Hoërskool VRYHEID High School



Ritchi Ford

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Grade 8 Orientation

Hoërskool VRYHEID High School




Die gees loop hoog by VHS

What a busy week it has been at Vryheid High School! The Interact club has been eagerly selling Easter Hamper raffle tickets to raise money for child welfare. Tickets can be purchased at the Children’s Welfare offices, located at 166 Landdrost Street. On Wednesday, March 15th, the new members of the School Governing Body were

Vryheid High School Golf

Ons golf spelers het hierdie week hulle eerste wedstryd van die jaar gehad . Ons is trots om te sien hoe ons golf span van krag tot krag groei. VHS rugby kraai konings. Vryheid High School participated in the Eshowe Winter Sports Tournament on the 11th of March held at Eshowe High School.   The sun

Hoërskool Vryheid het Saterdag, die 4de Maart, ons eerste sportbyeenkoms gehad waar ons kragte gemeet het teen Hoërskool Empangeni. Die 1ste skaakspan het 5-5 gelykop gespeel. Die o/14 en o/15 netbalspanne het albei hul wedstryde gewen. Die o/16 en 2de span het ongelukkig verloor maar met goeie sportmanskap. Die 1ste netbalspan het `n moeilike wedstryd


Mnr. R. Cripe, Kunsorganiseerder van die Natalse Onderwysdepartement, het die skoolwapen ontwerp. Hierdie wapen simboliseer die skoolleuse, wat vrylik vertaal, lui: AANHOUER WEN.


As hoofgedagte bevat die wapen 'n worstelaar wat die stryd tussen die beskawing en barbarisme verteenwoordig, simboliseer.


Die doringboom is 'n simbool van taaie uithouvermoë, waardeur, selfs onder ongunstige omstandighede, 'n doel bereik kan word.


Hlobaneberg dui eindelose vergesigte aan en die opkomende son simboliseer die verwagtinge van die toekoms.

Hoërskool Vryheid High School Logo


The school badge was designed by Mr R. Cripe, Art Organiser of the Natal Education Department. This badge symbolizes the school motto: Tenax Propositi Vinco; freely translated: Victory through Perseverance.


Symbolic of the main precept, the badge depicts a wrestler who represents the struggle between civilization and its opposite - chaos.


The thorn tree symbolizes tenacity by which, even in adverse circumstances, success can be achieved.


The Hlobane Mountain in the background indicates far horizons and the rising sun symbolizes hope for the future.

Vision- Visie

Cultivating a well-balanced learner to become an empowered citizen who embraces a unified diversity.- Die vorming van goed gebalanseerde leerders as landsburgers wat die diversiteit van die samelewing omhels.

Mission - Misie

Creating an environment that promotes excellence and growth with the foundation of Educators, Parents and Infrastructure. - Die skep van 'n omgewing wat uitnemendheid en groei bevorder met Opvoeders, Ouers en Infrastruktuur as vertrekpunt.


Respect - We treat and think about each other positively.
Respek - Ons hanteer en dink positief oor mekaar.

Responsibility - We are all obligated to do our respective tasks.
Verantwoordelikheid - Ons is almal verplig om ons take na te kom.

Integrity - With honesty and truth in one's action.
Integriteit - Met eerlikheid en waarheid in elkeen se aksie.

Compassion - We care for each other.
Barmhartigheid - Ons gee vir mekaar om.

Excellence - I strive to become fully ME and perform to the best of my ability.
Uitnemendheid - Ek poog om ten volle EK te wees en om na die beste van my vermoë te presteer.

Hoërskool Vryheid is ‘n parallel-medium en multikulturele skool wat die diversiteit van die
omgewing waarin hy hom bevind, respekteer en na gelyke waarde skat. Al die kulture geniet
gelyke status in die opvoeding van ons leerders.

Vryheid High School is a parallel-medium and a multi-cultural school. All the cultural
diversity of our community is accorded equal status and is of equal value to the
development of each learner.

Die Hoof is verantwoordelik vir die toesig oor die akademiese vordering van elke leerling. Om hom hierin by te staan, stel die Hoof die Adjunkhoof en Departementshoofde aan om oor 3 'n besondere graad - d.w.s. al die leerlinge in daardie graad - toesig te hou. So byvoorbeeld sal een persoon die verantwoordelikheid vir die gr. 8-groep aanvaar, 'n tweede die gr. 9- groep, ens. Verder is elke departementshoof verantwoordelik vir die organisasie in 'n aantal vakke en hierin word hy bygestaan deur die vakhoof in elke besondere vak. Deur middel van hierdie stelsel word daar gepoog om aan elke leerling en elke vak reg te laat geskied. Die akademie en die akademiese vordering van leerlinge geniet die hoogste prioriteit. Deur differensiasie ten opsigte van vakkeuse word daar vir die volle spektrum van leerdervermoëns voorsiening gemaak.

The Headmaster is responsible for the supervision of the academic progress of each learner. To assist him in this task, the headmaster appoints the Deputy Headmaster and Heads of Departments to supervise all the learners in a particular grade. One Head of Department will accept responsibility for the Gr. 8 group, another for the Gr. 9 group, etc. Furthermore each Head of Department is responsible for the organisation in a number of subjects and in this he/she is assisted by the Subject Head in each particular subject. By means of this system, we attempt to do justice to every learner and subject. The scholarship and academic progress of the learners have the highest priority. By means of differentiation regarding subject choice and the demands of the present curriculum, provision is made for the full spectrum of learners' abilities and interests.

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