Die kwartaaal is in volle swang, die graad agts raak gewoond aan die skool en die sportspanne het begin oefen. Die leerders oefen vir atletiek of hul gunsteling wintersport.
Akademie het ten volle begin en die leerders het reeds baie werk om te doen.
We have also started with our cultural events for the year. The choir has had auditions. The school play has started to rehearse, and the learners are excited to partake in all of the events that the school has to offer.
On the 27th of January, our athletes partook in Hoërskool Piet Retief`s athletics day. The athletes have the opportunity to showcase their talents and show the rest of us what they are made of. The most important part of athletics is self-discipline. You have to know what your abilities are and work on your own achievements. The following athletes placed in the first three positions: D de Beer, 2nd place in boys u/16 Long jump; T Dlamini 2nd place in boys u/17 800m; R Grobler 3rd place in boys u/17 800m; A Mbatha 2nd place in boys u/17 200m; A Nyandeni 2nd place boys u/17 400m. M Chetuku 1st place in girls u/14 400m; A Mbentse 3rd place in girls u/14 100m; U Ndlovu 3rd place in girls u/14 discuss; Z Wagner 1st place in girls u/ 14 Javelin and shotput. We are proud of the work these athletes put into their own achievements.
We are busy with our annual grade 11 Valentine’s Day sale. The grade 11’s are tasked with raising funds for the matric farewell and one of the biggest fundraisers is the Valentine`s Day sale. The rest of the school can buy a special gift for their Valentine, which will be handed out to the Valentine on Valentine’s Day.
The perfect balance of academics, sport and fun was had this week.
We started off with first team netball trials on Saturday, 22 January. The girls were eager and excited to get on the court again. They played their hearts out and persevered on the court.
Die jaarlikse atletiekbyeenkoms is op Dinsdag, 25 Januarie 2022 gehou. Die leerders was uit hul vel uit om `n jaar af te skop met ‘n gevoel dat dinge dalk weer terugkeer na normaal kan terug keer. Die leerders het die oggend begin met geesvang en die matriek leerders het die baan geopen met `n gejuig. Die leerders het met vuur en vlam die baan en veld items voltooi. Die matrieks het die meeste gemaak van die dag, hulle het aan al die items probeer deelneem met die wete dat dit dalk die heel laaste keer kan wees wat enige van hulle op die atletiekbaan te siene gaan wees.
Wednesday, the 26th of January the learners enjoyed the fruit festival. The weather allowed for a waterslide and learners smearing one another with some soft pieces of watermelon. They had to hurry up and change because the grade 8 Sokkie was up next. Eskom tried to dampen the mood, but VHS learners know how to entertain. It is important for new grade 8’s to feel like they are part of something and the first two weeks at school are used to make them feel at home. Welcome, grade 8’s, you are now officially part of the VHS family.
Die dag waaroor elke rugby seun droom het Donderdag, 27ste Januarie aangebreek: Eerste span rugby proewe. Was die vakansie se oefening goed genoeg? Weet ek nog hoe om `n bal te vang na amper twee jaar van min of geen sport? Sal ek kan hardloop na Dinsdag se atletiek? Dit is ‘n paar vrae wat voor die proewe in die seuns rondgemaal het.
Die graad 8’s is verwelkom, sport spanne is gekies, akademie het begin. Nou is ons gereed om hierdie jaar by die horings aan te pak.
On 1 February 20 learners attended the Filidi Circuit VHS athletics meeting. The following week 12 learners attended the Filidi Second Ward athletics meeting. We are still waiting for the results.
VHS het op 6 Februarie-hulle jaarlikse aflosbyeenkoms aangebied. Die o/19 seuns het die meeste reaksie ontlok van ʼn juigende skare. Die uitslae was soos volg: Piet Retief, Pionier, Ferrum, Vryheid Hoërskool, Vryheid Landbou, Dundee, Inkamana en Sarel Cilliers.
Congratulations to Manelisi Sibisi (u/17) who won the 100m sprint at Ulundi on 9 February with a winning time of 10:93 seconds.
Op 9 Februarie het van ons leerders deelgeneem aan die Golden Medal Athletics in Piet Retief. Wandile Mathe (u/14) win gold in the 100m, 200m and 400m. Duemarie Swart (o/17) wen goud in diskus.
Over the weekend, the VHS ladies attended a staff development weekend. Thank you to the Life Science department for the amazing arrangements and beautiful venue chosen. The ladies developed a closer and more powerful relationship.
- 14 Feb Valentines Dance
- 16 Feb Netball Tournament (Newcastle)
- 16 Feb Sarel Cilliers Rugbydag
- 20 Feb KZN Development Rugby
- 23 Feb Sport vs Empangeni (Home)