Die Hoof is verantwoordelik vir die toesig oor die akademiese vordering van elke leerling. Om hom hierin by te staan, stel die Hoof die Adjunkhoof en Departementshoofde aan om oor 3 'n besondere graad - d.w.s. al die leerlinge in daardie graad - toesig te hou. So byvoorbeeld sal een persoon die verantwoordelikheid vir die gr. 8-groep aanvaar, 'n tweede die gr. 9- groep, ens. Verder is elke departementshoof verantwoordelik vir die organisasie in 'n aantal vakke en hierin word hy bygestaan deur die vakhoof in elke besondere vak. Deur middel van hierdie stelsel word daar gepoog om aan elke leerling en elke vak reg te laat geskied. Die akademie en die akademiese vordering van leerlinge geniet die hoogste prioriteit. Deur differensiasie ten opsigte van vakkeuse word daar vir die volle spektrum van leerdervermoëns voorsiening gemaak.


Evaluering geskied deurlopend en alle werk insluitende toetse, eksamens, klaswerk, tuiswerk, werkopdragte en projekte speel 'n toepaslike rol in die globale evaluering van 'n leerling vir bevordering na die volgende graad.

Evaluering – Graad 8 – 12

'n Skool Gebaseerde Evalueringspunt (SBA) word bereken en is gebaseer op die gewone klaswerk, klastoetse, projekte en interne eksamens. Hierdie SBA punt is ingesluit in die promosiepunt aan die einde van elke jaar. Deurlopende en toegewyde werk is dus deurgaans noodsaaklik.


Twee volwaardige eksamens word afgelê deur alle leerlinge in die skool. Klastoetse en kontroletoetse word regdeur die jaar afgelê. Gr. 12-leerlinge skryf aan die einde van die derde kwartaal 'n volwaardige proefeksamen as voorbereiding en voorloper tot die finale eksterne eksamen (NSC) aan die einde van gr. 12.


Aan die einde van elke kwartaal word daar aan die ouers 'n rapport gestuur om die leerlinge se vordering aan te dui. Ouers moet toesien dat hulle hierdie rapporte kry en moet by die skool navraag doen indien die rapport nie by die huis aankom nie.


The Headmaster is responsible for the supervision of the academic progress of each learner. To assist him in this task, the headmaster appoints the Deputy Headmaster and Heads of Departments to supervise all the learners in a particular grade. One Head of Department will accept responsibility for the Gr. 8 group, another for the Gr. 9 group, etc. Furthermore each Head of Department is responsible for the organisation in a number of subjects and in this he/she is assisted by the Subject Head in each particular subject. By means of this system, we attempt to do justice to every learner and subject. The scholarship and academic progress of the learners have the highest priority. By means of differentiation regarding subject choice and the demands of the present curriculum, provision is made for the full spectrum of learners' abilities and interests.


Evaluation takes place continuously and all work, including classwork, homework, tasks, projects, tests and examinations, is taken into account in the total evaluation of a learner for promotion to the next grade.

Evaluation - Grade 8 - 12

A school based evaluation (SBA) mark is calculated which is based on ordinary class work, class tests, projects and internal examinations.

This SBA mark is included at the end of the year and it contributes to the final promotion mark achieved by the learner. Continuous and diligent work is therefore essential.


All learners write two examinations during the year. Diagnostic class tests and control tests are written throughout the year. At the end of the third term Gr. 12 learners, however, write a Preparatory Examination in preparation for the final external examinations (NSC) at the end of Gr12.


At the end of each term, reports to indicate each learner’s progress are sent to the parents. Parents are requested to ensure that they receive these reports regularly and should enquire at the school if these go astray.