After a restful long weekend, there was an eventful week ahead of us at Vryheid High School. On Wednesday the 22nd of March we continued with our spirit week. The learners had to wear anything green and gold.
The u/16 and u/19 rugby boys traveled to Ferrum High School to play trials for the Northern Natal rugby squad. The boys were excited to have a week filled with rugby.
Donderdag het die gees hoog geloop by Hoërskool Vryheid, maar hoekom nie? Dis derby dag! VHS sien al so lank uit na die wedstryde. Dit is waarvoor ons almal oefen. Die hokkiemeisies se tellings was 0/14’s 0-8; o/16A 0-10; o/16B 0-8; 1ste span hokkiemeisies 1-6. Die 1ste seunshokkiespen het 1-0 gewen.
Die netbal meisies het hulle sweet en nerwe op die baan gelos en hulle tellings was: 0/14B 17-6; o/14A 10-12; o/15 13-23; o/16 17-15; 2des 10-23 en 1ste span 10-26.
The rugby has been the pride of VHS this week. For the first time in over 20 years, the rugby boys gave PHS a run for their money. The results were: u/14 won 32-24; u/15 won 21-3; u/16 27-15; 2nd won 8-7 and the 1st team drew 17-17. The boys gave everything on the field and they definitely are busy plucking the fruits of their hard work.
The ACTS club held a praise and worship session on Friday during the second break. This gives the learners the freedom to praise and worship with their peers. The Acts will also host a movie night on Wednesday the 29th of March at 17:45.
On Sunday the 26th of March the hockey and rugby teams are going on tour. The u/16 and 1st team rugby will be touring to Camp Discovery in Pretoria and the 1st team hockey girls will see their way to Volksrust. We wish them all the best.
Verlede naweek het die skool se hokkie, rugby en netbal eerste spanne deelgeneem aan die Eshowe toernooi in Eshowe.
Die verskillende skole het uitspeelrondes teen mekaar gespeel en het uiteindelik semi finale en finale gespeel. Die netbalspan het algeheel 6de geeïndig. Die rugby het in die finale kragte gemeet teeh Vryheid Landbou, maar het ongelukkig net-net die goud gemis. Die seunshokkie het algeheel 4de geeïndig, maar die hokkiemeisies se uitslae was op almal se tonge. Hulle het in die uitspeel rondtes al die wedstryde gewen en kragte gemeet teen Empangeni Hoër in die finaal. Die finaal het meer as een naelbyt oomblik gehad. Die wedstryd het in `n strafdoel uitskiet geeiïndig waar albei die spanne 5 kanse gekry het om die bal in die doelhok in te slaan. Na die uitskiet was die spanne steeds gelyk op, daarna het die wedtryd beweeg na `n finale uitskiet waar die meisies van Vryheid Hoër koning gekraai het.
On Monday, 14 March the rugby second teams got the opportunity to play some friendly practice games against Vryheid Landbou. This was an opportunity for children to play a game who do not always get the chance to play.
The Department of Health held a vaccination drive on Friday where they came to the school to vaccinate the children whose parents gave permission for their children to get vaccinated. They set up quickly in the hall and started calling the learners. The day was extremely efficient and well planned.
Verlede naweek was ‘n prettige naweek vir die hokkie bokkies. Hulle het deelgeneem aan die Spar toernooi by Hoërskool Ferrum in Newcastle.
Die meisies het uitgesien om meer as een wedstryd te speel en om die kans te kry om op `n astro baan te speel. Die meisies het wedstryde teen Newcastle Hoër en Sarel Cilliers gewen, maar het vasgeval teen Hoërskool Pionier en Hoërskool Dundee. Die opwindenheid was groot en die meisies het die wedstryde terdee geniet. Hulle het algeheel 5de uit 8 skole geiïndig.
Vryheid High’s very own Mr and Miss Vryheid high was on everyone’s lips this week. After a lot of preparation and practice the top ten boys had the chance to participate on Monday night and the girls had their evening filled with glitz and glam on Tuesday. The participants had to model three items: school wear, theme wear, and finally formal wear.
The boys did not shy away from the opportunity to show us how handsome they can look in a tuxedo and a tie. And the girls could not have looked any prettier. With the completion of the night, the winners were announced. David Minlah is our new Mr Vryheid High and Tyra Hughes our new Miss Vryheid High. These learners have the privilege to wear their crowns for the next year.
We were blessed with yet another busy week. Not a single day was wasted. We would like to congratulate the following learners that have made it to the final rounds of trials:
U/14 Zululand team
Keara Robson, Senamile Khanyile, Bongimfundo Cele.
u/15 Zululand team
Amahle Dladla, Aphile Zulu, Thembelihle Ntsangase, Buhle Madonsela.
U/17 Zululand team
Carmen Barsdorf, Nina Terblanche, Mukelwe Sinokuthula.
U/19 Zululand team
Zetty Jele, Thandeka Nxumalo.
U/16 Zululand team
Wandile Xaba
u/18 Zululand team
Arno Ferreira, Joshua Robinson, Leo Mattison, Nkosepayo Ngema.
We wish all our sports stars the best of luck for the next round. The school also had our first Blood Bank for the year and managed to produce 70 units of blood. We hoped to end our busy week with a full winter sports fixture against Ermelo High School but was unfortunately called off. We are grateful for the week and can only hope for another week packed with activities.
Melissa Hibbert en Rebekka Barnard by die E.G. Jansen Redenaarskompetisie | Rugbyweek, Redenaars en Hokkie
The learners of VHS have once again shown their ability to not only participate, but also achieve respectable results on multiple platforms in the past week.
The arrangements for the VHS Nashua Maluti Rugby Week are in full swing and the rugby lovers of Vryheid can prepare themselves for a rugby spectacular of note. Ons vier ons 30ste rugbyweek vanaf 31 Maart tot 4 April met wedstryde op 1,3 en 4 April.
Deelnemende skole is:
- Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool Pretoria
- Afrikaans Hoër Kroonstad
- Kingsway High School
- Landbouskool Vryheid
- Michaelhouse
- Kuswag
- Pinetown High School
- Maritzburg College
- St. Charles College
- Hoërskool Zastron
- Pongola Akademie
- Hoërskool Vryheid
Entry fee will be R10 per person and R50 per vehicle.
Dit is met trots dat ons Rebekka Barnard en Melissa Hibbert geluk wens met hulle toesprake en deelname aan die E.G. Jansen Redenaarskompetisie. Hulle toesprake was puik en VHS is trots op julle.
Our senior boys and girls hockey teams also travelled to Eshowe this weekend to take part in the Eshowe Sport Day. The teams played 9 matches each and did very well. Special congratulations to the first team girls who made it all the way to the finals against Empangeni High School but, unfortunately, lost on a penalty shootout.
We look forward to welcoming the members of the community to the rugby week at the end of term.
18 – 19 Mrt District Boys Hockey Tournament (Treverton)
20 Mrt School Holiday
21 Mrt Human Right’s Day