This week we are rolling out the red carpet for our top achievers with our prize giving ceremonies. We also give feedback on our library awards ceremony that Ms Harris attended. We are already preparing for the 2018 rugby season and we have more good news on the cricket front.
Dit is hierdie week Woensdag en Donderdag ons akademiese en sport prysuitdelings waar ons die top presteerders vir die jaar gaan aankondig en hulle prestasies saam met hulle gesinne vier. Ons sal volgende week spog met name en fotos. Ons sal ook by ons akademiese prysuitdeling die hoof leiers aandkondig vir 2018. Sterkte aan die leerlinge wat die kortlys gehaal het en die afgelope week ‘n streng keurings prosedure meegemaak het.
Ms Harris attended the Library of Excellence awards on Thursday, 12 October, in Pietermartizburg. Although, we did not win any of the awards it was a very interesting and constructive learning experience. We would like to congratulate our neighbours across the road, Mrs Kriel and her library, won third place in the urban section.
By Vhs gaan dit nie net oor onsself nie, maar ook om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap. Hierdie jaar neem ons weer deel aan die ‘’Santa shoebox” waar daar geskenke gegee word aan die minder bevooregte mense. Dis n inisiatief wat deur Juffrou Van den Heever en die “interact club” gedruif word.
We would like to congratulate Sbongakonke Thabede on being selected for the u/19 Kzn Inlands team, that will take part in the CSA Coke week hosted at St Stitians in December.
This is a great achievement and congratulations on all the hard work and dedication that has paid of.
Die netbal en rugby begin ook al hard werk aan die voorbereiding vir volgende seisoen. Met die netbal wat reeds al proewes gehou het en met fiksheid programme begin het, is dit die week die beurt van die rugby wat Dinsdag die senior proewe sal hou. Sterkte aan al die spanne daar en mag julle voorbereiding, vrugte afwerp vir die seiseon wat kom.
Die besige vakansie is verby en daar is vele aktiwiteite om op terugvoering te gee. Die pas by VHS gaan lê nie sommer nie. Die krieketseisoen kom tot ‘n einde en leerders begin die laaste akademiese wedloop in hierdie kort kwartaal.
We would like to congratulate Ms. Harris and her team at the VHS media centre. They have been invited to attend the final prize giving for the Library of Excellence Awards, on Thursday. Congratulations and thanks to all the learners who offer up their time to not only use the media center but most importantly help run it.
Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat deelgeneem het aan die ABSA Wêreldkennis-Olimpiade. Dit was groot pret en het die leerders se algemene kennis deeglik getoets. Die wenners in die onderskeie grade was:
- Gr8: Leo Mattison – 67%
- Gr9: Kyle Crous – 78%
- Gr10: Sihawukele Myeni – 67%
- Gr11: Benjamin Chukwu – 73%
- Gr12: Bradley Formo – 75%
Baie geluk aan Kyle Crous wat die algehele wenner in die skool was.
Our 1st team cricket boys returned home from the Weston Cricket festival as the points Champions once again. Excellent performances from the boys made for a successful tour and excellent results were recorded. Keegan Meier was a standout batter, scoring four scores higher than 50 runs over 6 matches. The boys played brilliant cricket and many compliments were handed out to the boys. On the final day VHS claimed the batting, fielding and bowling cap, with Keegan Meier taking the batting and fielding cap and Ralf Niebuhr taking the bowlers cap. This is the 3rd year in a row that VHS has won the points section at the Weston Festival.
Die dogters krieket het ook ‘n toernooi bygewoon met uitstekende reëlings wat getref was deur Mnr. Boock. Op die eerste dag het die dogters teen Felixton testaan gekom en het in ‘n naelbyt stryd die wedstryd verloor. Ongelukkig het die weer ‘n groot rol gespeel, maar reëlings was goed getref en die dames het self n bietjie Aksie-krieket gespeel wat vir vele pret gesorg het. Daar was ook n Afrigtings-kursus wat deur Denisha Devnarain (Ex-Protea speler) aangebied is. Dankie aan Mnr. Boock vir al sy moeite met die reëlings.
Cara Klingenberg represented Vryheid High School at the SANESA Horse Riding Championship in Kyalami, Johannesburg during this holiday. She and her horse, Bakgat Juror, did Vryheid High School proud by winning the elementary dressage.
There is only one short week before our matric learners start their preparation for their final exams and we wish them all the motivation and energy to persist in this final leg of their high school careers. It is, however, not just our matrics who have a limited time to prepare before exams start; we would like to remind all our learners to start early and reap the rewards of preparation.
18 Oct Sport & Cultural Evening
19 Oct Academic Prize Giving
VHS Sport Updates – On Tuesday, 13 September 2016, our cricket boys’ first team travelled to Piet Retief to play against the champions of Mpumalanga: Piet Retief High School. They batted first and scored 102 runs against VHS. We won the game with 9 wickets. Well played boys.
VHS 1st girl’s cricket team also played a match against Piet Retief, the defending Mpumalanga champions, which they unfortunately lost. Piet Retief batted first posting 167 runs in their 20 runs with VHS being bowled out while trying to chase this target. The best performance came from S Hibbert who was the top scorer for VHS.
Our tennis team played against Dundee High on 16 September 2016 and won 11 : 2. We are extremely proud of this team as they generally play excellent tennis. Well done!
Cara Klingenberg has been selected to represent the KZN team and will represent VHS at the national championships.
Our soccer teams also played against Dundee High on Thursday, 15 September 2016. The first team boys score was a 0 – 0 draw so the game was decided with penalties where we won by 5 goals to 2. The boys’ second team won 4 – 2 and the girls’ team lost 2 – 0.
Well played first team!
The following players participated in the NKZN B team tournament at Hillcrest Curro High School on Saturday, 3 September 2016.
U/19 Karl Kohlmeyer and Nicole Muhl
U/15 Kirsten Hellberg, Kyle Meyer and Jens Eckhardt
On Friday, 9 September 2016, VHS played tennis against Sarel Cilliers high School. VHS won 16 : 2! Well played VHS!
The first boys’ cricket team played against Dundee High School Tuesday, 6 September 2016 at Cecil Emmett. DHS batted first and posted 98 for 9. The best bowler of the match was Z Holiday with 4 wickets. VHS then batted and made the total with 3 overs to spare and 2 wickets in hand. The best batsmen were K Meier and D Klynsmith. VHS won the game by 2 wickets. The first team would like to thank their sponsors thus far: Mr D Dedekind from ‘Total Select’ for the playing clothes and Mr P Friend from ‘Vryheid Meat Masters’ for supplying us with warm-up kits. Your generous donations and support of our team is greatly appreciated.
Girls’ Cricket – VHS hosted a girl’s cricket festival on Saturday, 10 September 2016, with our girls playing very well. Our girls’ team played 4 matches winning against Newcastle by 24 runs, Empangeni by 6 runs and the ‘Vipers’ by 34 runs. They lost against Ferrum by only 7 wickets. Winning 3 out of 4 matches is good cricket! They also gained valuable experience. We would like to thank our sponsors: ‘Ritchie Ford’, ‘Sizabonke’, ‘Glasfit’ and Mr J van Vuuren. This team also played against Newcastle High earlier in the week, beating them by 28 runs. Well done VHS cricket girls!
Soccer: The first team boys played against Landbou High on Wednesday, 7 September 2016. We drew 1 – 1! The second team also played and the game ended in a 3 – 2 defeat for VHS. The girls’ team also lost 5 – 2.
30 Sept School close
TERM 3 SPORT EXCELLING! VHS’ tennis teams are doing very well and seem invincible. VHS played against Pionier on 4 August and won 11 : 2.
On Friday 12 August we played against Ladysmith and won 10 : 3. Congratulations! Baie dankie aan die Ladysmith tennisspan wat 5 liter waterbottels saamgebring het. Elke speler het ‘n bottel geskenk. Ons waardeer hul goedhartigheid.
The 1st and 2nd team cricket boys travelled to Pongola on Friday, 12 August, to take part in their annual festival. They each played 3 games and both won 2 out of 3 matches. Some excellent performances were given with S Thabede taking 5 wickets in one game. K Meier, M Dedekind, P Keeve and J Paul scoring 50’s in their respective games. The main talking-point was B Vorster scoring a 100 of 38 balls. The boys played really well and received plenty of compliments on and off the field. Well done gentleman.
The 1st and u/15, 7’s rugby team travelled to Maritzburg College. The 1st team played two matches but did not win any. The u/15 played 3 matches and won one match ending second in their pool.
Cara Klingenberg took part in the National Championships in Parys on 27 June 2016. She and her horse, Bakgat Juror, won the Supreme Championship Gelding 2016 class. They also got second place in the Novice Dressage. Well done Cara!
18 Aug Cricket vs Newcastle (Home)
23 Aug Grade 11 Career Day
25 Aug Gr10 Restaurantaand