1st Team Netball Players – Winners on the sport field
On Thursday, we played an away game against Landbou. Although the weather was cold, our learners were on fire on the fields. The three netball teams and two hockey teams won all their games. The rugby boys were intent on beating Landbou and tried their utmost best. All teams won except the first team.
On Saturday, we travelled to Pongola. The excitement was tangible and the players were ready to show their skills. All teams won their games with the 1st hockey team scoring 6 – 2, 1st netball team, 24 – 4 and the 1st rugby team, 19 – 7. Thank you to all educators who accompanied the teams.
VHS se 1st netbalspan wil net baie dankie sê aan TWK vir die borg. Ons speel met trots in ons pragtige netbalrokkies, die opwarmingtoppies, die praktiese groen sake en waterbottles wat ons elkeen ontvang het. Hierdie trotse items pryk langs die baan met elke wedstryd. Ons waardeer jul borg baie – baie, baie dankie TWK.
- 27 APR Freedom Day
- 30 APR School Holiday
- 1 MEI Werkersdag
- 5 MEI Wintersport vs Sarel Cilliers (Weg)
Die volgende leerlinge het deurgedring na die tweede rondte van die Wiskunde Olimpiade aangesien hulle meer as 50% behaal het. Graad 9: Badrulalam Kathrada, Elvin Varghese, Khuzaima Sheik, Tasnia Akhtaruzzaman, Rudi Oltman, Leo Mattison. Graad 10: Uzair Cassim, Daniel Gryffenberg, Kyle Crous, Medinah Khan, Sanele Menyuka. Graad 11: Antoinette Colloty, Kwandi Nkosi. Graad 12: Benjamin Chukwa.
The ACTS group (Association for Christian Teachers and Students) put on an uplifting Easter performance for VHS, NRS and Vryheid Public learners and staff on the last day of school last term. Khulani Nyawo preached the Easter gospel between the acts. The 31-strong gospel choir opened the Easter ceremony followed by thirty members of the dance group dancing to two worship songs. The ten members of the drama team put on a moving skit depicting a young woman trapped in the world through her sin (symbolized by black ribbons) and Jesus removing them from her and taking the sin upon himself as He was crucified. The performance was concluded by all ACTS members singing and dancing to the song ”Celebrate”. VHS would like to thank VRYHEID MEATMASTERS for their generous donation toward the ACTS t-shirts.
Gedurende die vakansie het die rugby, netbal en hokkiespanne op toer gegaan. Die 1st en u/16 rugby boys went to Durban North College to strut their skills. The u/16s won all their matches and were declared the tournament winners with the most tries scored. The 1st team also did well with the following players selected for the squad touring to Ireland: Ulrich Venter, Jarred Foster, Kelson Lemmon-Warde, Ndumiso Nyawo, Andi Niebhur, Lwazi Mdlalose and
Jarred Foster was also selected in the dream team.
Die 1ste, 2de, u/16 en u/15 netbalspanne was hierdie vakansie op n toer na Camp Discovery. Jenny van Dyk, die Jaguars se afrigter, het die kursus aangebied. Ons het ongelooflik baie geleer en het dit geniet! Baie dankie aan Michaelis Schule wat hul bussie vir ons geleen het. Die 1ste en 2de span wil Cox en Vennote bedank wat dit vir van die spelers moontlik gemaak het om op die toer te gaan sowel as al die borge.
Congratulations to the following players who were selected to represent the Zululand Netball team: Melanie Niebuhr, Zurike Marais, Zimele Zungu, Siza Mjwara, Refeloe Moloi,
Thando Ndlela, Mieke van der Walt, Jelaine Spies, Mukelwe Sibiya, Lukhona Moloi
VHS’ 1st hockey girls had an enriching and exciting learning opportunity at Cap Discovery just outside Pretoria during the Easter holidays from 6 – 9 April. With the help of professional coaching, Shawn Hulley, Peter Ross and Sheldon Rostrom, we returned with enthusiasm, new skills and a stronger love for the game. We would like to thank the Vryheid community for all your support during our burger sales making this tour possible for us. A big thank you to our bus driver, Mr Gerhard van den Berg together with our parents and Miss Boshoff for your input in our lives. Tante Renate, thank you for being our coach and mentor and always reminding us to believe in ourselves.
Kim Boustred (daughter of Mrs Di Jonsson, ex-teacher until 2015), who matriculated in 1988, participated as a diving judge at the Gold Coast 2018 Common Wealth Games. Currently she coaches the Development Team at King’s Park, Durban as well as at St Mary’s where she has certified as a FINA certified judge. Last year she went to Brisbane to update her qualifications. In the last two weeks, while judging the platform diving events for ladies and men, she was so privileged to meet Charles, the Prince of Wales. You make us proud, Kim, well done!
We would also like to inform parents that admission forms for next year, 2019, are available from the front office. The closing date for forms, with all relevant documentation, submission is 15 June 2018. We look forward to receiving your forms.
21 Apr Sport vs Pongola (weg)
27 Apr Freedom Day
30 Apr School Holiday
1 Mei Werkersdag
Natal under 14 netball non-travelling reserve
Ons het hierdie naweek wat verby is kragte gemeet teen Hoërskool Dundee, ons leerlinge is hard aan die oefen vir ons revue aan die einde van die jaar geskryf deur oudleerling, Tiaan van Niekerk, en Mieke van der Walt blink uit op die netbalbaan.
We would like to congratulate Mieke van der Walt for being selected as the u/14 Natal netball team’s non-travelling reserve. Another testament to hard work and excellence not only in the classrooms but on the sport field as well.
We travelled to Dundee this weekend and the results were as follow:
1st team 10 – 28
2nd team 17 – 10
u/16A 12 – 14
u/15A 12 – 8
u/14A 34 – 0
u/16A 18 – 10
u/16B 16 – 4
u/15A 14 – 19
u/15B 23 – 16
u/14A 16 – 18
Girls Hockey
1st team 0 – 1
2nd team 0 – 1
u/16A 1 – 0
u/14A 2 – 0
Boys Hockey
1st team 2 – 2
2nd team 2 – 1
Chess 4 – 5
This Saturday we are playing against Sarel Cilliers on our home field and we would like to invite all the members of the community to come and support us.
We are also celebrating Takkie Tax day on Friday in support of Child Welfare.
We would like to end our report this week again with a few motivational words for our learners preparing for the exam. The exam timetable has already been posted on the D6 communicator for all our parents and students.
‘Procrastination is the thief of time.’ – Edward Young
25 May Restaurant evening – Gr12
27 May Sport vs Sarel Cilliers – Home
On Tuesday, 14 March, the girls first team hockey had a very successful, and fun filled shadow evening at the local Spur. They would like to thank all those that supported the team, as well as Christopher and his team of waiters who helped the girls along.
The first team hockey girls are currently fundraising for their Camp Discovery tour that will take place during the Easter Holidays. They have been selling hamburgers on Friday afternoons and would like to thank the community for all their support; every cent is valuable and appreciated. The girls would like to thank Chantelle, and her family from Romans Pizza, who sponsored their shirts for the upcoming tour.
Thank you to the community, parents and learners for supporting our school and helping us to create opportunities and an environment for our learners to strive for greatness in all aspects of life.
This week we have much to be thankful for and we would like to thank the community and learners for their continued support of the school. There were not many activities in the week that passed as the school and staff are busy preparing marks and reports for the end of term. We did, however, celebrate our learners’ creativity with the Art and Poetry evening and the 1st team girls hockey also had a busy Tuesday evening as shadow waiters at Spur.
On Wednesday, 15 March, we hosted our annual Art and Poetry evening, where learners had the opportunity to show case their hand-drawn art and read some of their poetry. The learners’ poetry was heartfelt and sincere, with some learners showing immense talent. Please keep an eye on the school’s website for videos of two of our learners’ most entertaining pieces. Thank you to all the participants, teachers, parents and learners who came to support the evening.
We had a busy sporting weekend at Vryheid High School: our winter sport teams had away games, while our netball girls hosted a netball clinic.
The first Boy’s hockey team played at the Spur pre-season tournament at St Dominics and finished fourth overall, taking away valuable lessons to apply during their season. The boys would like to thank Afrimat for sponsoring their playing kit.
Our rugby teams played against Sarel Cilliers High School and the results were as follow:
- u/14 vs Pionier Hoërskool 43-5 VHS wen
- u/15 vs Dundee High School 50-12 VHS wins
- u/16 vs Sarel Cilliers High School 25-3 VHS verloor
- 2nd vs Ferrum High School 50-0 VHS lost
- 1st vs Greytown High School 22-17 VHS wen
Hoërskool Vryheid het die afgelope naweek ‘n suksesvolle netbalkliniek gehad. The clinic was presented by Anso Kemp, an international umpire, and Erin Burger, the center of the Protea netball team. The players and all the coaches learnt many of new skills and techniques.
Baie geluk aan al ons se afrigters wat die skeidsregterskursus geslaag het. Ons sien uit na die seisoen wat voorlê.
25 Feb Wintersport vs Empangeni (Tuis)
25 Feb Spar Girls Hockey Tournament 1st Team (Pongola)
28 Feb HPM Information Evening (School Hall)
4 Mrt Wintersport vs Richardbaai (Weg)