitslae: O/14‘s wen 16 – 5; O/15’s wen 9 0; 2de span wen 11 -10 en die eerste span meisies wen 15 -11. Die rugby seuns: O/14’s wen 24 – 10; 0/15’s wen 31 – 5; O/16’s wen 21 – 7; 2de span wen 24- 5 en die 1ste span seuns het gelykop gespeel 12 elk.
On Friday the 15th of February we closed off the week in a special way. ACTS (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) had a very successful praise and worship meeting on Friday during the second break. The meeting both started and ended with praise and worship. The learners were very enthusiastic and raised the roof with both songs. Kwazi Dlamini from Freedom Life Church delivered a message titled “Feels and Reals” where he encouraged learners to seek the truth and base their decisions on what the book of truth, the Bible, says.
Ons het ook die voorreg gehad om `n nuwe personneellid te verwelkom. Baie welkom aan mnr Juandre Coetzee. Ons hoop jy het ‘n ongelooflike reis by VHS en dat jou tyd hier net geluk en vreugde sal bring.
Aktiwiteite by VHS is in volle swang.’n Klompie entoesiastiese swemmers het gesorg vir groot kompetisie in die swembad en het die volgende prestasies by die interhuis behaal.
Junior Victor Ludorum: William Lang; Junior Victrix Ludorum: Rebecca Mattison; Senior Victor Ludorum: Duncan De Villiers en Senior Victrix Ludorum: Carmen Barsdorf.
The week of love was an eventful one at Vryheid High. We started the week off with Valentine’s Day and the learners had the opportunity to dress in the colours of love. The learners also had the opportunity to take part in the matric farewell fundraiser where they could buy several gifts for their valentine.
Wednesday’s Golden athletics at Hoërskool Pionier was one for the books. Athletes from various schools in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal came together for this prestigious event. They came to run, jump and compete against the best of the best of Northern Natal.
Thursday started off with the first blood drive for the year. Our one and only Blood Drops facilitated the blood drive. They educated their peers on the importance of donating blood and encouraged peers, that are allowed, to go and donate blood. Learners and teachers alike came together and donated blood for this good cause.
Die Valentynsdans was die hoogtepunt van die week. Die leerders kon piekniekmandjies met ‘n verskeidenheid lekkernye vooraf bestel. Saam met die dans-manewales het dit die geleentheid baie genotvol gemaak.
Ons is gelukkig om 2022 so te kan begin. Na ‘n lang sportdroogte lê daar baie besige weke, waarna almal baie uitsien, voor.
Bianca Hellberg is nie net as Hoërskool Vryheid se Dux leerling aangewys nie, maar sy is ook verlede week as een van Zululand se top 10 studente aangewys.
Sy gaan in die komende week Vryheid Hoër verteenwoordig, in Ulundi, by die distrik se prysuitdeling.
Ons wil haar graag geluk wens met hierdie uitsonderlike prestasie. Graad 11 is sy onkant gevang deur Covid-19 wat die hele jaar omver gegooi het. Matriek was vir hulle moeiliker, want sy moes seker maak dat hulle al die graad 11 en 12 werk afgehandel kry.
Sy het deur haar moeilike laaste twee jaar vir ons gewys dat enige iets moontlik is , solank jy hard werk en deursettingsvermoë het.
Marks, Set, Dive! Vryheid High School’s swimming Gala was on Tuesday, 8 February 2022, an event that is enjoyed by the learners year after year. From u/14 girls to u/19 boys were like fish in the water. And as always, the new teachers were welcomed by being thrown in the water by the grade 12 learners. It was enjoyable seeing the teachers running for their lives.
As for new teachers we would like to welcome Ms ZP Ndwandwe to the VHS family. She will be teaching isiZulu. We hope her time at Vryheid High will be filled with joy and special memories.
En … Die uitslae is in. Grey King het koning gekraai by verlede week se interhuis atletiek byeenkoms.
Die leerders het vêr gegooi en blitsvinnig gehardloop. Die volgende atlete is aangewys as die beste baan- en veld atlete: Beste seuns veldatleet, A Masondo, met ‘n afstand van 10.57m in gewigstoot. Die beste seunsbaanatleet is S. Mkhwanazi, `n 0/16 seun wat die 100m in 11.15 sekondes gehardloop het. Die beste dogters veldatleet was U. Ndlovu met `n afstand van 8,33 m in gewigstoot. Die beste dogters baanatleet, A.Ndima, het die 100m in 14.14 sekondes gehardloop. Die Victor- en Victrix Ludorums van die dag is aangewys: Junior Victrix Ludorum is Z. Mdlalose, `n 0/14 dogter. Ons sien uit om te sien hoe sy in die komende atletiek byeenkomste gaan presteer. Ons junior Victor Ludorum is `n 0/15 seun, S. Nkehli, met ongelooflike potensiaal. Ons matrieks het uitgestaan en het beide die Victor- en Victrix Ludorum titels opgeraap. N. Terblance as Victrix Ludorum en Z van Greuning as Victor Ludorum. Hulle het hul laaste interhuis gebruik om te wys dat hulle wel van staal gemaak is.
Zander van Greuning does not only show off on the athletics field, but on the water as well. He was selected to be part of the South African Freshwater Bank Angling Junior Protea team for 2022. His father, Sampie van Greuning, also our SGB chairperson, was selected to be the Junior Proteas Team Manager. We are privileged to have students that are balanced and excel in the things they partake in.
Wednesday, 2 February, was the day of the week everyone has been excited about: Vryheid High Schools relay evening. It is what we have been training for since the athletics season started. Learners were excited to have their first interschool meet in more than a year. There were seven schools participating in this event: Vryheid High School, Hoërskool Pionier, Vryheid Landbou, Ferrum High School, Dundee High School, Sarel Cilliers and for the first time Ligbron Akademie joined us for this prestigious event.
Die aand het met ongelooflike opgewondenheid afgeloop. Die altlete het gehardloop dat die stof staan, die skare het gejuig en die mense was opgewonde oor die geleentheid wat die leerders kry om te wys waaruit hulle gemaak is. Selfs die onderwysers het hulle skoene afgestof en `n 400m aflos aangedurf. Die leerders het met elke seer spier deurgedruk tot die einde toe. Teen die einde van die aand was Hoërskool Ferrum oorwinnaars met Hoërskool Pionier kort op hulle hakke. Hoërskool Vryheid het die 3rde plek behaal.
The first three weeks of school kicked off with a bang!
The perfect balance of academics, sport and fun was had this week.
We started off with first team netball trials on Saturday, 22 January. The girls were eager and excited to get on the court again. They played their hearts out and persevered on the court.
Die jaarlikse atletiekbyeenkoms is op Dinsdag, 25 Januarie 2022 gehou. Die leerders was uit hul vel uit om `n jaar af te skop met ‘n gevoel dat dinge dalk weer terugkeer na normaal kan terug keer. Die leerders het die oggend begin met geesvang en die matriek leerders het die baan geopen met `n gejuig. Die leerders het met vuur en vlam die baan en veld items voltooi. Die matrieks het die meeste gemaak van die dag, hulle het aan al die items probeer deelneem met die wete dat dit dalk die heel laaste keer kan wees wat enige van hulle op die atletiekbaan te siene gaan wees.
Wednesday, the 26th of January the learners enjoyed the fruit festival. The weather allowed for a waterslide and learners smearing one another with some soft pieces of watermelon. They had to hurry up and change because the grade 8 Sokkie was up next. Eskom tried to dampen the mood, but VHS learners know how to entertain. It is important for new grade 8’s to feel like they are part of something and the first two weeks at school are used to make them feel at home. Welcome, grade 8’s, you are now officially part of the VHS family.
Die dag waaroor elke rugby seun droom het Donderdag, 27ste Januarie aangebreek: Eerste span rugby proewe. Was die vakansie se oefening goed genoeg? Weet ek nog hoe om `n bal te vang na amper twee jaar van min of geen sport? Sal ek kan hardloop na Dinsdag se atletiek? Dit is ‘n paar vrae wat voor die proewe in die seuns rondgemaal het.
Die graad 8’s is verwelkom, sport spanne is gekies, akademie het begin. Nou is ons gereed om hierdie jaar by die horings aan te pak.
The class of 2021 had two years of Covid-19 restricted education, constant interruptions, rotational timetables, and extra classes.
They have shown resilience and grit. They have taken the pass rate of 87 % from the previous year and improved it to 95,1 %. Vryheid High school had a total of 144 candidates that wrote their NCS exams, achieving an overall pass rate of 95,1, a total of 116 subject distinctions, and 67,83% pass with a bachelor’s.
The following subjects had an average of 60% and higher: ENGFA, AFRFAL, GRMSA, ZULFA, ACCN, LIFE, MLIT, and TRSM. ACCN, BSTS.
The following educators boast a 100 % pass rate within their subjects;
ACCN: E Lourens, S Shangase, AFRFA: S Stapelberg, S Potgieter, AFRHL: S Stapelberg, BSTD: L Schoeman, CATN: C Caluza, ENGHL: A van den Heever, S Verster, ENGFA: N Mentz, GEOG: E de Vries, G van den Berg, H Venter, S Moolman, GRMSA: B Tschirpig, HOSP:M Coetzee, LFSC: Z Steyn,M van Niekerk,E van Tonder, LIFE: E van Tonder, SZ Mhlungu, C. Loots, J. Booyens, MATH: E van den Heever, MLIT: E Lourens, I van der Walt, M van Niekerk, PHSC: C Boock, H Mattison, TRSM: N Mentz, A Meyer, ZULFA:L Magwaza, SZ Mhlungu.
Vryheid High’s top achievers:
- Bianca Hellberg (8 subjects) 8A’s – 88,63%
- Khuzaima Sheik 5A’s – 82%
- Humaira Beemath 3A’s -79%
- Popia (Protection of personal information)
- Olwethu Ndwandwe 4A’s – 77,14%
- Leo Mattison (8 subjects) 4A’s -77%
- Elvin Varghese 2A’s- 76,86%
- Popia (Protection of personal information)
- Nozibusiso Maphanga 2A’s – 76,57 %
- Popia (Protection of personal information)
Congratulations to the Gr 12 ‘s and educators, you have done your school proud.
VHS 2021 Dux: Bianca Hellberg 8 A’s:
- ENGHL 85%
- AFRFA 93%
- MATH 84%
- LIFE 95%
- PHSC 80%
- LFSC 86%
- ACCN 91%
- GRMSA 95 %
- AVERAGE 88, 63%
The learners are putting their year’s efforts into paper in the current exams. We had the honour of hosting our academic prize giving, where we could acknowledge the hard work the learners have invested in their academics this year. The following learners received exceptional achievements:
Top Grade 8 achiever: Sbobongakonke Hadebe
Top Grade 9 achiever: Samantha Lewarne
Top Grade 10 achiever: Faria Paruk
Top Grade 11 achiever: Robyn Conibear
Top Grade 12 achiever: Bianka Hellberg
Gr 12 Trophy winners:
Anele Mdeletshe, Sinothi Sibiya, Ziyanda Nhleko, Thabang Zulu, Amahle Dlamini, Leandrie Gerber, Olwethu Ndwande, Robinson Josh, Allesia Pillay, Tayiba Kathrada, Zarina Knoetse, Sheik Khuzaima, Leo Mattison, and Bianka Hellberg.
We would like to congratulate and wish our new head leaders the best of luck with their tenure. Vryheid High School 2022 head leaders:
Carmen Barsdorf – Head girl S’qaphiwe Ndlela – Head boy
Melokuhle Hadebe- Deputy Head girl Kwazikwenkosi Zondo – Deputy Head boy
Robyn Conibear- Deputy Head girl Thandolwethu Danisa – Deputy Head boy
A twelve-year journey has come to an end for the class 2021.
We celebrated their school career in style. The event was at the mercy of the Covid regulations, but we were fortunate enough to host a glamourous Arabian Night. The matrics all looked exceptional and the night was a great success.
Nothing tells a story better than pictures, so we will let them take it from here. We would just like to wish our grade 12 ‘s the best of luck with the upcoming finals.
We have a jam-packed week ahead of us. The matrics will finish their prelim exams and blow off all the pent-up steam this Friday at their matric farewell, an event that promises to be glamorous. The rest of the school will end the term with a colour festival.
We were truly blessed the past week to have had the Men of the Word at our school. Their testimonies changed and inspired many lives. We finished our short week with Heritage Day festivities. Learners and teachers alike dressed according to the festivities.
Carmen Barsdorf has been included in the KZN netball squad. Her commitment has been duly rewarded. Carmen has been a star on the netball court and plays with so much passion. We wish her all the best on the upcoming provincial tour.
We all have become accustomed to the fact that the restrictions rob us of fun times.
The past two weeks we have refused to accept that. We hosted an internal soccer and netball tournament. It was good to see learners on the sports field again, having fun. Congratulations to our gr 9 soccer team that was crowned champions.
The educators’ netball team was the victors in that tournament. The gr 8 top ten academic achievers were also announced. Congratulations to the following learners: Daniella Martin, Sbongakonke Hadebe, Aphiwe Khumalo, Kwanele Mtimkhulu, Banzi Khoza, Aphelele Masondo, Sanele Sibiya, Senamile Kunene, Nokuphiwa Khanyile, Shahnawaz Patel.
VHS is also very proud to announce that we have unveiled our sports mural wall and are very proud of the result.
We have concluded an eventful week at Vryheid High School.
We have appointed our leader corps for the next year and wish them all of the best for their tenure as the leaders of our school. Our Marimba band has been hard at work despite the continued forced Covid-19 breaks and were eventually allowed to demonstrate their skills.
They entertained our Gr 12’s with an entertaining exhibition, hoping to inspire them for their upcoming trial exams. We wish our Gr 12’s a successful trial. Our learners ended the week with a civvies day, raising funds for charity in the process.
2022 Leaders:
Girls: A Arends, M Barnard, C Barsdorf, R Conibear, L Dlamini, M Hadebe, T Hughes, A Khumalo, P Matlala, A Mhlophe, L Molio, S Ndawo, A Ndlovu, A Ntuli, L Qwabe, T Sheik, N Terblanche, S Zulu.
Boys: M Behabethu, J Coetzee, T Danisa, N Hlatshwayo, A Khumalo, S Mafambane, M Mdlalose, T Mdlalose, N Mnguni, T Mthabela, S Mthethwa, S Ndlela, D Nodolo, M Sahib, T Smith, Z van Greuning, K Zondo, A Aphiwe.
It is encouraging to see that our learners are still excelling despite the uncertain times we are facing. We would like to congratulate the following choristers that have been selected to represent NKZN Youth Choir: Amahle Dlamini, Khutso Selowa, Bonga Xaba, Andiswa Dlamini, Simphiwe Xaba, Owami Zulu. Jano Strydom has also been awarded the Drummond Densham Junior Honorary officer of the year. Congratulations to you all.
‘Oom’ Chris soos hy aan ons bekend was het in 1951 by Hoërskool Vryheid gematrikuleer. In 1957 word hy as onderwyser by Hoërskool Vryheid aangestel waar hy onder andere Tikskrif, Snelskrif en ander handelsvakke aangebied het. Hy was vir 31 jaar betrokke by VHS. Hy het vele rolle by VHS vervul, onder andere het hy die VHS-Busdiens tot stand gebring. Hy was lank die redakteur van die skool se jaarblad en ook die skoolkoerant wat kwartaalliks uitgebring is. Die twee dokumente het hy self op ‘n drukpers by die skool gedruk. Een van sy trotse funksies was om die skoolrooster, toe nog met die hand geskryf, saam te stel. Oom Chris was ook beheer van die skoolprefekte die Junior Stadsraad, fotografie asook vele ander kultuuraktiwiteite. Oom Chris gaan nie net ‘n leemte laat in sy gesin nie, maar by almal wat hom geken het.
Rus sag oom Chris en dankie vir die voorbeeld wat jy vir ons gestel het.
A long-overdue NSC awards ceremony was hosted the past week. The pandemic halted the annual awards ceremony. Both 2019 and 2020 awards were handed out and as per usual VHS excelled. The following subjects had a 100% pass rate:
Life Orientation Mr Booyens, Ms Venter, Ms van Tonder Afrikaans First Addtional Ms Stapelberg, Mr van den Heever English First Additional Ms Mentz Geography Ms Jansen van Rensburg, Ms Venter, Mr Moolman, Mr van der Bergh Toerism Ms Mentz Math Literacy Ms van Niekerk, Ms Lourens, Ms Friend | Accounting Ms Shangase, Ms Lourens, Ms Bradshaw Physical Science Ms Khonjelwayo, Ms Mattison Mathematics Ms Kohlmeyer, Ms van den Heever German Ms Tschirpig Life sciences Ms Nel, Ms Sadie English Home Language Ms Verster Isizulu First Additional Mr Mhlungu, Ms Magwaza |
VHS also received shields for best performing school in the Filidi district. VHS was the best performing school in Physical Science and English Home Language. Congratulations to both students and educators alike.
The school sporting world has been rocked this week with news that all winter sport has to cease, just as we were starting to get into the swing of things again.
Fortunately, our school has many activities apart from sport, where the learners can express themselves. The ACTS Christian organisation hosted a Bible quiz. Congratulations to the following learners that won: M. Barnard, M. Jele, M le Roux, and L. Mattison. The ACTS will also start their four-week video-based Bible study this week.
The Interact club as always has also been hard at work. The one group made Covid-screens for the school on Saturday while the other group had a food drive at Pick and Pay for child welfare. We appreciate all our learners that try to make the world a better place. Have a good week and keep safe.
We were blessed with yet another busy week. Not a single day was wasted. We would like to congratulate the following learners that have made it to the final rounds of trials:
U/14 Zululand team
Keara Robson, Senamile Khanyile, Bongimfundo Cele.
u/15 Zululand team
Amahle Dladla, Aphile Zulu, Thembelihle Ntsangase, Buhle Madonsela.
U/17 Zululand team
Carmen Barsdorf, Nina Terblanche, Mukelwe Sinokuthula.
U/19 Zululand team
Zetty Jele, Thandeka Nxumalo.
U/16 Zululand team
Wandile Xaba
u/18 Zululand team
Arno Ferreira, Joshua Robinson, Leo Mattison, Nkosepayo Ngema.
We wish all our sports stars the best of luck for the next round. The school also had our first Blood Bank for the year and managed to produce 70 units of blood. We hoped to end our busy week with a full winter sports fixture against Ermelo High School but was unfortunately called off. We are grateful for the week and can only hope for another week packed with activities.
The first week of the term is behind us and not a moment was wasted. We returned on Monday and were welcomed back with our first winter sport fixture against Piet Retief High School.
The learners were thrilled to step into the competitive arena again after such a long layoff from the sports fields. On Wednesday the rugby boys, netball girls, and hockey girls took part in their first round of trials. The rugby boys made us proud, as thirteen boys have been selected to form part of the NKZN squad.
On Thursday we had a chance to gather our breaths, as Friday we welcomed back our full complement GR 10’s and Gr 11’s for the first time since the first lockdown. We also had our first golf league tournament in Dundee. On Saturday we welcomed Empangeni to our fields for a full day of winter sport fixtures.
We are truly thankful to be able to finish a week like we had; as we know not a single day of interacting with another can be taken for granted. We look forward to another jam packed week.
It is said that you have not lived today if you have not done something for someone who can not repay you. VHS Interact took on a collection project to tend to the needs of dogs in our rural areas.
They have been hard at work collecting food, blankets and medication. The collection drive was a great success and we would like to thank all that had a hand in the project. Jano Strydom, a Gr 12 learner of VHS, has recently received an honorary certificate of recognition from Ezemvelo Wildlife.
Jano had to travel to St Lucia to receive his reward at a prestigious regional AJV event, where he was honoured for being a devoted game ranger since 2016. Jano helps out at Ithala over weekends, removes illegal fishing nets in our area and has rehabilitated countless animals back to the wild.
What makes his story even more remarkable is how he defied the odds. Jano was diagnosed with Gulliun Barre in Gr 1 and lost his ability to walk. Jano’s story can serve as inspiration to all. VHS is very proud of all our philanthropic students. We hope you all enjoy the holiday and return safely.
We are very proud to see how one of our past scholars is excelling on the netball courts, Pamela Chukwu. Pamela was selected to represent the President’s XII. They recently played against the Baby Proteas, where Pamela was selected as player of the match. We hope you all have a blessed Easter weekend, be safe.
We are hard at work with trying to catch up on lost academic time but excited with the prospect of sports matches returning soon. One can not help, but sense the positivity in the school, as things are getting back to how they used to be. We would like to congratulate Ms M Le Roux that has been appointed as acting Deputy Principal, we wish her all the best and we believe she will take the school forward.
Covid-19 has taken so much from us, but it has surely taught all of us a valuable lesson in that we cannot take anything for granted. One of these things we took for granted was celebrating our achievers at our annual prize-giving. We had to make do with what we had at our disposal. We held the first of two prize giving’s this past Friday, where we honoured our junior academic achievers with a scaled-down event. Congratulations to Samantha-Dawn Lewarne (top achiever for grade 8) and Faria Paruk (top achiever grade 9). Congratulations to the following learners who made the top 10 for their respective grades:
Grade 8 top ten:
Samantha-Dawn Lewarne, Rehnuma Patel, Muhammad Khan, Yvette De Swart, Rebecca Mattison, Blessing Nenohwe, Luthfiya Manjoo, Mndeni Zwane, Asande Seyama, Kyle Barsdorf.
Grade 9 top ten:
Faria Paruk, Laveeza Khan, Amahle Zulu, Muhammed Kajee, Phambili Xulu, Silindile Mabuza, Lindy Els, Amahle Dnima, Abdul Ghaffar, Jewairiyya Lunat.
The senior prize giving will take place this coming Friday.
It is comforting to see everything going back to normal. Most of the winter sports teams are training and our marimba band has also started. Enjoy the long weekend and be safe.
The year 2021 has started and we already been faced with a handful of challenges.
If 2020 has taught us anything, is that we should not take anything for granted. Any chance we get to spend with our fellow VHS family this year, whether on the sport fields or in the classroom, will be seen as a blessing. We have already had our first social event, as far as regulations permitted.
VHS hosted a successful virtual quiz, that was enjoyed by both VHS parent and scholars alike. As the new year comes, so does the old fade and new opportunities come forth. We say goodbye to Ms Marais and wish her all the best in her new endeavour. We would like to welcome our new educators to our VHS family, Ms Potgieter, Ms Adendorf and Ms L Mentz. May all your expectations and dreams come true with us.
We kick off the week with our GR12’s and Gr 8’s and will welcome back our GR 9, 10 and 11’s on Thursday. WE cannot wait to welcome you all back.
Zander van Greuning most certainly could not have been more delighted with the relaxing of the restrictions, as he has recently been crowned the South African freshwater angling champion. Results
We all feel restricted in our movements and feel caged in during the pandemic. As the restrictions have relaxed, it has allowed us to do what we love once again, to a certain extent.
We would also like to congratulate the following learners who took part in the De Beers English Olympiad: E. Varghese, M. Patel, A. Shae and R. Naidoo.
They all received bronze certificates. Our learners are doing what they can, with what they have, where they are and we as a school couldn’t be more proud.
The matrics are finishing off the last of their year’s work as they ready themselves for the trial exams, that will kick off this Wednesday. We wish them the best of luck. Congratulations to the following learners who have made it through to the next round of the Old Mutual maths Academic Olympiad: B. Nehohwe, M. Mehtar, S. Bhayla, M. Khan, M. Karrim and L. Manjoo. Our Gr11’s and 12’s also took part in the Computer Olympiad, in which the following results were obtained:
Gold medallist: M . Makubo
Silver medallists: JD Hatting and Z. Nel
Bronze medallists: B. Maseko, B. Maziya and C. Sibisi
The Vryheid High School learners also blew off some steam this week by taking part in the Jerusalema challenge. Be sure to check it out on our multimedia pages.
We have been given a curveball this year. Life as we know it has been thrown upside down. Vryheid High has been hard at work to try and restore normality at our school. We have recently launched a talent show with a twist.
All entries are online and our audience will also be behind a screen. We encourage all our learners to take part, those at school as well as those that are still at home. We have also brought in themed Fridays, where our Gr 12’s dress up on Fridays. The marketing team has also been hard at work and had the pleasure of visiting Paulpietersburg Primary the past week. We were looking forward to welcoming back our Gr 10’s, but received the sad news that their return will once again be delayed. Stay negative, but with a positive attitude – be safe.
When faced with tough times one can only look to the future. Our marketing team has been hard at work visiting all our neighbouring primary schools, selling our wonderful school. Our team has visited both Nardini Convent and NRS the past week. Vryheid High had to be abruptly shut down on Wednesday as a precaution. Due to a possible Covid-19 threat, our school has been deep cleaned and will resume as normal on Monday. We will also be welcoming our Gr 11’s back to school. The Gr 11’s will have an A and B group to ensure fewer numbers, so we can stick to the social distancing guidelines. Vryheid High wellness program’s message in these troubling times: ‘’Hope is the feather that reminds us we have wings.’’ VHS learners: be safe – be strong.
All ‘’masked’’ smiles at Vryheid High
Even though we have to hide our smiles at Vryheid High, we are not letting it dampen our spirits. Keeping social distance isn’t easy, especially at a high school, but we are coping with the ‘’new normal.’’ Thank you to Spar for making this task easier for the learners with the generous donation of VHS branded social distancing stickers.
We are currently making up for lost time with running extra classes on Saturdays, as educators are selflessly offering up their weekends to make sure the curriculum can be completed. Either you run the day or the day runs you.
We would like to remind all parents that Grade 8 applications are open and application forms can be collected at the office.
Monday saw a number of anxious grade 12 faces entering the gate. Friday a clear change in the mood was evident. Grade 12’s quickly realised that all safety measures are in place and the academics could be prioritised. Our educators and learners adapted really well to the change and can not wait too welcome back the rest of the school.
Daar word gesê dat dit ‘n gemeenskap vat om ‘n kind groot te maak, die gesegde kon nie meer waar gewees het dié week met die vrygewige donasie van Afriforum nie. Baie dankie aan Mnr. Van der Walt en Mnr. Van Aswegen vir die skenking van die Covid-19 hulppakket.
The pandemic has thrown this year into disarray, more so the academic year.
Vryheid High has been hard at work the past two weeks ensuring that when our learners return, they will return to a safe learning space. Our educators have returned and have been briefed with all the safety precautions which will be followed ensuring the safety of our learners. Educators can not wait to welcome back their learners and to get back to teaching, even if it means in uncanny conditions.
The school as well as our two hostels have been deep cleaned and are Covid -19 ready. When faced with tough times one has always the prospect of a better future and with that in mind, we are already focusing our attention towards next year. Our Gr 8 admissions for 2021 will open on the 1st of June and close on the 7th of August. Parents are allowed to collect the admissions forms from the office. The school wellness program would like to leave you with the following thought: “Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.”
The learners literally and figuratively went the extra mile this week.
Our learners travelled far and wide to compete in different codes. The first boys and girls hockey sides took to the road to compete in the annual Eshowe winter sport festival.
The boys first team played five matches winning three of the five, the one loss was in the final where they played against Sarel Cillers and unfortunately lost 1-0. The girls took third place, only losing one match in a penalty shootout. Our rugby boys also hit the road on Saturday to take on Kingsway High School on Kingsmead stadium; our first team played the curtain raiser for the Sharks. The first team boys took full advantage of this once in a life time experience and played out of their skins, beating Kingsway convincingly. All rugby sides left with the win.
Arushka Singh en Carmen Barsdorf het albei na Durban vertek om aan die EG Jansen redenaars deel te neem. Albei leerders het goeie bydrae gelewer en baie uit die geleentheid saam hulle terug gevat.
We wish all our learners a blessed holiday and pray for a safe return to all.
As Shakespeare famously said: “All the world’s a stage” – our grade 12’s ventured to Dundee to see their set drama, Hamlet, played out on the stage.
The academia for the week did not cease with the play, as we also had six learners who tested their knowledge with the national De Beers English Olympiad. One would wonder how the learners are able to find time to still take part in the extra-mural activities at school.
The extra-murals for the week kicked-off on Wednesday with Amajuba traveling to Vryheid, bringing along their netball, hockey and rugby sides. The first and second hockey boys left for St Dominic’s on Friday to take part in the Spar Hockey Challenge. The second team placed 6th overall and the first team 5th. All the rugby boys travelled to Michaelhouse College on Saturday, to measure themselves against stronger opposition. The experience gained will most definitely benefit our sides for the rest of the season.
Die gholfliga het die week afgeskop in Dundee. Baie geluk aan L. Erasmus wat 2de in Noord- Natal geëindig het. Die volgende liga wedstryd sal op Vryheid plaasvind.
Week’s program:
- 12 Maart, Donderdag: Redenaars (Durban)
- 14 March, Saturday: Rugby vs Kingsway (Kingsmead)
- Hockey Eshowe Festival
The secret to being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not, so keep busy.
Our VHS learners have no time to be miserable with our sport program and school societies.
The ACTS group ran a 4-week Bible study on “God is….”. About 40 learners ranging from Grade 8 to Grade 12 attended and took part in the discussions.
VHS has started an Eco Club, the aim of which is “to do our bit for the environment and help save our planet”. Currently, the Eco Club members are hard at work in the recycling room, sorting white paper, cardboard and plastic. Flip files, plastic sleeves and ring files are recycled back to those learners who cannot afford to buy new stationery.
The members are also making eco-bricks. These will be used for the construction of benches which the learners will be able to make use of during break-times.
Die wintersport program is sterk aan die gang met ons 1ste rugby span wat maandag kragte gemeet het teen Kearsney College. Saterdag het ons meisies aan die Spar hokkie toenooi deelgeneem, terwyl die res van die wintersport spanne na Empangeni vertrek het. Vryheid Hoërskool het met ‘n handvol wenne huis toe gegaan.
Week’s program
- Monday 02/03: GR12 Hamlet show in Dundee
- Tuesday 03/03: English Olympiad
- Wednesday 04/03: Winter sport vs Amajuba (home)
- Saturday 07/03: Rugby vs Michaelhouse (away)
- Boys hockey Spar Challenge (St doms)
The winter sport season has started and players and coaches alike had a jam-packed week.
The school closed at 12 o’clock on Thursday and all the sporting codes travelled to Piet Retief. Some teams had a full match, some had half a match and others had no match. The day had to be called off due to bad weather. Not all was lost for the week’s sporting fixtures as the rugby boys took part in the Sarel Cillers rugby day and the boys hockey measured themselves against the talent that Northern Natal had to offer at the Ferrum Panarotti’s sport day.
We sent five rugby sides to Glencoe and came home with four wins. By Vryheid Hoërskool hou ons van n goeie balaans met akademie en sport. Die top tien presteerders van elke graad was Maandag aangekondig. Geluk aan al ons leerders wat die top tien behaal het.
Ons top presteerders in elke graad is as volg:
- Graad 9: Faria Paruk
- Graad 10: Bianka Hellberg
- Graad 11: Tahira Sheik
- Graad 12: Medinah Khan
Week’s program:
- 29th February: Winter sport fixture vs Empangeni (away)
Our 1st rugby team found time in between their gruelling practice schedule to make a difference in our community.
The 1st rugby team has taken it upon themselves to uplift our community by offering their time for community service, together making a difference locally. We do not just aim at making a difference locally, but also aim at making a difference globally.
Vryheid High making an impact locally and abroad
Love was in the air this week at Vryheid High as we celebrated Valentine’s Day with a sokkie under the stars. Vryheid High always have learners taking part in the Midmar Challenge. This year was no exception as C. Henstock and B. Hellberg completed the mile under difficult conditions.
Luthando Sithole was chosen by the United Nations Health Organisation to represent South Africa in Indonesia. Luthando was one of only two representatives chosen from South Africa. Luthando made such an impact at the conference that UNICEF have selected him to represent them at the next conference in Thailand. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
Baie geluk aan ons netbal dogters wat die eerste rondte proewe gemaak het: S. Mkhwanazi, A. Grobler, B Madonsela, S. Ntshangase, T. Ntshangase, L. Moloi, P.Matlala, C. Barsdorf, N. Tereblanche, M. Hibbert, L. Dlamini, Z. Knoetze, Z. Mbatha en J. Spies.
Week’s program
Thursday, 20th February: Piet Retief Winter sport fixture
Saturday, 22nd February: Sarel Cillers Rugby Day
Monday, 24th February: Rugby vs Kearsney
Fun at the relay night
Vryheid High once again hosted the ever popular relay night meeting. This was the 16th relay night and it just gets better every year. A total of seven schools participated this year.
Unfortunately Piet Retief High School could not make it due to the strikes in Paulpietersburg. The spectators were treated to a spectacle as the athletes came to the party. The schools placed as follows: 1st Pionier, 2nd Vryheid High, 3rd Ferrum, 4th Dundee, 5th Vryheid Landbou, 6th Inkamana and 7th Sarel Cillers.
Ons atlete het ook Saterdag vroeg na Piet Retief vertek vir hulle Goue Medalje byeenkoms, gelik aan W. Mathe (2 goud), A. Mbatha (1 silwer) , J van Eck (1 silwer en brons) en M. Sibisi (1 brons). Die wintersport kruip al hoe nader en almal is opgewonde vir die seisoen. Die 1 ste hokkie span wil net dankie se aan Empire Dairy en Ashila Building and Civils vir hulle borg aan die 1ste dogtershokkiespan.
Week’s program:
Thursday, 13t February: Valentines sokkie (Picnic under the stars)
Bumper week at Vryheid High School
We had an eventful week at Vryheid High. We had both our swimming Gala as well as our Interhouse athletics the past week. We would like to thank all our officials at these events. A clear surge in learner participation was evident this year. We would like to commend the learners and our trophy winners. Congratulations to Van Riebeeck for winning the day.
Ons trofeëwenners by die swemgala was: C . Henstock (Girls open breaststroke), Leo Mattison (Boys freestyle), B. Hellberg (Girls open freestyle, Senior Victrix Ludorum), JD. Hatting (Senior Victor Ludorum), Z. Richards (Boys open freestyle), D. de Villiers (Junior Victrix Ludorum), S. Steyn (Junior Victor Ludorum).
Ons trofeëwenners by die Interhuisatletiek: O. Simelane (beste seuns veldatleet), M Hibbert (beste meisie veldatleet), M. Sibisi (beste seuns baanatleet), S. Mbatha (beste meisie baanatleet), U. Ndlovu (Jnr Victrix Ludorum), W. Mathe (Jnr Victor Ludorum), M. Hibbert (Victrix Ludorum), J. Eckhardt(Victor Ludorum), M. Hibbert (atleet van die dag).
Week’s program:
- 5th of February : Relay evening
- 8th of February: Piet Retief athletics day
Having Fun at the Fruit Festival 2020 and caring at VHS
The time table is in full swing and the learners are getting used to the challenges their new grades have to offer. We work hard at VHS, but we sure do know how to have fun. We had our Fruit festival on Thursday, followed by our Gr 8 sokkie. Everybody that attended had a blast. We also had our first Blood drive for the year were all the seniors donated blood. We are proud of all of you for your selfless act. Vryheid High donated a total of 70 units. We hope we can build on this for the remaining blood drives. ‘n Besige week is agter die rug en die opkomende week is net so bedrywig met die interhuis swem en atletiek wat die week plaasvind. Ons wens almal ‘n geseënde week toe.
Week’s program:
27th January, Wednesday – Inter house gala
31st January, Friday – Inter house athletics
31st January, Friday -Teacher team building weekend
VHS se Dux leerling vir 2019, Aliya Paruk, spog met ses A’s. Ons hoop dat jou prestasie ‘n inspirasie vir die res van die skool sal wees.
Proceedings in full swing At VHS
Educators are dealing with the shock of getting everything in order as the learners have returned to school.
We welcome all our learners back to school and a special welcome to all the Gr 8’s starting their journey at VHS. The Gr8’s have been busy with orientation the whole week writing streaming tests, getting to know the school and the teachers at our annual Gr 8 parent braai. We look forward to a fruitful five years with both our new Gr8’s and their parents. Everything is in full swing at the school with most of the sport teams kicking off their season this week. On Thursday we have our fruit festival followed by the Gr 8 sokkie. We wish all our educators and learners a blessed and prosperous 2020.
The 2019 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations – which saw 790 405 candidates sitting for 147 question papers in 7 416 examination centres nationwide – successfully concluded in November 2019.
Vryheid High school had 149 candidates that wrote their National Senior Certificate exams. The results have been released and Vryheid High School has reason to celebrate. The overall pass rate has risen from 2018, Vryheid High achieved an overall pass rate of 95.3% for 2019.
The achievements don’t stop there: a total of 167 subject distinctions were obtained overall with the following subjects achieving an average of 60% or more: ENGFA, ZULFA, ACCN, PHSC, TRSM, GRMSA and LIFE, and 62.7% of the learners pass with the necessary requirement for admission to a Bachelor’s degree.
Congratulations to our Dux student for 2019, ALIYA PARUK. She obtained 6 A’s: ENGHL 80%, AFRA 89%, MLIT 90%, LIFE 96%, BSTD 92%, and GEOG 82%. ALIYA had an 86% average. Kirsten Hellberg, Antoinette Colloty and Tayiba Sheik also achieved 6 A’s, Kwandilokuhle Nkosi, Xolile Zulu had 5 A’s, Stembokuhle Maphanga, Lana Schoeman, Andi Niebuhr, Thandiswa Cele, and Silungile Zondo had 4 A’s. The following learners had 3 A’s: Mandisa Mabusa, Manu Minlah, Rebekka Barnard, Mthobisi Thela, Cátia Marques, Asande Zulu, Sibahle Menyuka and Ndumiso Nyawo.
The school is really proud of all the hard work put in by our learners, but none of these results would have been attained without our dedicated teachers. Educators with a 100% pass rate in one or more of their subjects were: Verster, Vrey,Mentz, Magwaza, Mhlungu, Jv Rensburg, Moolman, vd Berg, Venter, Lourens, Shangase, Khonjelwayo Boshoff, van Niekerk, Nel, Sadie, Kohlmeyer, E van den Heever, Coetzee, Tschirpig, J Booyens, and van Tonder.
Ons verwelkom al ons personeel terug en ‘n spesiale verwelkoming aan ons nuwe personeel: Corné Loots (LIFE), Kim Macingwane (ENGHL), Lindie Mostert (GEOG), Leonard Nenohwe (MATH), Annerien Oelofse (TRSM) en Zandré Streyn (LFSC). Ons wens julle alle sukses toe.
“Leadership starts with you” was one of the many phrases we learnt the weekend of our leadership camp. On 13 September 2019, we left VHS for Dundee. The excitement buzzed through the bus as we reached Elandsheim Resort. A big thank you to Ms Venter, Boshoff and Mr van den Heever for accompanying us. The weekend not only taught us about leadership but also how to work as a unit together. These newfound skills will help the leadership group of 2020 serve and build VHS to higher heights!
During the annual Academic Awards Evening on Thursday, 10 October, the head leaders for 2020 were announced. The deputy head girls, Silindokhle Ntuli and Minenhle Ngema and deputy head boys, Siyabonga Sibiya and Khetho Mpotshane will help the head leaders, Melissa Hibbert and Khaya Khuzwayo. We wish them the best in building VHS to higher heights.
Girls’ Cricket
On Friday, 11 October the girls’ cricket team went on a tour to Empangeni. In their 1st match, they played against Grantleigh and lost by 1 wicket. They bounced back in their 2nd match to beat Empangeni High school by 31 runs. Thank you to Ms Boshoff and Mr Boock for accompanying the girls.
In ons samelewing is dit nie buitengewoon om iemand in nood te sien nie. By VHS het Interact en die school probeer teruggee aan die sameleing om hierdie nood te help verlig. Baie dankie aan elkeen wat gehelp het.
Elke jaar help die skool die kinderwelsyn om die nood te verlig. Verlede week het die skool kinders gevra om nie-bederfbare kos skool toe te bring. Hierdie kos is Vrydag, 18 Oktober in ontvangs geneem deur Nokuthula Buthelezi van die Kinderwelsyn in Vryheid.
Christmas is a time for giving but too often there are children who are not blessed with presents. As in every year, VHS learners participated in the Santa Shoebox drive and pledged 53 boxes. These boxes are filled with goodies for a specific child who is in Môrester Children’s Home in Ladysmith.
During the annual Academic Awards Evening on Thursday, 10 October, the head leaders of VHS 2020 were announced.
The deputy head girls, Silindokhle Ntuli and Sithabile Zwane and deputy head boys, Siyabonga Sibiya and Khetho Mpotshane will help the head leaders, Melissa Hibbert and Khaya Khuzwayo. We wish them the best in building VHS to higher heights.
On Friday, 11 October the girls’ cricket team went on a tour to Empangeni. In their 1st match, they played against Grantleigh and lost by 1 wicket. They bounced back in their 2nd match to beat Empangeni High school by 31 runs. Thank you to Ms Boshoff and Mr Boock for accompanying the girls.
Bullying is a huge problem in schools with more than 3.2 million learners bullied every year in South Africa.
160 000 high school learners bunk school every day, to avoid being bullied, and 1 in 10 learners drop out of school to avoid being bullied.
On 23 and 26 August, about 40 members of the ACTS group (Association for Christian Students and Teachers) and Kwazi, youth pastor from Freedom Life Church, visited NRS to talk to the learners about the impact of bullying and how to address it. The message was delivered through drama, dancing, singing, videos and testimonies of high school learners who were bullied and how they overcame it. The message was well received by NRS learners and is hopefully a step in the right direction to combatting bullying, which is a problem in all schools, nation-wide.
On the sporting field, VHS had a busy two weeks. On Thursday, 29 August the girls’ soccer team drew 1-1 against Piet Retief. The match was a tight match and the improvement within the squad was clearly visible. Asanda Buthelezi was awarded Woman of the Match. The girls are very excited about the rest of the season and we really see a great future for girls’ soccer in VHS. The soccer boys showed a lot of valour but, unfortunately lost 4-2 against Piet Retief in a friendly match.
Baie geluk aan Kayla High en Chloé Henstock wat verkies is tot o/19 Natal Binneland Krieketspan. Hierdie twee meisies wys dat harde werk vrugte werp.
Die krieketseuns het ‘n volle week gehad met die eerste wedstryd teen Pionier op Woensdag, 21 Augustus. Die 1ste-span verloor met 5 paaltjies en die o/15’s wen met 8 paaltjies. Die o/15-krieketseuns speel 23 Augustus weg teen Ladysmith en verloor met 8 paaltjies. Oor die naweek van 23 en 24 Augustus neem VHS se 7’s deel aan die Twizza 7’s te Hoërskool Pionier. Die rugbyseuns het fenomenaal gespeel met die o/17A-span wat die Shield-trofee wen, o/17B-span wen die Bowl-trofee en ons o/15-span wen die Shield-trofee. Dit was merkwaardig om die vasberadenheid en genot te beleef terwyl hierdie seuns gespeel het.
5 Sep 1ste Krieket vs Ferrum (Tuis
6 Sep Soccer vs St Dominics (Tuis)
Over the long weekend, the grade 10 Tourism class went on a tour to Thangami Spa. Although an enjoyable outing, it was not to be all fun and games. The students had to learn about the different aspects and sectors of tourism in order to do a project based on the tour itself. The best way to learn these things? Experience it yourself of course!
Die leerders het in die Bird’s Nest tuisgegaan en het verskeie aktiwiteite aangedurf, insluitend ziplining en abseiling. ‘n Voetslaanpad is ook aangepak met die eindbestemming die beeldskone Swart Umfolozi-rivier.
The learners experienced the cold mud pool after a brief tug of war, but in the end, everyone had a chance to get their fill of mineral-rich mud. The natural hot springs drew the learners during their downtime which lead to several games of volleyball.
Die leerders het hard gewerk en hard gespeel en het beslis onvergeetlike ervarings opgedoen.
Dankie aan Mnr van Rhyn, hulle Toerisme-onderwyser, en Mej Kleynhans en Mej Myburgh vir hulle bydrae en die versorging van die kinders sodat almal in een stuk terug by hul huise en families kon uitkom.
This week was a busy week on the sports’ fields for the cricket and rugby children. On 13 August, the 1st cricket boys played against St Dominic. St Doms went in to bat first and scored 116 runs in their 20 overs. VHS chased the score down with 2 wickets to spare, thus winning by 3 wickets. Best bowler was Khuzaima Sheik with 4 overs: 1 maiden, 17 runs and 4 wickets. Best batsman was Cameron Aitken with 23 runs.
Op Woensdag, 14 Augustus speel die o/15 krieketseuns teen St Dominics. In hul 20 boulbeurte het VHS met 3 paaltjies verloor. Die beste kolwer was Zander van Greunen met 69 lopies en Jayden van Eck was die beste bouler met 3 paaltjies. Donderdag, 15 Augustus, speel die o/15 krieketseuns teen Newcastle en verloor met 50 lopies.
On Friday morning, 16 August, the 1st and 2nd cricket teams travelled to participate in the Pongola Festival. The 1st team played 4 matches winning them all. The results were as follows: Landbou with 8 wickets, Ferrum with 9 wickets, Dundee with 7 wickets and Sarel Cilliers with 16 runs. The 2nd team lost against Dundee with 5 wickets and Pongola with 6 wickets. They beat Landbou with 8 wickets.
Die 7’s o/15 en o/17-spanne het die naweek van 16 tot 17 Augustus in Durban aan die 7s Twizza Toernooi deel te neem te Hoërskool Glenwood. Die seuns het hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt en VHS se naam hoog gehou.
Saturday, 17 August VHS tennis won their girls singles against St Dominic and won 2 out of 4 against Sarel Cilliers. Reimar Gevers and Sigcinokuhle Sibeko won their singles against St Dominic. Leo Mattison won his singles against Sarel Cilliers. VHS won their mixed doubles against St Dominic with Leo Mattison and Carmen Barsdorff their mixed doubles against Sarel Cilliers.
22 Aug Soccer vs Dundee (Home)
23 Aug u/15 Cricket vs Ladysmith (Away)
Part of the Interact’s vision is to give back to the community. As part of this vision, some of the members decided that they could help by picking up trash on the school grounds and the surrounding streets.
Between the giggles and heavy filled trash bags, the children helped to create a cleaner school and environment. These youngsters hope other community members will follow their example and clean up around their environments. We salute these children for creating a cleaner and better environment.
Amkele Nkambule (gr 11Ng) has been selected to visit Kenya as part of The Yale Young African Scholars program. She will be visiting Kenya from 7 – 14 August 2019. This is an exceptional achievement as Amkele had to compete against all the African countries. The school wishes her our best and that every moment be a memory of amazement.
On Tuesday, 30 July, the girls cricket team played against Newcastle High School and scored 110 runs thanks to contributions from all of the top order batsmen. NHS put the bowlers under pressure but couldn’t get the last 10 runs before their overs were up.
Saterdag, 3 Augustus het VHS tennisspanne gespeel. Die meisies wen hulle enkelwedstryde 4 – 0 teen Dundee maar verloor teen Ferrum. Arno Ferreia en Salmaan Dhooma wen hulle enkelwedstryde teen Dundee. VHS wen hulle gemengde dubbels teen Dundee maar verloor teen Ferrum.
9 Aug National Woman’s Day
15 Aug Information Evening Grade 9
The NKZN Super 8 tournament was held at VHS on Saturday and our cricket girls team put on a great display for the home crowd. In their first two matches they beat NHS by 21 runs and an invitational team by 31 runs.
This set up a title deciding match against defending champions Ferrum. VHS batted first and put 56 runs on the board and followed this up with a tight bowling performance as Ferrum ended 3 runs short. Well done on a superb team effort.
Woensdag, 24 Julie het die o/15 krieketseuns tuis teen Sarel Cilliers gespeel en met 5 paaltjies verloor. Zander van Greunen was die beste kolwer met 69 lopies van 59 balle terwyl Jayden van Eck die beste bouler was met 3 paaltjies vir 17 lopies. Die 1ste span het eerste geboul teen Sarel Cilliers waarop Sarel 102 lopies aangeteken het. Die beste bouler was Kyle Meier met JD Hatting die beste kolwer. VHS teken 92 lopies aan en verloor met 10 lopies. Donderdag, het die 2de span teen Dundee gespeel en met 6 paaltjies verloor. Leo Mattison het ‘n goeie 51 lopies gemaak met al die boulers wat hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt het.
On Saturday, 27 July the Sevens rugby team competed in the Clifton‘s Tournament and were a force to be reckoned with and carry the VHS banner high. Well done, boys!
3 Aug Cricket u/15 vs Ladysmith (Away)
Cricket 2nd vs Sarel Cilliers (Home)
Cricket 1st vs Ferrum 2nd
5-7 Aug School House Rock (Concert)
Na die Junie-vakansie is ons weer volstoom aan die gang. Hierdie kwartaal het begin met die aankondiging van die nuwe adjunkhoof, Me Alta Nel. Me Nel is betrokke by VHS vanaf 1984 en dit is ‘n voorreg om haar aan die stuur te hê.
Ons wens haar alles van die beste toe met hierdie nuwe hoofstuk.
Just before the schools closed, VHS received the results from two different Olympiads some of our learners participated in. The Proverto Accounting Olympiad was written by 9 learners of which 2 are going through to the second round to be written on 31 July 2019. Congratulations to K Madi and X Ngobese (both in grade 11) for achieving above 70% during round 1.
It was the first year that the English Olympiad was written by VHS learners. This exam paper tests the learner’s ability to think critically and to incorporate what they learn at school when answering the questions. Five of our learners participated with 2 learners achieving more than 70%. Congratulations to Kwandi Nkosi (grade 12) and Alessia Pillay (grade 10) with this amazing achievement.
Ndumiso Nyawo, Siya Sibiya and Khaya Khuzwayo participated in the Academy week in Bloemfontein during the holidays. Ndumiso’s performance has won him the attention of Rugby Travel who help rising stars play for clubs overseas. Well done, Ndumiso.
Chloé Henstock represented the u18 KZN Country Districts team at the regional festival in Newcastle where they finished 4th. Nikita Hughes was pulled up to the KZN u14A team which finished 3rd at the North Regional tournament.
18 July Parent Evening
20 July Cricket u/15 vs St Dominics (Home)
Tennis (Ladysmith)
VHS chess players were invited to take part in the Zululand District Chess Tournament held at Vryheid Comprehensive School on 27 April 2019.
Our learners did us proud, especially Elvin Varghese who came third. They learnt a lot and enjoyed playing very competitive chess. The excursion exposed the players to a tournament situation in preparation for the upcoming winter games.
PHOTO: L-R: Elvin Varghese, Thabang Zulu, Nsuku Msimango, Mpendulo Nkosi, Lwazi Sibisi and Sphetho Mncube
On Saturday, 3 May VHS had matches against Sarel Cilliers. Although the day started on a chilly note, it warmed up literally and figuratively. Our teams did well and we are proud of them.
Die netbalspanne het die volgende uitslae bereik: o/14A wen 20-1 , o/14B wen 9-6, o/15A wen 11-7, o/15B wen 20-7, o/16 verloor 18-23, 2de wen 18-13 en die 1ste wen 32-24. Baie geluk meisies!
The rugby boys had mixed results. The u/14 and u/16 teams win with 7-0 and 24-17 respectably with the u/15, 2nd and 1st teams losing their matches. The 1st team lost by only 1 point.
Die hokkie meisies het gemengde welslae gehad met die o/14 wat verloor, die o/16 wat gelykop speel en die 2de wat wen met 1-0. Die hokkieseuns het gewen 3-1.
The 1st hockey girls participated in the Spar Hockey festival. The girls played four matches, beating Newcastle 1-0, drawing with Dundee and Pionier and losing against St Dominics. VHS was placed fifth overall. Well done, girls! Thank you to Mrs Verster and Mr van den Berg for accompanying them.
Congratulations to the following learners for their achievements within their sport fields. Ndumiso Nyawo and Andi Niebuhr are going through to the final KZN rugby trails while Nikita Hughes was selected for the u/14 Inland Netball Training Squad.
11 Mei Sport vs Dundee (Away)
15 Mei Sport vs St Dominics (Home)
18 Mei Sport vs Pionier (Tuis)
Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”.
These words sum up what the VHS ACTS group (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) set out to do over the Easter period, “spread the message of hope that God is still alive and working in people’s lives,” through their annual Easter performance, which was performed not only for VHS learners, but also for neighbouring schools: NRS, Michaelis and VPP.
The Easter performance included the gospel choir, led by Ms Dlamini, the dance group dancing to songs: “God’s not Dead, Live with Abandon” and the one that got all the kids dancing “Follow the Leader”, as well as a powerful drama portraying the struggle between Satan and Jesus and the ultimate victory of Christ as He rose from the dead. Phumelele Mncube, a grade 12 learner, preached the true message of Easter. The performance emphasized the fact that God can be praised through singing and dancing. ACTS would like to thank Vryheid Meatmasters for their generous support of t-shirts for all ACTS members.
Die 1ste netbalspan wil graag die volgende borge bedank vir hierdie jaar se netbaltoerusting en wedstryduniform. Ons waardeer dit opreg: Pick-n-Pay/ Oasis, Mr Matata, Cox en Vennote, Mnr en Mev Knoetze, Screenworks, Toyota, DLV en PSG.
Op 1 Mei, gaan die volgende seuns die verskillende o/16 en o/18 rugbyspanne verteenwoordig. As skool is ons baie trots op hierdie seuns se sportmansgees en harde werk. In die o/16 span: Martin Jacobs, Vuoy Mdletshe, Leo Mattison, Josh Robinson, Langa Mtshali en Nkasephayo Ngema. In die o/18 span: Yenzeka Mkawazi, Andi Niebhur, Mhlengi Hlatshwayo, Amahle Dlamini, Siya Sibiya, Ndumiso Nyawo en Khaya Khuzwayo.
On 9 April, ten of our learners travelled to Hoërskool Richardsbay to participate in the Public Speaking Competition. It is with great proud that we congratulate Faria Paruk, Zimele Mnguni, Kwanele Ndlovu, Kwandi Nkosi and Abdulla Jasaf who were selected to participate in the final round in August. It is amazing to see how well prepared and enthusiastic these learners are.
4 MEI Wintersport vs Sarel Cilliers (Tuis)
9 MEI Restaurant Evening Gr 11
11 MEI Wintersport vs Dundee (Away)
VHS het hulle jaarlikse Wiskunde Olimpiade op 12 Maart geskryf. Die volgende kinders het bo 50% behaal en skryf die tweede rondte op 15 Mei.
Baie geluk aan elkeen van hierdie leerders. Die juniors: Silke Hinze, Faria Paruk, Muhammed Kajee, Lindy Els, Tahira Sheik en Marriam Mehtar. Die seniors is: Antoinette Colloty, Kirsten Hellberg, Sigacinokuhle Sibeko, Andile Ximba, Uzair Cassim, Leo Mattison, Khuzaima Sheik en Elvin Varghese.
The u/16 and 1st rugby teams travelled to Durban North College during the March holidays for a tour. Both teams played 3 matches each with both teams winning two and losing one. The following first team players are selected for the touring side that will go to Georgia: Kyle Gomel, Yenzeka Mkwanazi, Zipho Sikakhane, Mpilonhle Mbambo, Khaya Khuzwayo, Amahle Dlamini, Siya Sibiya and Andi Niebuhr. It is an amazing achievement and we wish the boys all the best.
On Saturday, 6 April VHS played winter sport against Pongola on our home grounds. The u/14 rugby boys won 27-12 with the 1st rugby team winning with an impressive 35-15. On the netball courts the 1st and 2nd teams proved to be too strong and won both their matches. The 1st team 34-10 and the 2nd team 25-6. The 1st team hockey girls looked stunning in their new kit and subsequently won their match with 6-0. The team would like to thank Ashila Building and Civics for sponsoring their new hockey match uniforms.
It is the end of a very busy first term with teachers and learners alike looking forward to a well-deserved rest. Thank you to all who contributed to a successful term.
On Tuesday, the school received the results after the children had their NCS papers re-marked. Nicole Muhl now has 8 A’s and Chané Lombard, 6 A’s. This is an amazing achievement and shows what hard work and dedication can achieve!
Woensdag, 13 Maart het VHS rugby tuiswedstryde gespeel teen Piet Retief. Dit was ‘n riem onder die hart om te sien hoe gepak die paviljoen was met ondersteuners en ouers. Die seuns het baie goed gespeel en die volgende uitslae bereid: o/14 wen 38 – 0; o/15 wen 12 – 7; o/16 wen 42- 0 en die 2des wen 18 – 10. Die 1st span het ‘n paar duur foute gemaak en verloor met ‘n finale telling van 27 – 15. Dankie aan al die afrigters en spelers vir hulle goeie sportmansgees.
The 1st netball team went on a team-building camp at Elandsheim from 8 – 10 March. It was a great experience for all the players. The camp taught the players a few valuable lessons: working as a team; to motivate one another to stay positive; to believe in their team mates; and to respect their team mates. It is an experience that will live in the heart of all the girls. Thank you to Mrs van Niekerk and all the other people who made this camp possible.
Die volgende meisies is gekies om Zululand te verteenwoordig by die Natalproewe in April:
o/14 – Simelokuhle Mkhwanazi en Andiswa Mdlalose
o/15 – Pleasure Matlala, Bondi Ngema en Mukelwe Sibiya
o/16 – Mieke van der Walt
o/17 – Zimele Zungu en Melissa Hibbert
o/18 – Asanda Buthelezi, Rebekka Barnard en Zurike Marais.
Baie geluk aan hierdie meisies wat VHS se vaandal hoog dra!
As the excitement built to 5 March, the VHS netball girls were preparing for their annual colour fun run.
At 16:30 the gates were opened and the festivities began at 17:10. Each girl had their place armed with the coloured powder to shower the participants in colourful array! VHS netball would like to thank everyone who participated and we appreciate your support.
Thank you to Stilwater that sponsored us and Vryheid Country Club that allowed us to make use of their premises. Keep an eye open for our next colour run. Hope to see you all there again.
Ons leerders het douvoordag vertrek om die Eshowe Winter Sports Festival op Saterdag, 9 Maart 2019 by te woon. Ons rugby, hokkieseuns en hokkiemeisies se eerste spanne het gaan deelneem en ons vaandel hoog gehou. Die rugbyseuns het al hulle wedstryde gewen. Hier is hulle uitslae: James Nxumalo Agricultural 14-0; Felixton College 24-0; Eshowe High School 28-5 en Empangeni High School 36-0.
The hockey boys’ team was placed overall 3rd out of 9 participating schools. These are their results: John Ross 3 – 0; Waterford 2 – 0; Empangeni 1 – 0 and lost Eshowe 0 – 1. The team lost against Sarel Cilliers in the semi-final in a shoot-out. The boys then played Eshowe and won 3 – 1 which placed them 3rd in the festival.
Die hokkiemeisies het ook algeheel 3de geëindig. Die meisies het drie van hulle wedstryde gewen, een gelykop gespeel en twee verloor. Hier is hulle uitslae: Waterford 1 – 0; RBSC 1 – 0; Richardsbaai 3 – 0; Empangeni 0 – 0; Felixton, 0 – 1 en Eshowe 0 – 1. Baie dankie aan al die afrigters wat saamgegaan het en ons spelers wat hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt het.
Saturday, 23 February was a warm and sunny day – a day ready for some serious action on the sports’ fields.
Ons netbalmeisies het slaggereed gelyk in hulle uniforms. Alhoewel hulle nie die uitslae behaal het wat hulle gehoop het nie, het die meisies baie goed vertoon. Die tellings was soos volg: 1ste span verloor 15-21, die 2de speel gelykop met 13 elk en beide die o/16 A en B spanne verloor. Die o/15 span verloor ook, maar die o/14 wen 12-6.
The rugby boys really showed some heart and won nearly all their matches. Their results were as follows: 1st team wins 45-13, 2nd team wins 44-0, u/15 team 26-17 and u/16 team 27-0 both win their matches as well. The u/14A draw with 12 each with the u/14B losing 27-5.
Die hokkiebokkies het regtig verseker dat al die toeskouers hulle naels afkou met beide die 1ste en 2de spanne wat gelyk op speel met 0 elk. Die o/16 wen hulle wedstryd met 3-1 terwyl die o/14 gelykop speel met 1 elk. Welgedaan, meisies.
The hockey boys were a force to be reckoned with by beating Empangeni 1st team 3-1 with the 2nd team drawing 0 each. It just shows that our boys know how to hit a ball and defend their goal!
1 MRT Boys Hockey St Dominics
9 MRT Eshowe Sportdag
VHS sporting weekend
Saterdag, 16 Februarie het die rugby- en netbalspanne vroegoggend na hulle onderskeie wedstryde vertrek. Die rugbyseuns het na Sarel Cilliers gereis en die volgende uitslae behaal:
0/14 wen 76/0 teen Ixopo
0/15 verloor 28/7 teen Voortrekker PMB
0/16 wen 25/5 teen Greytown
2de wen 22/10 teen KZN Development
1st verloor 50/24 teen Maritzburg College XV
The netball girls travelled to Newcastle but could not play due to the weather. On 5 March, the netball teams will be hosting their second colour run at the golf club. So keep that white shirt ready and come be sprinkled in colour!
The Interact has started the year with various projects. The first project is “His Caring Angel” project where the learners are asked to donate baby products and clothes. Another exciting development is that the Dundee Rotary Club want to become involved with our Interact. There will be an information evening in the kiosk on Thursday, 21 February at 17:30 for 18:00. All are welcome to attend.
- 23 FEB Sport vs Empangeni (Tuis)
- 1 MRT Boys Hockey St Dominics
On 1 February 20 learners attended the Filidi Circuit VHS athletics meeting. The following week 12 learners attended the Filidi Second Ward athletics meeting. We are still waiting for the results.
VHS het op 6 Februarie-hulle jaarlikse aflosbyeenkoms aangebied. Die o/19 seuns het die meeste reaksie ontlok van ʼn juigende skare. Die uitslae was soos volg: Piet Retief, Pionier, Ferrum, Vryheid Hoërskool, Vryheid Landbou, Dundee, Inkamana en Sarel Cilliers.
Congratulations to Manelisi Sibisi (u/17) who won the 100m sprint at Ulundi on 9 February with a winning time of 10:93 seconds.
Op 9 Februarie het van ons leerders deelgeneem aan die Golden Medal Athletics in Piet Retief. Wandile Mathe (u/14) win gold in the 100m, 200m and 400m. Duemarie Swart (o/17) wen goud in diskus.
Over the weekend, the VHS ladies attended a staff development weekend. Thank you to the Life Science department for the amazing arrangements and beautiful venue chosen. The ladies developed a closer and more powerful relationship.
- 14 Feb Valentines Dance
- 16 Feb Netball Tournament (Newcastle)
- 16 Feb Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag
- 20 Feb KZN Development Rugby
- 23 Feb Sport vs Empangeni (Home)
This week saw VHS holding their annual Interhouse gala and Interhouse athletics. It was amazing to see how our learners gave it their all to come out victorious and sometimes needing to accept defeat. VHS learners are really beginning to grasp the values we are trying to instil in them.
Op Woensdag, 23 Januarie het Grey-King, Van Riebeeck en Retief teen mekaar meegeding in die water. Tussen die ervare swemmers wat 400m (16 lengtes) geswem het en die wat vir die eerste keer deelgeneem het, het almal ‘n medalje verdien.
Die bordjie skop en binneband items het vir groot pret en plesier gesorg. Geluk aan Grey-King wat as wenners aangewys is. Die volgende kinders het trofeës verower: Junior Victrix – Bianka Hellberg; Junior Victor – Xander Richards; Senior Victrix – Kirsten Hellberg en Senior Victor – JD Hattingh en Morné Odendaal. Baie dankie aan Mnr Moolman en sy span vir al die reëlings.
On Thursday, 24 January, the houses competed against each other on the athletics track. The spirit on and off the track was maintained and encouraged by the grade 12 learners. These children provided some good laughs between their creative outfits and continuous participation.
Yusaf Khan wowed the crowd with his high jump abilities clearing 1.73m before declaring defeat. Well done to Jaden van Eck and Melissa Hibbert on improving the records in the 300m hurdles and shotput. As always the 100m and relay races had the crowd on their feet. The children enjoyed it when the head leaders competed with the teachers in a relay race! Congratulations to Van Riebeeck who were the victors of the day!
The following learners received trophies: Junior Victrix – Pleasure Matlala; Junior Victor – Jayden van Eck; Senior Victrix – Melissa Hibbert; Senior Victor – Khaya Khuzwayo and Athlete of the day – Melissa Hibbert. Melissa Hibbert (shotput) and Jayden van Eck (300m hurdles) broke records. Thank you to Mr Scholtz and his team for a well-organised and enjoyable day.
Vrydag, 25 Januarie het 36 van ons atlete deelgeneem aan die Filidi Distrik kompetisie. VHS wag nog vir die uitslae en sal op ‘n latere stadium meer hieroor sê.
Save the date: VHS Netball’s second colour run is being held on 5 March at the Vryheid Country Club.
- 5 Feb Blood donating
- 6 Feb VHS Athletics Relay Meeting
- 9 Feb Piet Retief Athletics Meeting
VHS het 148 kandidate gehad wat die NSE eksamens geskryf het met ‘n slaagsyfer van 91.22%. ‘n Totaal van 139 A vaksimbole was behaal met die volgende vakke wat oorhoofs ‘n gemiddeld van 60% of hoër bereik het: Afrikaans EAT, Engels EAT, Duits SAL, Zulu EAT, Toerisme en Lewensoriëntering.
Our Dux student for 2018 is Nicole Muhl who achieved 7 A’s: EngHL 82%, AfrFAL 92%, Geog 81%, LO 88%, PHSC 80%, German 92% and Life Science 88%. Nicole had an average of 86%.
The following learners obtained the more than 2 A’s:
6 A’s – Cara Klingenberg
5 A’s – Chané Lombard
4 A’s – Megan Connibear, Yaseera Sujee and Samia Ebraim
3 A’s – Alberdene Jacobs, Peter Gevers, Marion Filter, Siphesihle Khoza, Anke Slump, Sabera Khan and Carsten Meyer.
Educators with a 100% pass rate in one or more of their subjects were: Ms Hayward, Ms Nel,
Mrs Klynsmith, Mrs Nieuwenhuizen, Mrs Mentz, Mr A van den Heever, Mrs Janse van Rensburg, Ms Venter, Mrs Tschirpig, Mrs Coetzee, Mrs Smit, Ms van Tonder, Mr Mhlungu, Mr Booyens,
Mrs E van den Heever, Mr van den Berg and Mrs Magwaza.
17 Jan Fruit Festival & Sokkie
23 Jan VHS Huisgala
25 Jan Inter House Athletics
VHS wil graag elke leerder, ouer en opvoeder welkom terug heet. Ons is dankbaar julle is veilig en vertrou dat julle lekker uitgerus het en reg is vir die uitdagings van 2019.
As with all things in life, VHS had to say goodbye to some staff members last year as change is unavoidable. We are, however, very excited to welcome the new staff members to our dynamic team. We believe that you will soon find your feet and feel right at home. Mrs Anke Herbst (Math), Ms Anadie Sadie (LFSC), Ms Anél Myburgh (MLIT), Ms Minette Nel (LIFE), Ms Leza Labuschagne (AFRFA), Ms Sharon Shangase (ACCO) and Mr Jurie Mentz (CATN).
Die skool wil ook vir Mnr Duncan Purchase, aangestel as sportorganiseerder, welkom heet.
Ons versoek ouers om te verseker dat hulle kinders die nodige skryfbehoeftes en regte skoolklere het. Elke leerder is ‘n ambassadeur van VHS.
Please download the D6 communicator as this will ensure that you can stay abreast of the happenings at school. It is also vital that the school has the correct contact details for parents as crucial information is also sent via sms.
Mag 2019 die jaar wees waarin elkeen van julle julle drome verwesenlik.
25 Jan Inter House Athletics
5 Feb Blood donating
6 Feb VHS Athletics Relay Meeting
Seeking tranquil hostel accommodation with a touch of exclusivity? Specious 3 bed bedrooms are available for R29 150 per learner per year.
We are under Vryheid High administration and offer accommodation to learners from grade 7 – 12 irrespective of which school you attend.
Limited to 18 boys and 18 girls.
Enquiries: The principal at 034 982 2239
Rina Stutzer is ‘n oudskolier van VHS. Sy is verantwoordelik vir die pragtige skildery in ons voorportaal. Sy het weereens haar kunstalent bewys deur ‘n beeld te maak wat tans voor die ingang van die Mall of Africa staan.
The sculptures, entitled “There is no time like the present”, were revealed on 14 November in a spectacular fashion. The sculptures are an outline of Africa with one solid and one seemingly hollow. “Looking into it, fragmented reflections seem to dance in the space between the viewers and audience behaviour adds a fourth dimension and an active, animated and participatory quality to the artwork”.
Ons is ongelooflik trots op Rina wat die waarde van uitnemedheid uitdra na die wêreld.
On 24 October 2018 VHS staff, students and the community of Vryheid dressed in a white T-shirt and tekkies. Why? It was the colour run! The excitement and anticipation was tangible and everyone was eager to begin the run at the golf club. At the end of the run the white T-shirts were a splatter of colour and the smiles said it all! This was fun.
VHS netbal is dank verskuldig aan elkeen wat aan die “colour run” deelgeneem het. Met julle ondersteuning is dit moontlik om fondse in te samel vir 2019 se kamp.
Baie dankie aan die volgende borge se ondersteuning: Stilwater Water, Wimpy, Romans, Spur, Shellhein and Toyota.
‘n Woord van dank aan die Vryheid Gholfklub wat hul terrein vir ons beskikbaar gestel het.
Keep an eye out for our next colour run event. Hope to see you all there again as this one promises to be bigger and much brighter!
The head leaders for 2019 are:
- Hostel head boy: Sipho Ndebele together with Owami Buthelezi as the hostel head girl.
- The deputy head boys at school are: Sipho Ndebele and Abdulla Jasat
- The deputy head girls are: Tebogo Sedise and Kwandi Nkosi
- The head boy is Andi Niebuhr and head girl is Rebekka Barnard.
Amazing Awards
Na ‘n jaar se harde werk het VHS erkenning gegee aan elke leerder se prestasies tydens die jaarlikse prysuitdelings.
Met die Sport en Kultuur prysuitdeling is altesame 99 balkies, 34 kleure en 10 erekleure toegeken aan leerders vir kultuur. 109 balkies, 61 kleure en 8 erekleure is toegeken vir sport.
Die volgende trofees is toegeken aan toppresteerders:
- Kultuurraad van Vryheid: Skild vir die Kultuurpersoonlikheid van die Jaar – Marion Filter
- VHS-trofee: Sportvrou van die Jaar (buite skoolverband) – Nicole Wessels vir Karate
- ABSA bank-trofee: Sportman van die Jaar (buite skoolverband) – Zander van Greuning vir Hengel
- PJ Fourie-trofee: Most Versatile Sportswoman – Chloé Henstock
- PJ Fourie-trofee: Most Versatile Sportsman – Lethu Mthethwa
- VHS-trofee: Sportvrou van die jaar – Cara Klingenberg
- VHS-trofee: Sportman van die jaar – Linamandla Mngomezulu
With the Academic Prize Giving Ceremony 40 scrolls, 35 colours and 16 honours were awarded to various learners.
Top achievers per grade: Tahira Sheik (gr. 8), Bianka Hellberg (gr. 9), Amkele Nkambule (gr. 10) and Aliya Paruk (gr. 11). The following trophies were awarded to the grade 12 learners:
- Durban College Trophy for CAT – Tyron Bure
- Prima Deutsch Pokal Trophy for German Second Additional Language (non-German) – Katelyne Rorke
- Thomas Volker Family Trophy for German Second Additional Language (German) – Claudia Niebuhr
- Vryheid Districts Director’s Trophy for Zulu First Additional Language – Sanelisiwe Zulu
- Van Wyk Trophy for Life Orientation – Siphesihle Khoza
- Len Gibbons Trofee vir Verbruikerstudies – Anke Slump
- Absa Trofee vir Bedryfstudies – Anke Slump
- Afrikanerbond Vryheid Trofee vir Afrikaans Huistaal asook Gordon Lemmon-Warde Trophy for English First Additional Language – Elné le Roux
- Mascor Volkswagen Trofee vir Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal – Marion Filter
- NTT Toyota Trophy for Accounting – Alberdene Jacobs
- Sanlam Trophy for Mathematics – Yaseerah Sujee
- Bevon Motors Trofee vir Wiskunde Geletterdheid asook Bevon Motors Trofee vir Toerisme – Cara Klingenberg
- Allday Woodworks Trofee vir IGO asook De Wet Trofee vir Fisiese Wetenskap – Chané Lombard
Top Achiever for grade 12 was Nicole Muhl. She was awarded the following trophies:
- NTT Toyota Trophy for English Home Language, Mascor John Deere Trophy for Geography and Nicole Stroebel Trophy for Life Sciences.
- 29 OKT Gr 8 – 11 Eksamen
Three days of exciting cricket were on display during the holiday when VHS hosted the 2nd edition of the girls’ cricket festival.
De la Salle Holy Cross College from Johannesburg and Felixton College were the visiting schools this year, while the Pongola development team also came through to play matches. De La Salle were the champions winning all three of their matches. A big thank you to Mr Boock and his team for a well organised and enjoyable festival.
The Vryheid High girls lost two matches and won one. Highlights from the tournament included 81 runs for Kayla High against Felixton, a 50 run partnership for Michelle Meier and Chloé Henstock against Pongola and 3 wickets in an over for Nadia Hariri.
Die eerste seunskrieketspan het ook hierdie vakansie aan die Weston Krieketfees deelgeneem. Hulle het 5 uit 7 van hulle wedstryde gewen en is beloon met die puntetrofee.
Cara Klingenberg represented Vryheid High at the SA National School Equestrian show in Kyalami held from 3-6 October 2018. Cara and her horse, Bakgat Juror, came first in Dressage, elementary- medium. Her hard work earned her a gold medal.
- 22 OCT NSC Exam Start
- 29 OCT Gr 8 – 11 Final Examination Start
VHS Tennis
Woensdag, 12 September het VHS en Pionier dit behoorlik uitgeveg op ons tennisbane. VHS wen die dogtersafdeling met 5 punte en Pionier seëvier in die seunsafdeling met 2 punte. VHS is die algehele wenners in hierdie toernooi.
Baie dankie en baie geluk aan al die tennisspelers wat deelgeneem het. Baie geluk ook aan die spelers wat aan die Vryheid Distriksproewe deelgeneem het. Die volgende spelers is gekies vir die NKZN-tennisspanne: Michelle Meier, Lisa Steffenson, Leon Erasmus, Anja Eckhardt en Carmen Barsdorf. Baie geluk aan Pionier en Michaelis se spelers wat ook hul NKZN-kleure ontvang het.
The cricket boys also travelled to Newcastle to play against St Dominics and Newcastle High on 12 September. The 2nd team lost against St Dominics with 6 wickets while the u/15s beat Newcastle High with 30 runs.
On Thursday, 13 September the soccer boys played an away game against St Dominics. The boys played valiantly but had to bow down to the stronger team.
Both the hockey and netball teams are holding fundraisers and they need your support. On 26 September there will be a sport trivia contest held at school. Come and join in the fun and strut your stuff. On 24 October there will be a colour run, so book the date and come brighten your day. Contact the school for more details.
27 Sept Trial examination ends
28 Sept Skool sluit
Another weekend to remember. ACTS GROUP
Die 1e span krieketmeisies spee teen Ferrum en verloor hul wedstyd met 20 lopies. Die 2e span meisies en hul wedstyd teen Newastle Hoër. Die meisies se wedstryd op Pongola teen die Zululnd Hub span word na 10 boulbeurte agv die reën afgelas.
Baie dankie aan al die meisies wat so getrou die oefeninge bywoon en beskikbaar is vir al die wedstryde.
Despite the rainy weather, the ACTS group made their way to the Jubileum Old Age Home on Friday 7 September. The object of the visit was to encourage the old people of our community and to cheer them up. The gospel choir sang songs of worship, the dance group praised God through dance, while Phumelele Mncube, a grade 11 learner, gave a lovely message of hope. Encouraging little cards with bible verses and chocolate were handed out to these present.
On Saturday, the 7s rugby teams played matches in Richardsbay. Baie geluk aan die seuns se sportmanskap en vasberadenheid. The u/18’s won the tournament with the u/15’s losing in the final.
Connor High, ‘n oudskolier, word gekies om in die Dolphins Premiers Liga krieket te speel. Baie geluk Connor.
- 15 SEPT Cricket 1st Play offs
- Cricket 2nd vs Play offs
- Cricket u/15 vs Newcastle
- Soccer vs Sarel Cilliers (Home)
On Friday the new Interact Committee for 2019 was announced. Congratulations to: Antoinette Colloty (Secretary), Kirsten Hellberg (Treasurer and vice-secretary), Tebogo Sedise (Public relations officer), Manu Minlah (Vice-president) and Nadia Hariri (President). We believe this team will continue to build on the amazing work this organisation.
Saterdag 1 September het die seuns en dogters van VHS se tennisspan die dag vroeg aangepak vir hul wedstryde in Newcastle. Ons dogters het hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt met 9 uit 12 oorwinnings in hulle individuele wedstryde. The boys struggled against Ferrum but played well against Dundee and St. Dominiques. VHS het algeheel 2de geëindig.
16 of our learners participated in the Mathematical Literacy Olympiad. Carsten Meyer achieved an 84% average and was awarded a gold certificate. The following learners were awarded a bronze certificate: SS Mtshangase, TG Aitken, LC Mdlalose and N Nyandeni. Ons is baie trots op hierdie kinders en hulle prestasies.
Gedurende die vakansie (28 Junie – 1Julie) het Cara Klingenberg en haar perd Bakgat Juror aan die FEI World Dressage Challenge te Shongweni deelgeneem. In hierdie internasionale skou het hul in die dresseer afdeling 7e gekom. Baie geluk Cara met hierdie besonderse prestasie.
Last week VHS girls played cricket against Pionier and won the match. Good sportsmanship was displayed by both teams.
- 8 Sept Cricket 1st Play offs
- Cricket 2nd vs Play offs
- Cricket u/15 vs Pionier
- Soccer vs St Dominics (Away)
- Tennis Vryheid venue (PHS, SC)
- 10 Sept Proefeksamen begin
On Friday and Saturday, VHS played against some of the bigger schools at the Sevens Rugby tournament held at Pionier. The u/15 boys won the bowl which is a marvellous achievement.
The 1st and part of the 2nd boys’ soccer team received their 15 new jackets. The coaches and players would like to thank Shoe’s Madonsela of Izicathulo Civil and Construction for this generous sponsorship.
Die laaste 2 weke het VHS heelwat krieketwedstryde gespeel. Teen Newcastle kolf ons eerste en teken 123 lopies aan. Newcastle word uitgeboul vir 68 lopies. VHS wen die wedstryd met 55 lopies.
Die 0/15 krieket (seuns) wen Dundee met 70 lopies.
Verlede week het die rugbyseuns aan ‘n sewes-toernooi in Durban deelgeneem. Die 0/15 span wen die Skild-trofee en die 0/18 span eindig 8ste. Die hoogtepunt vir die seuns was om die Shark- en die Springbokwedstryd by te woon.
35 van ons leerders het deelgeneem aan die Wêreld Kennis Olimpiade. Geluk aan die volgende top presteerders per graad:
Graad 12: Benjamin Chukwu; Graad 11: Sihawukele Myeni en Aliya Paruk; Graad 10: Uziar Cassim; Graad 9: Leo Mattison en Graad 8: Mariam Methar.
Sihawukele and Aliya will share the 2018 World Knowledge floating trophy as the top achievers in VHS. Congratulations to all the learners who participated in this Olympiad.
- 30 Aug Gr 12 Restaurant Evening
- 1 Sept Cricket 1st vs Ferrum
- Cricket 2nd vs Ladysmith Secondary
- Cricket u/15 vs Ferrum
- Cricket Girls vs Pionier
- Soccer vs Dundee (Away)
- Tennis St Dominics venue (FHS, SC, NHS)
Young Yale Achiever. There were over 5000 applications from South Africa and Kwandilokuhle Nkosi (grade 11) was one of three learners from South Africa to be selected to attend the Young Yale African Scholars program from 29 July to 7 August.
This is how she experienced:
“Habari Za Asubuhi”, this means good morning in Swahili and fortunately I didn’t find it on Google but I learnt this while I was in Kenya and Rwanda. Traveling from Johannesburg through Kenya wasn’t only terrifying because I basically had no one to talk to but also because I was now the foreigner. Instead of xenophobia I was surprisingly welcomed by people who had no obligation to treat me fairly. So I asked one of the locals why they were so open to strangers and she said something I will cherish forever, ‘Kenya is home, not only for natives but for anyone who innocently steps onto this beautiful land.”
The Yale Young African Scholars program is an introduction to university life and how to get there. Kwandilokuhle Nkosi was given an array of classes to choose from and she chose Philosophy, African Feminism, Literature and Politics amongst other things. These classes were taught by the University Faculty themselves and they further solidified my interests. Kwandilokuhle Nkosi would like to believe that my mind and perspective has expanded due to this experience.
The program itself was much more than an educational experience; it was a personal, cultural and uncomfortable one as well. On the very first day, I had two major tests to overcome: the first being The SAT-which is an American test- and the most intimidating being the food but, fortunately, I found comfort in the humble Potato because nobody can mess up potatoes, right? Wrong! What I thought was potato was actually cooked banana the entire time.
Lastly, I now know the bridge between high school and success is wide and intimidating but it is one we must cross for those who have carried us to this point. This will be done by acknowledging that education shouldn’t be treated as a right that can be denied but rather as a privilege worth seeking and keeping.
- 25 Aug Cricket 1st vs Dundee
- Cricket 2nd vs Pionier
- Cricket u/15 vs Amajuba
- Soccer vs Ferrum (Away)
Die graad 8 top 10 is verlede week aangekondig en hierdie leerders het gewys hoe harde werk gedoen word. The positions are determined on the promotion marks after the June examination.
Congratulations to these learners for their hard work and great achievement. The top achiever in grade 8 is Tahira Sheik. The other learners are (in alphabetical order): Kelsey-Ann Ackerman; Carmen Barsdorf; Nokwanda Buthelezi; Robyn Conibear; Anja Eckhardt; Mariam Mehtar; Tiana Mitchell; Kwandokuhle Ntshali and Kwazikwenkosi Zondo.
Two grade nine boys, Luthano Sithole and Sphetho Mncube attended the Eskom Science Expo for young scientists on 7 August 2018 at Sisizakele Special School. Their project fell under ‘Innovation and Technology’ and they won 1st place. It is a phenomenal achievement as there was 194 projects of which only 4 received gold medals. They also made the shortlist for the ISF International Science fair that will take part in Johannesburg in October. It is amazing to see how our youth are able to help the poorest of the country with their water-and-electricity-efficient home.
Sporting and Academic highlights
Die 1e krieketspan speel teen Pionier se 2e span en teken 285 lopies aan. Tristan Aitken teken 136 lopie aan en Andrew Vorster 65 lopies. Pionier word uitgehaal vir 100 lopies. VHS wen die wedstryd met 185 lopies.
In ander wedstryde wen die 1e span Landbou met 70 lopies. Die 1e span wen ook hul wedstryd teen St Dominic’s met 8 paaltjies. Die 2e span wen teen Sarel Cilliers met 48 lopies. Die 0/15 span wen teen Sarel Cilliers met 130 lopies.
Our girls cricket team competed at the NKZN 8-a-side cricket tournament. It gave the players some valuable match time and was good preparation for the season ahead.
The soccer teams travelled to participate in a soccer tournament in Eshowe. 2nd team reached the semi-finals
7’s Rugby travelled to Richardsbay where the u/18 team reached the semi-final. Well done to all the teams.
Op 4 Augustus het VHS kragte gemeet teen Ladysmith en Newcastle in tuiswedstryde. Die meisies wen 4 van hul 5 wedstryde teen Ladysmith en al 6 wedstryde teen Newcastle. Die seuns wen 2 van hul 5 wedstryde teen Ladysmith en 2 van die 4 wedstryde teen Newcastle. Die gemengde dubbels het die spanne hul goed van hul taak gekwyt en wen 5 van die 6 wedstryde teen Newcastle.
- 16 Aug Restaurant Evening Gr12
- 18 Aug Tennis (DHS, NHS, St Dominics)
Sport uitblinkers. Gedurende die Julie vakansie het verskeie leerlinge VHS op provinsiale vlak verteenwoordig. Sommige van hierdie leerders het buitengewone prestasies behaal.
Chloé Henstock was part of the NKZN hockey team and was also selected as the captain of the u/16 team. Linamandla Mngomezulu played for the Inland Country District boys’ hockey team.
Zuríke Marais (u/17) and Mieke van der Walt (u/15) were both selected for the KZN netball teams. The following boys were selected for various senior NKZN rugby teams: Andi Niebhur, Kelson Lemmon-Warde, Jarred Forster, Letho Mthethwa, Lwazi Mdlalose, Qwawe Nxumalo, Sandile Zwane, Siya Sibiya, Khaya Khuzwayo, Khetokhule Mpontshane, Yenzeka Mkwanazi, Manelisi Sibisi and Mnotho Mathe.
TWK was die trotse borg van die eerste netbalspan. As blyk van waardering oorhandig die span ‘n collage van aksiefoto’s aan Mnr Anton Lombaard. Baie dankie vir die borg van hul netbalklere, sakke, waterbottels en opwarmingshemde.
- 9 Aug National Woman’s Day
- 10 Aug School Holiday
- 11 Aug Cricket 1st vs St Dominics
- Cricket 2nd vs Landbou
- Cricket u/15 vs Ladysmith
- Soccer vs Amajuba
VHS high-flying oldies
Miguel Machado (matriculated 2015) began his professional cricket career at the GKC High Performance Academy in November 2017 with the motivation to deepen the understanding of his game and explore his potential as a cricketer. Fast forward to July 2018 and the Frinton-on-sea Cricketer not only has made his debut for the club 1st XI but now sits 4th on the leading run scorers list in the East Anglian Premier League after 16 games having scored 724 runs at an average of 80. It is really an amazing achievement.
Anton Immelman (martikuleer 1989) is aangestel as hoof van Hoërskool Voortrekker in Pietermaritzburg. Dit is wonderlik om te sien hoe een van ons oudskoliere weer die waardes van VHS terugploeg in die jeug.
Pamela Chukwu (matriculated 2015) has excelled in netball. Pamela is currently part of the Tswana Provincial team and three weeks ago was chosen as Player of the Tournament.
VHS wil ook graag Zurika Marais gelukwens met haar deelname aan die SA Skolenetbaluitdunne vir die u/17 KZN-netbalspan.
2 Aug
- NRS Koorfees
- Restaurant evening Gr 10
4 Aug
- Cricket 1st vs Pionier
- Cricket 2nd vs Sarel Cilliers
- Cricket u/15 vs Dundee
- Cricket Girls Super 8 Tournament
- Soccer vs Landbou (Away)
- Tennis (LHS & NHS)
VHS Holiday Achievers. After a well-deserved winter rest, it is wonderful to welcome all students and staff back to the third term. With all marks in and reports handed out, the stage is set for some serious academic commitment to be had.
Op 23 Junie 2018 het Mieke van der Walt na Duban gereis om haar SA Skole Netbal toer te begin. Mieke is verkies tot die u/15 Dolphin Netbalspan en is verkies as mede kaptein. KZN travelled to Boksburg, Gauteng to compete against the other 8 provinces as well as Namibia. The prestigious event was held at EG Jansen High School. Na ‘n harde 4 dae van bloed sweet wedstryde teen die ander provinsies, het die spelers en afrigters dit eens: dit was ‘n wonderlike ervaring en ‘n goeie voorbereiding vir 2019 netbalseisoen.
Linamandla Mngomezulu played for the KZN Inland Country Districts u/18 team who finished 3rd at their tournament.
Kyle Crous attended the u/14 North Regional IPT as an umpire where he blew a semi-final and was awarded a Mini-level 1 grading.
Saskia Hibbert as part of the Eastern Province Invitational hockey team travelled to Hilton College on the South African Country District hockey tour from 23 – 30 June. Their team achieved a third position in their pool with Saskia declared Man of the Match.
From 1 – 7 July, Owami Buthelezi, a grade 11 pupil, attended an extremely challenging and selective program presented by the South African Institution of Chartered Accountants for students displaying potential to be future chartered accountants. She received a medal as she was in the top 5 of students who did exceptionally well in the program which included university-level Accounting and Maths.
Baie geluk aan Mnr Duvan Grobbelaar wat op 21 Julie getrou het. Die personeel en leerders wens julle ‘n baie gelukkige huwelik toe.
VHS held their matric farewell on 20 July and did the learners look like movie stars. A bit more on that next week.
- 25 JULIE Oueraand / Parents Evening
- 28 JULIE 1ste Krieket vs Ladysmith
- 2de Krieket vs Newcastle
- 0/15 Krieket vs Sarel Cilliers
- 2 AUG NRS Koorfees / NRS Choir Festival
On Saturday, 9 June Sigcinokuhle Sibeko (gr. 11) participated in the Zululand District Championship at Cecil Emmet Hall.
Although he competed against adults, he managed to be selected for the Zulu District Chess Team, winning 3, drawing 1 and losing 1 match in all.
Sigcinokuhle proved that he will not be checked mate by obviously more experienced players. He will be attending the NKZN trials during the holiday. Well done!
Glorie van die netbalpoppies
VHS netbal het die seisoen ‘n suksesvolle netbalkursus bygewoon by Camp Discovery. Jenny van Dyk, die afrigter van Jaquars en Tuks Netbal, en Nasionale en Provinsiale spelers en afrigters het die kursus aangebied. Die afrigters en spelers het baie nuwe tegnieke aangeleer sowel as eienskappe waaroor Jenny en haar span beskik nl. Nederigheid, harde werk en uithouvermoë. As jy nederig bly en hard werk sal jy sukses behaal. Dit sluit aan by ons leuse: “To win humbly and lose proudly.”
Big thanks to all our sponsors and community members who supported us throughout the season making it possible for some of our players to go on tour. We want to stretch out our greatest of gratitude!
Baie geluk aan Z. Marais en M. van der Walt wat gekies was om die Natalspan gedurende die vakansie te verteenwoordig.
‘n Groot woord van dank aan TWK, Inyanga Motors, Sign Centre en Dr. Mahlaba wat die eerste Netbalspan geborg het. Baie dankie aan al die afrigters en spelers vir julle harde werk en toewyding. Ons sien uit na 2019!
Our amazing children’s achievements. Nicole Wessels (gr 8Vd) achieved her SA colours in karate when she received 2 gold medals at the national tournament.
Well done and we are very proud of you, Nicole Wessels!
The following girls’ cricket players attended the 1st round trials. Kayla High (10 A); Michelle Meier (10 A); Chloe Henstock (10 VK); Kerstin Gevers (9A).
Die volgende gholfers het deelgeneem aan die interskole op 25 Mei: Phillip Keeve; Ulrich Venter; Morné Odendaal; Sheldon Fuch; Andrew Foster; Leon Erasmus; Abduhl Ali
On Saturday, VHS and Pionier had their annual derby on Pionier’s fields. It was a very exciting and enjoyable day with amazing team spirit amongst all players.
Die volgende hokkie meisies is verkies tot verskeie spanne: Saskia Hibbert NKZN Ladies’ hockey B team and NKZN Woman’s hockey team to play SACD tournament. Saskia gaan aan die SACD tournooi deelneem vanaf 23 Junie tot 1 Julie by Hilton College. Kayla High is part of the NKZN Ladies’ hockey A-team and Chloé Henstock is part of the KZN inland Circuit District u/16 team.
- 31 Mei Restaurant Evening Gr10
- 4 Junie Eksamen Begin
- 21 Junie Eksamen Eindig
- 22 Junie Skool Sluit
On Friday, 27 April a selected few learners were invited by the EAA Young Eagles program to be part of an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. These 31 learners had the opportunity to get a front row experience in a light aeroplane, some even getting the chance to handle the controls and fly themselves.
The learners were: Khulani Nyawo, Tyron Bure, Elné le Roux, Nosipho Senze, Tebogo Sedise, Mandisa Mabuza, Tamiya Khan, Nonsikelelo Khumalo, Phumelele Mncube, S’thembokuhle Mapanga, Sigcinokuhle Sedise, Xolile Zulu, Nonsikelel Nyawo, Akua Fofie, Andile Shezi, Anele Nkosi, Manu Minlah, Antoinette Colloty, Sinamahalse Sibisi, Owami, Buthelezi, Medinah Khan, Sabeeha Bhayla, Naailah Kajee, Kyle Crous, Chané Lombard, Uzair Cassim, Muhammed Manjoo, Ali Abdulla, Humaid Ebrahim, Salmaan Dhooma and Andile Nkonyane.
VHS versus Dundee High
On Saturday, VHS competed against Dundee in a home fixture. The chill in the air couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm. Die hokkie bokkies het baie hard verdedig maar kon net nie die oorhand kry nie. The hockey boys won their game. The netball teams played their hearts out winning most of their games.
The u/15 girls played an amazing game, winning 30 – 2. Die rugby seuns wen hulle wedstryde met die 1st span wat wen met 38 – 17.
19 Mei Sport vs St Dominics (weg)
24 Mei Restaurantaand Gr 12
26 Mei Sport vs Pionier (weg)
The weekend of 4 – 5 May was filled with a lot of exciting sport activities. The following girls were selected to participate in the KZN netball trials in Durban. Lukhona Moloi, Mukelwe Sibiya, Jelaine Spies, Lethu Sibeko, Mieke vd Walt, Siyamthanda Zulu, Siza Mjwara, Zimele Zungu, Refeloe Moloi, Thando Ndlela, Zurika Marais, Zethembe Mdlalose. Congratulations to Zurike Marais and Mieke van der Walt who were selected to represent Natal during the holidays.
Ons wintersportspanne het Saterdag gereis om teen Sarel Cilliers kragte te meet. Die netbalspanne het die meeste van hulle wedstryde gewen met die 1st span wat 11-10 gewen het. Die hokkiespanne het ook die meeste wedstryde gewen met die 1st meisiesspan wat 2-0 wen en die seuns wat gelykop gespeel het. Die rugby het baie tawwe wedstryde gehad met gemengde welslae.
On 25 March, Chloé Henstock attended the Northern Natal Senior Ladies Hockey and was selected to represent the Northern Natal Ladies B Hockey side in Pietermaritzburg on 11 – 12 May.
On Friday, 27 April a selected few learners were invited by the EAA Young Eagles program to be part of an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. These 31 learners had the opportunity to get a front row experience in a light aeroplane, some even getting the chance to handle the controls and fly themselves. The learners were: Khulani Nyawo, Tyron Bure, Elné le Roux, Nosipho Senze, Tebogo Sedise, Mandisa Mabuza, Tamiya Khan, Nonsikelelo Khumalo, Phumelele Mncube, S’thembokuhle Mapanga, Sigcinokuhle Sedise, Xolile Zulu, Nonsikelel Nyawo, Akua Fofie, Andile Shezi, Anele Nkosi, Manu Minlah, Antoinette Colloty, Sinamahalse Sibisi, Owami, Buthelezi, Medinah Khan, Sabeeha Bhayla, Naailah Kajee, Kyle Crous, Chané Lombard, Uzair Cassim, Muhammed Manjoo, Ali Abdulla, Humaid Ebrahim, Salmaan Dhooma and Andile Nkonyane.
Vryheid High 1st rugby side would like to thank the following sponsors for their contributions to their kit: Nashua Maluti, Gordon Foster, Lemmon-Warde family, Ritchie Ford and Ingrid Küsel.
- 10 Mei Restaurantaand Gr11
- 12 Mei Sport vs Dundee (Tuis)
- 19 Mei Sport vs St Dominics (Weg)
1st Team Netball Players – Winners on the sport field
On Thursday, we played an away game against Landbou. Although the weather was cold, our learners were on fire on the fields. The three netball teams and two hockey teams won all their games. The rugby boys were intent on beating Landbou and tried their utmost best. All teams won except the first team.
On Saturday, we travelled to Pongola. The excitement was tangible and the players were ready to show their skills. All teams won their games with the 1st hockey team scoring 6 – 2, 1st netball team, 24 – 4 and the 1st rugby team, 19 – 7. Thank you to all educators who accompanied the teams.
VHS se 1st netbalspan wil net baie dankie sê aan TWK vir die borg. Ons speel met trots in ons pragtige netbalrokkies, die opwarmingtoppies, die praktiese groen sake en waterbottles wat ons elkeen ontvang het. Hierdie trotse items pryk langs die baan met elke wedstryd. Ons waardeer jul borg baie – baie, baie dankie TWK.
- 27 APR Freedom Day
- 30 APR School Holiday
- 1 MEI Werkersdag
- 5 MEI Wintersport vs Sarel Cilliers (Weg)
Die volgende leerlinge het deurgedring na die tweede rondte van die Wiskunde Olimpiade aangesien hulle meer as 50% behaal het. Graad 9: Badrulalam Kathrada, Elvin Varghese, Khuzaima Sheik, Tasnia Akhtaruzzaman, Rudi Oltman, Leo Mattison. Graad 10: Uzair Cassim, Daniel Gryffenberg, Kyle Crous, Medinah Khan, Sanele Menyuka. Graad 11: Antoinette Colloty, Kwandi Nkosi. Graad 12: Benjamin Chukwa.
The ACTS group (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) put on an uplifting Easter performance for VHS, NRS and Vryheid Public learners and staff on the last day of school last term. Khulani Nyawo preached the Easter gospel between the acts. The 31-strong gospel choir opened the Easter ceremony followed by thirty members of the dance group dancing to two worship songs. The ten members of the drama team put on a moving skit depicting a young woman trapped in the world through her sin (symbolized by black ribbons) and Jesus removing them from her and taking the sin upon himself as He was crucified. The performance was concluded by all ACTS members singing and dancing to the song ”Celebrate”. VHS would like to thank VRYHEID MEATMASTERS for their generous donation toward the ACTS t-shirts.
Gedurende die vakansie het die rugby, netbal en hokkiespanne op toer gegaan. Die 1st en u/16 rugby boys went to Durban North College to strut their skills. The u/16s won all their matches and were declared the tournament winners with the most tries scored. The 1st team also did well with the following players selected for the squad touring to Ireland: Ulrich Venter, Jarred Foster, Kelson Lemmon-Warde, Ndumiso Nyawo, Andi Niebhur, Lwazi Mdlalose and
Jarred Foster was also selected in the dream team.
Die 1ste, 2de, u/16 en u/15 netbalspanne was hierdie vakansie op n toer na Camp Discovery. Jenny van Dyk, die Jaguars se afrigter, het die kursus aangebied. Ons het ongelooflik baie geleer en het dit geniet! Baie dankie aan Michaelis Schule wat hul bussie vir ons geleen het. Die 1ste en 2de span wil Cox en Vennote bedank wat dit vir van die spelers moontlik gemaak het om op die toer te gaan sowel as al die borge.
Congratulations to the following players who were selected to represent the Zululand Netball team: Melanie Niebuhr, Zurike Marais, Zimele Zungu, Siza Mjwara, Refeloe Moloi,
Thando Ndlela, Mieke van der Walt, Jelaine Spies, Mukelwe Sibiya, Lukhona Moloi
VHS’ 1st hockey girls had an enriching and exciting learning opportunity at Cap Discovery just outside Pretoria during the Easter holidays from 6 – 9 April. With the help of professional coaching, Shawn Hulley, Peter Ross and Sheldon Rostrom, we returned with enthusiasm, new skills and a stronger love for the game. We would like to thank the Vryheid community for all your support during our burger sales making this tour possible for us. A big thank you to our bus driver, Mr Gerhard van den Berg together with our parents and Miss Boshoff for your input in our lives. Tante Renate, thank you for being our coach and mentor and always reminding us to believe in ourselves.
Kim Boustred (daughter of Mrs Di Jonsson, ex-teacher until 2015), who matriculated in 1988, participated as a diving judge at the Gold Coast 2018 Common Wealth Games. Currently she coaches the Development Team at King’s Park, Durban as well as at St Mary’s where she has certified as a FINA certified judge. Last year she went to Brisbane to update her qualifications. In the last two weeks, while judging the platform diving events for ladies and men, she was so privileged to meet Charles, the Prince of Wales. You make us proud, Kim, well done!
We would also like to inform parents that admission forms for next year, 2019, are available from the front office. The closing date for forms, with all relevant documentation, submission is 15 June 2018. We look forward to receiving your forms.
21 Apr Sport vs Pongola (weg)
27 Apr Freedom Day
30 Apr School Holiday
1 Mei Werkersdag
Our gratitude to the generosity of the community. Yet another week has passed and although all is quiet on the sport front, academics is still going full steam ahead.
As you might have noticed, the front garden is being given a facelift. After a lot of the old plants were removed and replanted elsewhere in the school, the real work has began. New plants and grass has been planted. The area around the old bell has also received a facelift. We would love to thank Afrimat for donating the gravel.
The first hockey teams would like to thank Afrimat for sponsoring the new score board. This will ensure that all will be able to stay abreast of the scores during matches.
Five of our learners, Jens Hellberg, Vaun Hellberg, Mieke van der Walt and Liam Comins attended a Snake Awareness, First Aid for Snakebite and Venomous Snake Handling Course at PheZulu Safari Park hosted by the Snakebite Institute on Saturday, 17 February 2018.
The course was hosted by Johan Marais, one of Africa’s leading herpetologists with over 40 years’ experience. After spending the morning learning the theory, the exciting bit came in the afternoon: handling venomous snakes. This course was very informative and helped the learners to understand their longstanding fascination of snakes. Thank you to Johan and his team for their efforts in passing on knowledge to the next generation.
Our shining stars
The weekend of 2 to 4 March, one of our learners, Michelle Meier, along with her other team mates represented the Northern KZN Tennis team at the Natal trials held in Durban. It was a tough 3 days filled with games against learners from all over Natal. A total of 64 learners were present from which 4 teams: 2 girls’ and 2 boys’ teams had to be chosen. Unfortunately, Michelle did not qualify for the u/19 Natal team, but we are still proud of her accomplishments thus far. Our district received compliments for our learners’ behaviour on and off the court. We thank all parties involved for making it possible for us to have been a part of such a journey.
The past weekend, our winter sport teams competed against Newcastle. We had the home advantage and our learners were a force to be reckoned with. Our netball, rugby, girls’ and boys’ hockey teams won their matches. Thank you to all the coaches and organisers for a very exciting day.
17 Mrt Rugby vs KZN Development (Home)
20 Mrt SGB Elections
Netball Trials Circuit
21 Mrt Human Right’s Day
22 – 24 Mrt Athletics Province (Durban)
24 Mrt Sport vs Ferrum (Away)
28 Mrt Skool sluit
A Value-driven school
In 2016 Vryheid High School embarked on a new approach to addressing the holistic development of learners: to ensure not only their academic readiness for “life in the real world”, but also their moral and emotional development and readiness. In a collaborative exercise involving the learners, teachers, school management and SGB, five key values were chosen to represent the core values of VHS:
Compassion (caring for one another), Responsibility (being accountable for your actions), Excellence (doing your best at all times in everything), Integrity (being honest and upstanding at all times) and Respect (being courteous and polite and treating all fellow humans with consideration).
There are five classes per grade and each class is assigned one key value, which the learners must “live out and strive for” during the year. By the end of grade 12, each learner will have “lived” all five core values of VHS.
Grade 8 Mt’s value for this year is EXCELLENCE. To get into the spirit of learning and living their value, all the learners in this class were asked to make a poster with a picture of themselves, a quote on excellence and ways in which they can be excellent learners of VHS, excellent family members and excellent members of the Vryheid community. The learners also made a slogan for the classroom wall: “Gr. 8 Mt, Pursuing Excellence 2018”, so that each day they will be motivated to strive for excellence. Well done grade 8 Mt!
Exciting sport challenges
Wednesday, we travelled to Piet Retief to compete against them. Our teams played very well.
The children travelled to Empangeni on Saturday to show their skills on the various sport terrains. The rugby proved themselves victorious winning most of their matches with the 1st team winning 25 to 5. The girls’ hockey had mixed results as the competition was very tough. The u14A team won with 3 goals to 1. On the netball court our 1st team won with 16 to 13 and the other teams also had mixed results. The enthusiasm was felt and our learners really enjoyed the trip even though it was a long day.
The following Zululand team learners participated in the NKZN swimming trials: Catia Marques, Mieke van der Walt, Bianca Hellberg, Kirsten Hellberg, JD Hatting, Ivan Tschirpig, Liam Commins, Xander Richards and Lisa Steffensen. Well done and just keep swimming!
Saturday, the boys’ and girls’ 1st hockey teams participated in the Spar Challenge. The boys lost 3 games and won one to finish 6th overall. The girls lost 2, won one and drew 2.
3 Mrt Sport vs Richardsbaai (Tuis)
5 Mrt SGB Elections
10 Mrt Sport vs Newcastle (Tuis)
Saturday and Sunday, five learners competed in the yearly Midmar. We would like to congratulate the learners on competing in this momentous event especially Kirsten Hellberg who completed her first 8-mile. Catia Marques, Bianka Hellberg, Xander Richards and Lisa Steffensen.
FRONT: B Hellberg, X Richards, C Marques. BACK: C Marques, K Hellberg, M Odendaal & L Steffensen
Great fun on the track and golf course
On Wednesday, 7 February hosted the annual relay race. The atmosphere on and off the track was crackling with excitement with each school cheering on their team. Even though the rain started falling it did not dampen the excitement of the last two events. The results are as follows: Piet Retief High School, Pionier Hoërskool, Ferrum High School, Vryheid High School, Vryheid Landbou School, Dundee High School, Inkamana High School and Sarel Cilliers. Thank you to all the organisers and participating schools for helping making this event a huge success.
Thank you to Cameron Boock for presenting a Hockey Umpiring Workshop on Friday.
Saturday, 10 Februarie het Vryheid Hoërskool se netbalspanne ‘n gholfdag gereël om geld in te samel vir hul toer na Pretoria gedurende die Aprilvakansie. Die kinders en opvoeders wil net dankie sê vir almal wat kom gholf speel het. ‘n Groot blyk van waardering aan die volgende borge: NTT Toyota, PicknPay, Cox en Vennote, Steers, TWK, Afgri, Van der Nest Apteek, Three F Meats, Conway Johnson, Optemetric Centre Pongola, Shellhein Farms, Romans Pizza, Wimpy, BMG, Klets, Vryheid Car Wash, Be Spoilt, Topsport, Meatmasters and Kerry Keeve. Without your donations this day would not have been so successful.
Saturday some of our athletes travelled to Piet Retief to compete against Pionier, Piet Retief, Landbou, Ferrum, Volksrust and Pongola. Results of this event will be posted once it is released but two highlights were Marion Filter (gold for shotput) and Manelisi Sibisi (gold in 100m and 200m). On this note, a correction is due. Last week it was incorrectly stated that Aaron Filter was 1st in shotput. It, however, was Marion Filter. Apologies for any distress caused by this error.
17 Feb Netball (Ferrum)
Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag
Safety first
From Monday, 29 January ten educators began their level 1 first aid training. The educators enjoyed themselves as part of the training was to practise on their peers. This cumulated to the test on Friday. Thank you to the KwaZulu Natal Private Ambulance services for presenting this workshop. Een van ons leerders, Antoinette Colloty, het ‘n uitstaande prestasie behaal deur om die vlak 3 noodhulp opleiding suksesvol te voltooi. Sy het hierdie kursus deur KwaZulu Private Training Academy Emergency Care gedoen van 18 – 22 Desember. Hierdie jonge dame kan nou saam met die nooddienste uitgaan no ongeluk tonele waar sy hulle mag bystaan. It truly is wonderful to know that our children are in safe hands.
On Tuesday, VHS held their interhouse athletics. Even though the electricity did not play along, King/Gray were victorious. Thank you to Mr Scholtz and his team for the arrangements.
Thursday saw the kids have fun with our annual fruit festival on the rugby field. The sticky children needed to have a shower before attending the sokkie the same evening. Thank you to all involved in the arrangements for this day that the kids enjoy.
Saturday a few of our learners participated in the Filidi Circuit Meeting held at Pionier High School. Leerders moet aan hierdie byeenkoms deelneem indien hulle wil kwalifiseer vir provinsiale kleure. The following learners have gone through to the Ulundi Meet. A great achievement indeed and we would like to congratulate them.
Shotput: Aaron Filter and Martin Jacobs (1st position); Mellisa Hibbert (2nd position)
Long jump: Mpilo Ngwenya and Zimele Zungu (1st position)
100m: Ndumiso Naywo, Zimele Zungu, and Snothile Sibiya (1st position);
Rivaldo Hughes (2nd position)
200m: Ndumiso Naywo (1st position); Siyanda Zulu and Amelisi Sibisi (2nd position)
400m: Kelvin Venter (1st position)
The Gifts of the Givers has launched a water campaign for the Western Cape. At VHS it is our honour to participate in this project and to give back to people who helped us in our hour of need. We request each family to donate a sealed 5 litre water. The water will be collected on Friday, 9 February.
- 10 Feb Piet Retief Athletics Meeting
- 14 Feb Valentines Dance
- 17 Feb Netball (Ferrum)
- Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag
The class of 2017 produced very pleasing results. 158 candidates sat for the examination of which 137 passed while 4 candidates’ results were incomplete.
The pass rate was 89% and 57% of the candidates met the required standard for higher education.
Stefanie Lilje, Bradley Formo and Jürgen Paul obtain 7 A’s while Adjo Minlah had 6 A’s. Rudolf Beneke with 5 A’s and Jessica Roberts and Nondumiso Mngomezulu with 4 A’s were the other top achievers. Stefanie Lilje was the top achiever and Dux learner for 2017 with an aggregate of 89%. 8 learners achieved an A aggregate, 11 B’s and 36 C’s. There were 138 A symbols, 139 B’s, 187 C’s and 224 D’s amongst the various subjects.
Ons verwelkom die volgende personeellede tot die VHS familie: Me Simoné Marais, Me Leoné Smit, Me Zile Dlamini en Mnr Lian Maritz. Chantené Oosthuizen en Carlé Davel sluit by ons aan as onderwysers-in-opleiding.
We want to especially welcome the class of 2022 and know that they will enjoy their journey with the VHS family.
We, the 2018 headboy and headgirl of Vryheid High School, would like to take this opportunity to thank the school and our fellow scholars for the roles that they have entrusted us with.
It is truly an honour to find ourselves in such an enriching position. We take on these positions realizing the responsibility we have and also the impact we may have on the school and, therefore, also our community.
On behalf of the leaders for 2018, each one is extremely grateful for their position and cannot wait to learn from this experience. A bond has already formed between the leaders and we look forward to what adventure lies ahead for us. We know we have each other’s backs and can count on one another. We are no longer just a group of leaders, we have become a family whose aim it is to make our school proud in our actions and to bring about a positive change.
The pillars on which Vryheid High School is built are Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence; we would like to grow in these values and make them evident in our actions. It is our mission to set an example to the learners of Vryheid High School and be good role models, that they can look up to and come to when they are in need or require guidance. We wish that the learners embrace these values and that they become part of their daily lives.
Something very near to our hearts is the spirit that is experienced at our school. Our goal is to encourage everyone to become more involved in school activities such as sport and culture. We hope to make each child feel at home and like they have found a place where they belong.
To our 2018 grade 8s, we are excited to welcome you into the Vryheid High School family. We are thrilled that you will be joining us next year and you can be assured that you will feel at home very soon. There has already been a lot of preparation made to make your stay memorable and exciting. Always remember to be true to yourself and be proud to be in Vryheid High. Green is not a colour, it is a calling
To all the current students and new-comers of next year, enjoy your holiday thoroughly. Enjoy your time away from school and be safe at your various destinations. Have a good rest so that you will be ready for the next year awaiting us. It will be busy, exciting and definitely memorable.
May our school be blessed in 2018, may we use all the opportunities that come our way to the best of our abilities and make our school better every day. We wish the staff and learners a blessed holiday, Christmas and new year.
Nicole Mühl and Sihle Mathenjwa
Ons is amper klaar. Die skool is in rep en roer met voorbereiding vir die merksentrum, so wel as voorbereiding vir volgende jaar. Verlede week was die einde in sig toe ons graad 11 leerders hul eksamen afgesluit het met lewenswetenskap prakties.
Last week Tuesday, we ended our school exams with grade 11 LFSC practicals where the learners were identifying, dissecting and analysing all manners of biological entities. We would like to wish all our learners a restful and safe break and we hope that they will return next year willing, able and eager to learn new and fantastic things about life and the world around them.
Our leaders were also very busy in the week that has passed. They had a positive session with Mrs Inmari Carstens and got to work, getting ready for the grade 8 learners of 2018 by making booklets, nametags and planning a variety of fun and welcoming activities. We, here at Vryheid High School, are all very excited about your arrival next year, grade 7s and we hope that you are as enthusiastic and excited to be part of our family as we are to have you here.
As can be seen in our photo, this week the leaders of 2018 also got to work doing their part in continuing tradition and preserving history when they got stuck into scrubbing, scraping, painting and polishing the historical school bell. We are already very proud of this group of young leaders and the enthusiasm with which they have approached their role and their responsibilities in the school. They are truly embodying the school’s five values.
We would like to remind parents to keep an eye out for notifications as to when the report cards will be ready for collection from the school. We will communicate this information via email and sms.
Lastly, this will be my last report for the school as I am leaving. I would like to thank every anonymous reader: thank you for your time, patience and feedback about the articles. Writing for the school has been an excellent growth opportunity for me as a person, teacher and life-long learner. Thank you.
‘It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN…!’ que trumpets and dramatic music. By the time this is printed, our learners will have less than a week left of their final exams of 2017!
By this time next week, they will be free citizens and their teachers, the patient captives of marking, finalizing reports, checking and rechecking everything. Ons wil ons leerders aanmoeding om nie nou tou op te gee nie en vas te byt vir hierdie laaste stukkie van die eksamen.
We also remind learners and parents alike that it is of the utmost importance that all textbooks, readers and library books be returned to the school in a good condition so that we may pass them on to other learners next year.
Ons wil graag ouers aanmoedig om die jaarvergadering by te woon op 21 November, volgende week. Dit is belangrik vir die skool dat ouers betrokke is by hierdie vergaderings waar daar gestem word oor belangrike besluite aangaande die skool en skoolfonds.
At Vryheid High, we believe in a three-pronged approach to producing well-rounded and successful individuals. You, the parents of these individuals, are a key role player and decision maker as part of that process. We would, therefore, like to encourage that all our parents attend our annual AGM on Tuesday.
- 21 November School exam ends
- 21 November AGM 18:00
Daar is ‘n stilte wat oor die skool heers en leerders is hard besig met hul finale eksamens en onderwysers is druk besig om hierdie kennis na te gaan met ‘n rooi pen.
Here at VHS the whole school has boarded the exam train and it is full steam ahead. We are already one week into things and the first marks have started to stream in for capturing.
Die biblioteek is voor skool en pouse vol studente met ‘n sagte gons wat in die atmosfeer hang soos die leerders laaste stukkies werk vir mekaar verduidelik of vir hulself fluister. We would like to encourage the learners to also make use of the library after school as a study venue. The library is usually open until at least 14:00.
Ons matrieks is ook al so te sê halfpad met hulle eindjaareksamen en die terugvoering van ons leerders, is baie positief. Teachers await their matric students eagerly outside the hall to get feedback on papers and there are often sighs of relief, when learners report back with positivity. We are still keeping our matric learners in our thoughts and prayers. Aanhouer, wen soos die skoollied dit beaam.
Ons herinner ouers en leerders om asseblief hulle samewerking te gee met die invorder van handboeke, leesboeke en biblioteek boeke. We would like to remind parents and learners that we are collecting textbooks, reading books and library books and that these should please be returned in a timely manner as per the collection schedule.
Exam quote: There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure. ~ General Colin Powell
21 November AGM 18:00
The learners and staff at Vryheid High School are eagerly preparing for the final stretch before the exams next week. This is the last full week of school and the last chance to ask questions and clarify uncertainties. In the week that passed we also announced our head leaders for 2018.
Dit is die laaste vol week van skool en die leerders en personeel is ywerig besig om voor te berei vir die eksamen. Die week wat verby is was een propvol prysuitdelings en aankondigings. Daar was ook twee leerlinge wat uitgeblink het op die tennisbaan.
Congratulations to the following learners who were selected as head leaders at the VHS hostel, Louis Harmse hostel and of the school. We wish them the best of luck with the challenges they will be facing in 2018 and may this be a great learning experience and further development of their leadership skills:
- Mthenjane (Headboy /VHS Hostel Headboy)
- Mbatha (VHS Hostel Headgirl)
- Niebuhr (Louis Harmse Headboy)
- Niebuhr (Louis Harmse Headgirl)
- Muhl (Headgirl)
- Buthelezi (Deputy Headboy)
- Akhtaruzzaman (Deputy Headboy)
- Conibear (Deaputy Headgirl)
- Minlah (Deputy Headgirl)
Baie geluk aan Michelle Meier en Leon Erasmus wat hierdie naweek aan die KZN tennis proewe deelgeneem het. Michelle is gekies vir die o/19 A span en Leon is gekies as reserwe vir die o/15 A span.
We would also like to congratulate K. High on being selected for the KZN Inlands girls’ U/19 cricket side. Kayla also made her debut for the Inlands Senior ladies team last weekend and had a very good outing on her debut. Well done Kayla, keep it up.
Lastly, we would like to wish all our matric learners the very best of luck as the majority of them start in earnest with their exams this week. It is going to be difficult, but difficult is not impossible.
This week we are rolling out the red carpet for our top achievers with our prize giving ceremonies. We also give feedback on our library awards ceremony that Ms Harris attended. We are already preparing for the 2018 rugby season and we have more good news on the cricket front.
Dit is hierdie week Woensdag en Donderdag ons akademiese en sport prysuitdelings waar ons die top presteerders vir die jaar gaan aankondig en hulle prestasies saam met hulle gesinne vier. Ons sal volgende week spog met name en fotos. Ons sal ook by ons akademiese prysuitdeling die hoof leiers aandkondig vir 2018. Sterkte aan die leerlinge wat die kortlys gehaal het en die afgelope week ‘n streng keurings prosedure meegemaak het.
Ms Harris attended the Library of Excellence awards on Thursday, 12 October, in Pietermartizburg. Although, we did not win any of the awards it was a very interesting and constructive learning experience. We would like to congratulate our neighbours across the road, Mrs Kriel and her library, won third place in the urban section.
By Vhs gaan dit nie net oor onsself nie, maar ook om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap. Hierdie jaar neem ons weer deel aan die ‘’Santa shoebox” waar daar geskenke gegee word aan die minder bevooregte mense. Dis n inisiatief wat deur Juffrou Van den Heever en die “interact club” gedruif word.
We would like to congratulate Sbongakonke Thabede on being selected for the u/19 Kzn Inlands team, that will take part in the CSA Coke week hosted at St Stitians in December.
This is a great achievement and congratulations on all the hard work and dedication that has paid of.
Die netbal en rugby begin ook al hard werk aan die voorbereiding vir volgende seisoen. Met die netbal wat reeds al proewes gehou het en met fiksheid programme begin het, is dit die week die beurt van die rugby wat Dinsdag die senior proewe sal hou. Sterkte aan al die spanne daar en mag julle voorbereiding, vrugte afwerp vir die seiseon wat kom.
Die besige vakansie is verby en daar is vele aktiwiteite om op terugvoering te gee. Die pas by VHS gaan lê nie sommer nie. Die krieketseisoen kom tot ‘n einde en leerders begin die laaste akademiese wedloop in hierdie kort kwartaal.
We would like to congratulate Ms. Harris and her team at the VHS media centre. They have been invited to attend the final prize giving for the Library of Excellence Awards, on Thursday. Congratulations and thanks to all the learners who offer up their time to not only use the media center but most importantly help run it.
Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat deelgeneem het aan die ABSA Wêreldkennis-Olimpiade. Dit was groot pret en het die leerders se algemene kennis deeglik getoets. Die wenners in die onderskeie grade was:
- Gr8: Leo Mattison – 67%
- Gr9: Kyle Crous – 78%
- Gr10: Sihawukele Myeni – 67%
- Gr11: Benjamin Chukwu – 73%
- Gr12: Bradley Formo – 75%
Baie geluk aan Kyle Crous wat die algehele wenner in die skool was.
Our 1st team cricket boys returned home from the Weston Cricket festival as the points Champions once again. Excellent performances from the boys made for a successful tour and excellent results were recorded. Keegan Meier was a standout batter, scoring four scores higher than 50 runs over 6 matches. The boys played brilliant cricket and many compliments were handed out to the boys. On the final day VHS claimed the batting, fielding and bowling cap, with Keegan Meier taking the batting and fielding cap and Ralf Niebuhr taking the bowlers cap. This is the 3rd year in a row that VHS has won the points section at the Weston Festival.
Die dogters krieket het ook ‘n toernooi bygewoon met uitstekende reëlings wat getref was deur Mnr. Boock. Op die eerste dag het die dogters teen Felixton testaan gekom en het in ‘n naelbyt stryd die wedstryd verloor. Ongelukkig het die weer ‘n groot rol gespeel, maar reëlings was goed getref en die dames het self n bietjie Aksie-krieket gespeel wat vir vele pret gesorg het. Daar was ook n Afrigtings-kursus wat deur Denisha Devnarain (Ex-Protea speler) aangebied is. Dankie aan Mnr. Boock vir al sy moeite met die reëlings.
Cara Klingenberg represented Vryheid High School at the SANESA Horse Riding Championship in Kyalami, Johannesburg during this holiday. She and her horse, Bakgat Juror, did Vryheid High School proud by winning the elementary dressage.
There is only one short week before our matric learners start their preparation for their final exams and we wish them all the motivation and energy to persist in this final leg of their high school careers. It is, however, not just our matrics who have a limited time to prepare before exams start; we would like to remind all our learners to start early and reap the rewards of preparation.
18 Oct Sport & Cultural Evening
19 Oct Academic Prize Giving
In this week that has passed we celebrated our rich cultural heritage in true rainbow nation style with a colour festival. We also embraced our sporting heritage on the cricket pitch and soccer field and to ensure balance we have some academic news to report as well.
Die 1ste krieketspan het verlede Woensdag, 20 September, in die finaal van die Noord KwaZulu Natal liga gespeel. Hulle het reeds eenkeer hulle opponent, Hoërskool Ferrum, hierdie jaar geklop. Ferrum het die loot gewen en eerste gekolf. Hulle het 115/7 in hul 20 beurte aangeteken. VHS kolf daarna en haal toe die telling met 4 beurte en 5 paaltjies in die hand. VHS wen ons 3de agtereenvolgende liga vanaf 2015 – 2017.
Ons 2de span eindig vierde in hierdie liga. Baie geluk aan die senior krieketseuns en hulle afrigters met ‘n baie suksesvolle seisoen.
Our u/15 cricket boys also ended their season off on a high note. The boys also played in their league final – traveling to Dundee to take them on. Dundee batted first and good bowling from our lads restricted them to an achievable total. VHS easily won by 8 wickets. Congratulations and thank you to all involved for a great season.
Our soccer boys also played Ferrum High School and won 2 – 1. Well done boys.
Ons jaarlikse golfdag was op die 23 September gehou, in baie koel weerstoestande. Ten spyte van die weer was die gees van die deelnemers nie gedemper nie. Dit was ‘n dag van baie goeie golf en lekker saam kuier op die baan. Baie dankie aan die volgende borge wat so vrygewig gegee het: AT Moolman; BMG; NTT Toyota; Shellhein Farms; Volkswagen Mascor; AC Timbers; Q-Flash; JMR Trailors; FST Transport; FNB Commercial Banking; Build-It en Topsport. Sonder julle wonderlike bydrae sou die dag nie ‘n sukses gewees het nie. Baie geluk aan al die wenners en organiseerders van die dag.
Fourteen of our grade 9 learners participated in the SAICA (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants) Junior Accounting Olympiad and did phenomenally well.
Amkele Nkambule acieved 76% and was placed 10th in KwaZulu Natal from 901 participants.
Kyle Crous and Philasande Mbanjwa were both placed 18th overall. Congratulations to these learners, perhaps one of them is our future minister of finance.
Our annual cultural festival took place this week and as always, a great time was had by all. The learners showed up at the school dance in a variety of traditional wear on Thursday evening, where ‘Mr & Miss Culture’ were crowned.
On Friday, the learners (and teachers) had a colourful, fun filled day on the field with an obstacle course (designed by the learners themselves), 7-a-side rugby, netball and hockey played in register class groups. Plenty of fun was had by all. Thank you to Mr van den Heever and Mrs Nieuwenhuizen for the excellent organising and planning of this rainbow coloured event.
This has been an activity filled and achievement packed term – by the time this report reaches you, we will be one day away from a well-deserved holiday. We wish all our learners and staff a restful mini-break. When we return there is only one month until we start our final exam.
Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So, relax – Bryant McGill.
ACTS Community outreach
On Friday, 15 September, twenty learners from the VHS ACTS group (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) visited the children at the Inkululeko Children’s Home. The purpose of the visit was to spend some time playing with and getting to know the children. It was also to encourage them to always put their trust in Jesus and to believe that God has a special plan and purpose for their lives. The ACTS group collected food and second-hand toys for the children, whilst VHS sponsored party packs. A good time was had by all with lots of dancing, playing and cake-eating! Thanks to Mrs. Mattison and the learners for taking some time to give back to the community.
Saterdag het die 2de span krieket gereis na Newcastle om teen Ferrum kragte te meet in die semi-finaal van die Noord-Natal krieket liga. Vryheid het eerste gekolf en het ‘n goeie totaal van 175 aangeteken. Kolwers wat uitgestaan het was N. Filter en P. Keeve wat albei 50-talle aangeteken het. Ongelukkig was dit nie genoeg nie en het Ferrum die totaal gehaal binne 17 beurte. Nietemin speel Ferrum hierdie komende week teen Vryheid se 1ste span in die finaal van die liga. Die o/15 speel teen Dundee in die finaal van hul liga. Ons gelukwense aan R. Beneke, C. High, S. Thabethe en J. Stoltenkamp wat aan die finale rondtes van die Natal Binneland span se proewe gaan deelneem.
In the week ahead we are preparing ourselves for even more fun in the sun as we celebrate Heritage Day in a flurry of colour with our Colour Festival. We look forward to see the obstacle courses and food stalls that each register class will present and believe that we will report on a successful event next week. We are also going to have fun in our cultural attire at the school dance on Thursday. Come dressed to impress.
Saterdag 23 September, hou VHS se 1ste krieketspan hulle golfdag om fondse in te samel vir volgende week se Weston-kriekettoernooi, waarin hulle sal deelneem. Kom speel saam ons en geniet die dag op die golfbaan met lekker pryse en goeie golf om jou naweek op die regte toon af te sluit.
Our Matric students are also in the thick of their preliminary exams and we would like to let them know that we are rooting for their success. Believe you can and you are halfway there.
In ‘n warm week in die Vryheid gemeenskap was dit nie net die weer wat warm was nie, maar ook die harte van ons leerders. Ons lewer met trots terugvoering oor ons ACTS groep wat teruggee aan die gemeenskap asook die warm krieket wat deur Vryheid Hoërskool gespeel was. Ons sien ook uit na ‘n week van kleurvolle kulturele vieringe en die groenigheid van die golfbaan op Saterdag vir ons jaarlikse golfdag.
It was a busy week at VHS with plenty of activities all over Northern-KZN. This past Saturday the prospective Grade 8’s and their parents had successful interviews at school. Thank you to Mr Patrick Friend for the information shared on behalf of the SGB.
Baie geluk aan die volgende leerlinge wat sertifikate ontvang het na afloop van die Taalbond vir Tweetaligheid eksamen: Marion Filter, Kirsten Hellberg en Catia Marques.
Plenty of sport activities took place this past week with the soccer playing against Dundee, Sevens at the Felixton Festival where we lost in the semi-final of the cup draw to Sarel Cilliers. The tennis finished their season second in Northern Natal, narrowly pipped by Ferrum. Girls Cricket was played where the girls won Newcastle by 7 wickets, but unfortunately lost to Ferrum by 10 wickets.
Ons senior seuns krieketspanne het Donderdagaand teen mekaar gespeel waar die ondersteuning van die ouers opvallend was. Dit is ‘n merkwaardige prestasie dat beide ons 1ste en 2de span in die semi-finale van die Noord-Natal liga speel. Goeie vertonings deur verskeie spelers in beide spanne het vir genoeg opwinding gesorg. Die 1ste span wen uiteindelik met 50 lopies.
Activities for the week: Trial exam: 8 Sep – 29 Sep.
INTERACT 2018 committee from left to right back row: Mrs. E. v.d. Heever; M. Filter; I. Akhtauzzama. Front row: S. Ebrahim; R. Ally; A. Jacobs.
It is Spring and a time for renewal – as we say farewell to our old committee members and welcome new faces and new ideas in our committees.
In the weeks that have passed we had said farewell to our 2016/2017 senior leaders and have welcomed our new leaders. The Interact committee has also appointed a new leadership in their committee. The new committee is as follows:
President – Samihah Ebrahim
Vice President – Iram Akhtaruzzaman
Treasurer – Alberdene Jacobs
Secretary – Raeesah Ally
Public Relations – Marion Filter
Congratulations to the newly elected executive committee. We know that you will continue the positive work of your predecessors in our community.
Below is also the list of our newly elected senior leaders for the 2017/2018 term. We wish these individuals well, as they form a large part of our school’s everyday functioning and have embraced a heavy burden of responsibility.
Boys | Girls |
Tristan Aitken | Raeesah Ally |
Iram Akhtaruzzaman | Yaseerah Sujee |
Siyanda Buthelezi | Sinakhonke Banda |
Luyanda Cele | Angela Bookye-Yiadom |
Cameron Foster | Megan Conibear |
Jared Foster | Marion Filter |
Peter Gevers | Saskia Hibbert |
Rivaldo Hughes | Alberdene Jacobs |
Mholi Khuzwayo | Sabera Khan |
Kelson Lemmon-Ward | Elné Le Roux |
Sihle Mathenjwa | Chané Lombard |
Lusada Mkhwanazi | Nondumiso Masuku |
Luyanda Mpungose | Sekufanele Mbatha |
Lethu Mthethwa | Angelina Minlah |
Ralf Niebuhr | Nicole Muhl |
Stefan Niebuhr | Claudia Niebuhr |
Ntokozo Nxumalo | Melanie Niebuhr |
Ntando Nyandeni | Rifiwe Nkosi |
Khulani Nyawo | Lwandiso Nxumalo |
Yahya Rasool | Casey Ontong |
Sinamehlase Sibisi | Amanda Qwabe |
Ulrich Venter | Anke Slump |
Lwandile Zulu |
The ACTS (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) group hosted another successful movie night on 30 August. The movie was ‘God is Not Dead 2’, a follow-up of the first movie, screened earlier this year. Attendance was free and voluntary. The lecture room was transformed into a mini movie theatre for learners who arrived with their own delectable snacks and drinks. Our thanks to Kwazi and Siya from Freedom Life Church for their support, as well as Mr. Ngcobo.
On 17 August 2017, we hosted our annual Talent Showcase. Learners of all grades displayed their various talents on stage to the delight of their friends and family in the audience. From singing and dancing to playing the piano and beatboxing, the learners of VHS truly shone throughout the successful evening. Thank you and congratulations to all the participants, the hosts for the evening (Melissa, Thabang and Sinead) and the organisers, Mrs. E. Le Roux, Mr. C van Rhyn and Ms. F. Rawat.
Amidst all the changes in leadership and seasons we still managed to squeeze in a few sport matches as well, with the following results:
VHS 1st team vs Landbou 5 – 2
VHS 2nd team vs Landbou 6 – 1
VHS Girls vs Lanbou Girls 0 – 1
u/15 vs Ferrum – VHS won by 10 wickets
1st team vs Ferrum – VHS won by 50 runs
Girls 2nd team vs Pionier 1st – VHS lost with 8 wickets
Laastens wil ons graag ‘n korreksie maak aan verlede week se nuus aangaande Conrad Jonker. Ons vra onverskoning vir die misverstand. Conrad het wel sy land verteenwoordig, maar nie as deel van die Protea span nie, maar as deel van ‘n uitnodigingspan. Hier is die inligting soos ons dit ontvang het: “The undermentioned members (Conrad Jonker) were selected to represent South Africa for the abovementioned team (SAFBAF) to participate in an International Angling Test against Namibia.”
Ons kan wel met trots aankondig dat Conrad hom baie goed van sy taak gekwyt het en nie net het sy span hulle afdeling gewen nie,